Cujo remake


Nov 29, 2009
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Cujo to return in 2013

Posted: April 12, 2013, 01:40:28

Looks like Cujo will be back in 2013 just like Carrie...


Lang Elliott, President & CEO of Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc., announced that Sunn plans to produce the remake of “CUJO” this year representing the 30th Anniversary since Sunn produced and distributed the original “CUJO” motion picture in l983, based upon Stephen King’s novel. The l983 version was highly successful at the worldwide box-office and, compared with today’s inflation and higher ticket prices, the box-office would be well over $225 million even without ancillary sales (i.e., DVD, cable, free television, pay-per-view, etc.).

“CUJO” is the story of a large, playful St. Bernard dog that is transformed into a hideous killing machine after being infected by rabies. Donna Trenton’s car is on the fritz, and she and her son take her ailing automobile to their mechanic. Upon their arrival, the car stalls and refuses to restart. The mechanic fails to appear so Donna searches for him. The transformed, maniacal “CUJO” reveals himself; he is highly agitated and very aggressive. Donna hardly recognizes this filthy, monstrous creature foaming at the mouth. Suddenly “CUJO” charges Donna, who barely makes it back into the car for protection. Trapped with her son and the windows rolled up, the sweltering heat begins to take its toll. “CUJO’s” powerful state of insanity and violence await.
Meh. I'd rather SK movies get remade that missed the mark, or the point of their respective novels to begin with.
Why can't they remake Alligator instead?
Cujo was decent but lets not fool ourselves, it's not some undying classic. It's the perfect film to get the remake treatment.
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Kojo was decent but lets not fool ourselves, it's not some undying classic. It's the perfect film to get the remake treatment.

I agree. I enjoyed the original but they can easily improve it with a remake.
Guess I'll need to start beating my drum for The Talisman....
I am still waiting on a remake of Christine with today's visual fx it would be awesome.
I know that Christine isn't "good" but I have a deep affection for that film. I won't be up in arms when it is remade though.
I know that Christine isn't "good" but I have a deep affection for that film. I won't be up in arms when it is remade though.

"They pooped on the dashboard" line will never leave my mind.

It is a random remake, no complain here, I have no opinion about it.
Maybe they'll stick with the original ending this time

with the kid dying in the end

Probably not.
I am still waiting on a remake of Christine with today's visual fx it would be awesome.

I am still waiting on a remake of Maximum Overdrive with today's visual fx it would be awesome. Imagine that movie with a Transformers like twist.:woot:
I haven't seen Cujo in a long time, but I remember it being pretty good but I don't have any reason to be against a remake, and hopefully we'll get something closer to the actual ending of the book this time around. Personally though, I'd love to see an adaptation of some of his short stories mainly The Boogeyman and Suffer The Children.
I am still waiting on a remake of Christine with today's visual fx it would be awesome.

l want Apt Pupil to be redone, that was always one of his best, and while the movie was good, it pretty much missed the whole point of the book, imo.
I haven't seen Cujo in a long time, but I remember it being pretty good but I don't have any reason to be against a remake, and hopefully we'll get something closer to the actual ending of the book this time around. Personally though, I'd love to see an adaptation of some of his short stories mainly The Boogeyman and Suffer The Children.

Is The Boogeyman the one involving the shrink/therapist?
where it gets him in the end in his office?

If so, someone had made a short for that story. It was part of an anthology, which I think was made for TV. Came out quite a few years ago. I wouldn't mind seeing it remade though, that story and the short film had me pretty scared at a young age.
Cujo was decent but lets not fool ourselves, it's not some undying classic. It's the perfect film to get the remake treatment.

It probably sounded more interesting 25 years ago. I felt like Man's best friend was a next generation Cujo. Not sure what to think. The original is good but not something I've even cared to watch more than once.
Is The Boogeyman the one involving the shrink/therapist?
where it gets him in the end in his office?

If so, someone had made a short for that story. It was part of an anthology, which I think was made for TV. Came out quite a few years ago. I wouldn't mind seeing it remade though, that story and the short film had me pretty scared at a young age.

Yep thats the one. I've heard there was some sort of low budget version of it done already, but I'd LOVE to see a big screen version.
I wonder if they would use a St. Bernard or use another breed of dog? I wouldn't be opposed to another breed of dog; Mastiff, Leonberger, Presa Canario, Cane Corso, and I'm sure there are a few others that could be used.
Clifford: The big red dog. That would be scary
Stephen King’s ‘Cujo’ Remake Title Gets Rabies: ‘C.U.J.O.’

By MrDisgusting on July 6, 2015@bradmiska

Get ready for an interesting new spin on Stephen King’s Cujo.
Sunn Classic Pictures, veteran producer/director Mr. Lang Elliott, is gearing up to produce, distribute and reboot films from its library. One of the most popular properties in the library is the film based on the Stephen King book entitled “Cujo” that starred Dee Wallace Stone in Sunn’s 1983 motion picture version. The reboot is currently titled C.U.J.O., and stands for “Canine Unit Joint Operations,” a press release tells Bloody Disgusting.
The screenplay has been completed and development is underway with Lang Elliott set to direct.
DJ Perry is set to star. Most recently Perry co-starred and produced Ashes of Eden that will release worldwide with Lightworx Entertainment in October 2015.
Lewis Teague directed the 1983 adaptation in which a friendly St. Bernard named “Cujo” contracts rabies and conducts a reign of terror on a small American town. It sounds as if the remake will integrate military into the story?

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