Cyrus' simple RPG (CHARACTER LIST)

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Jul 16, 2006
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A list of taken characters in the simple RPG i've started.

It is laid out in issues, each character in the series having his/her own issue's, that way it's easier to follow, 'Constantine issue#1' 'Shadow issue#3' etc, so you can just read each characters issues instead of all of them. This makes life a bit easier and helps to be creative. This isn't for people who want big overblown stories, it's more like DC's Vertigo range, which is about style of writing and storytelling. This way you can find the issue's a lot easier and read what you want, and be intrigued by the stories, instead of just confused.

I looked into the other RPG's on here and got quite blown away and confused, so I decided to start my own, with a difference, but keep it simple, due to being new to forums in general, I thought this was the best way, I don't want to offend anyone who has started an RPG or anything, I'm just confused by the 78 pages or so that flick from story to story.

The characters can be from any comic, DC Marvel or independant, it would be nice to see characters like Shadow and Spider, ones that are a little outside the normal 'box'. Please complete the submission and then wait for me to get back to you. Every post you make must include your characters name at the top in the RPG.

After completing the submission, I'll post an RPG tale of your character being introduced, then it's your turn. We take it in turns, after each post, i'll make a post telling who's turn it is, this way we can keep things simple and just enjoy each others story telling elements. You MUST remain true to your character and tell your story from thier POV. Any ridiculously powered characters will not be allowed. Try to keep in theme with the story etc.

So if your interested in this RPG, which will remain simple and very much story telling based, please submit the following form with your details on. Ideally the understated characters are better, the pulp heroes from the thirties are ideal, people with extreme powers are a little too much and could upset the style a bit, but you can still suggest them and I'll see if we can fit them in without corrupting the story lines and simplistic element of story telling that we're using in this.

A character list will be posted in

The usual format with an RPG is that you pick a character, this is slightly different, as you pick your character, which you write about, but others can take over and you can change or write other characters. It's just you claim overall control of the character, so if someone wants to write an issue on your chraracter, they need to ask you permission. It's more of a general comic book writing forum than an RPG, i hope people enjoy it, that's all!


This is the simple RPG I have designed because I got too confused with the other ones, this one is purely about simple yet effective storylines.

This isn't scrictly an RPG though, it's more of a writers forum, for people who want to write about the characters, without necessarily assuming them. The role you assume is the writer, it's like being a writer of the comic, just online. It's all about how you tell the story, not what your character does, I'm a screen-writer, so I wanted to have a go at writing some stuff for comics, without infringing copyrights etc. This is just for people to enjoy as stories.

Please go to : to sign up and take part, you will have to wait to be acepted before posting on here and the rules of common sense apply as well as those mentioned in the other thread, thanks, and enjoy.


Step into the room, silent, silent except the scratching. There's always scratching with this one. Walk over to the other side of the room, the body's stuffed behind the bed, still twitching. Still scratching at the wooden boards.

I slide out my pack, only two left. Pull one out. The lighter fires, breathe in. Lungs fill with that tarry bliss. Breathe out.

The smell of suplhur follows, same as two others this week. Someone's trying to get noticed. The family look at me as if I'm a healer, their eyes brim with some kind of hope, hope I can't offer them. It's too late for this one, too late for their son.

I emerge out the building, rain wrapping itself around me. It doesn't bother me, too much to worry about right now. That kid, third like it this week, something likes them young, something different, something that's gonna have to go back down below. It's not like I haven't seen a demon rip out a kids heart from the inside before, it's just I've never seen them left twitching for days afterwards, this is big.

I stop at the gas station, might as well get two packets, it could be a long night, then again, it's always a long night. Sling the cashier some change, I don't even care if it's enough, got other things on my mind.
Lighter fires, breathe in, pause, breathe out. Carry on walking through the rain.

Along the street i see the church. Every day people leave smiling faced, pleased with themselves. Most of them are begging for a sign to know it's all real, but if they knew... If you know there's a heaven, you know there's a hell, and trust me, that's not something you wanna know.

The puddles seem to collect around my feet as I travel down the road. The rain aint gonna let up, it never does, not whilst I'm here anyway. They don't bother me, all I can think about is the demon. the demon that's ahead of me every step of the way. At least if I can't do anything about it now, there's plenty to keep me busy.

STOP, rest against a wall briefly, catch my breath, let the lungs stop aching. Breathe slowly John. Gone, well as gone as my pain gets at least. All that pain...time for another ciggy.

I slide the key in the door, the grating metal welcomes me back, along with the musty smell I've come to call home. Close the door, grab drink, a nice whisky should round the day off. Sit down, light up. Pick up the paper. Let's see if there's anything that seems like my sorta gig, something supernatural, something bad, something with a bodycount, this. "2 backpackers dissapear in Fenwick swamp". Backpackers, don't these guys learn?

"This is the latest in a series of mysterious dissapearances in the area..." Mysterious? definately my sorta thing. Glass is looking a little on the empty side, quick top up. Then read on. There's always something else, you see the devil makes work for idle thumbs, he told me himself.

Page 13, how ominous. "3 known hitmen found, 2 dead one injured. The survivor claims they were stalked by a shadow that laughed as it slayed his companions." A shadow, how illusive indeed. "Police are making no official statements, rumours that Frank Castle has re-emerged have not been clarified, perhaps we have a new vigilante, or perhaps, as specialists claim, that the description is a result of severe trauma and should be dismissed...".

Shadows, swamps, never anywhere nice. Never 'Brutal slaying on hawai coast', it's always a swamp or alley. Anyway, John constantine doesn't beleive in easy, there's always a catch. Glass is empty, it's getting late, leave this for tomorrow.

As the last ember burns out, I creep into my deshevelled bed. Smoking before a sleep always helps, relaxes you, takes your mind off what's out there. Closing your eyes can be the most dangerous thing a man can do, especially when your John Constantine. I pull up the covers and close my eyes, try not to think about what's out there.

Good night world, I hope your gone when I wake up.
Scope for Swamp thing, Shadow and punisher have been set up in issue #1
dude, there are enough RPGS, I don't think we need another.
there's enough RPGs, they really aren't that hard to figure out. And you should probably have WAY more than 78 posts before starting one. You JUST got here
If even you get off this ground, it would in time, get just as confusing. I suggest the mods close these threads, especially since we really already have enough RPG's as it is.
I hope the amendment to the description makes the distinction a little clearer for people? I'm not trying to start an RPG as such, the role assumed is one of a writer, not a character. I just wanted people to consider writing elements rather than just what happens. Think of it like an online comic series for writers, not a 'be the character' RPG, but be the writer, and most of all be creative and descriptive in your storytelling.

Sorry if I misled anyone, I didn't really know what else to call it.
So I simply wasted my own time trying to help you in the One Universe RPG?
You didn't waste your time, I'm still up for that, This is something a bit different. I still wanna go for the overstated RPG, with all the big action and adventures, I just wanted a small outlet for pure writing and storytelling. Basically I wanted to be a writer in my thing, and the character in yours. I hope I haven't offended you or anyone?


The screeching of wheels in a dark neighborhood of town. Out of the black and chrome vehicle step two men, the first is a short stocky man, well built, his face showing the scars of a few past victory’s. The other is a taller man, also well built, a bowler hat perches atop of his balding head. As the door slams, the two walk towards a large warehouse type building. The kind you’d expect to find people being fitted with concrete shoes.

“So what’s the deal with this Shadow character? I hear he’s got Nick the nose pretty shaken up?” The shorter of the men asks.

“Nothing, it’s just something made up by the media, to keep us from doing what we do best. After all, what exactly can a Shadow do anyway!” he retorts without hesitation. “Let’s just do what we came to do”.

As the pair push their way through the side entrance door they slip their hands inside their long overcoats, the taller man reveals a revolver, the shorter, a sawn off shotgun. “Let’s stick to the plan, right?” The taller man whispers.

Their footsteps on the cold hard floor echo through the darkness of the warehouse, until the sound changes to a wet and sticky sound. They stop. “Flick yer light on” the small man begs. CLICK, as the light illuminates the darkened floor, it passes over a man. Their man. Their contact. Although he’s not alone, he’s being kept company by a couple of bullets, one in the head, one in the chest. The blood is long since fresh, semi-coagulated it’s tacky congealed presence is felt underfoot. “No shi….”

Before either man can let out his utterances of fear, a loud booming laugh overpowers the warehouse. Shifting the light all about them, a shadow settles on a wall. A shadow of a man in a coat, a man with a large brimmed hat, a shadow…without a man.

Within seconds the revolver hammers several bullets into the wall, all the shadow does is mock them with a laugh, a fiendish and chilling laugh, the last laugh for them. The pair scramble towards the exit which closes in their path. Leaving them trapped, in the darkness, with a shadow, but what can a shadow do they think? Not a lot. But a bullet, a bullet can do a whole lot, especially when it’s traveling through your taller companions face.

The taller man now lays at the other's feet. The feeling of dread consumes him completely. The reports were all real, there was a shadow out there hunting people down. But he’d never get the chance to tell anyone. Firing off a few desperate shots in all direction, the man falls to his knees in acceptance of his fate. Then he hears it, the slow clicking of a gun barrel being cocked. The sound that rings through his ear which tells of something worse. Before he can even utter a prayer for himself, his head lies on the cold warehouse floor, lies there empty, forever.

The darkened tomb of the three now lies still, the door creeks open, out steps a shadow, nothing more than a shadow, one last laugh then the door is closed.

After all, what can a shadow do anyway?



Creek open heavy eyes. Time to shine John. I grab a quick drink, then grab my coat and out the door, lighting up on the way. It’s time to have a look at the night’s activities, see what I missed whilst having my nightmares.

Dump a handful of pocket change in the paperboy’s hand and grab the newspaper. “Three mobsters found dead in downtown warehouse”. This sounds promising. Aching eyes scan down the column, all gunshot victims. But I have a feeling, and I’ve learnt to follow those, I whistle a cab and head downtown.

Step out the cab, fling him a few notes and make my way to the crime scene. Cops are long gone, so I just slide past the yellow tape with ease. No-one really comes up here without a damn good reason, so I aint gonna be spotted.

Push the door open. As soon as my hand grasps the metal handle I feel something, the left-overs of a presence. Could be demon, a little too faint to tell. Something with more upstairs than your average soldier demon anyways.

The bodies are long since removed, the dried blood is still smeared across the warehouse, some looks fresher than the other, two crime scenes maybe? The smell, just decomposition, no sulphur. This aint the thing I’ve been chasing for a while, but he seems like a big player. No normal guy’s gonna be taking out three hitmen like this. No evidence left, no leads.

Stroll outside, spark another up. This place is pretty close to the recent ‘Shadow slayings’ as they’ve dubbed them. Possible link? I clutch the handle again, trying to feel anything at all. There’s something shady, sinister, stealthy. Nothing else. Head away from the scene, c’mon John, you got eight left, you should be able to get somewhere before you need to buy more.

Ten minutes walk down the road and it’s down to seven. Heading over to the other ‘Shadow’ crime scene. Maybe some kinda stalker demon, something illusive, I’ll know better when I get to the other place.

This scene is much darker than the warehouse. A dark back alley deep in downtown. The smell of cheap booze and sick is a regular occupant here. Enough dog ends litter the floor for this place to be my ashtray. It just about lifts the corner of my mouth to a half smile. Then I see the blood pattern, swathes of blood cast across the wall like one of those pathetic modern art paintings. This guy’s a piece of work. Starting to like his style, it’s not as if he’s doing some great injustice to the world, these guys are better off this way. But still, what’s gonna stop this guy from spreading his sights? Me I guess.

I stroke the dried blood, trying to get a feel for the killer, instead I see some weedy little guy take one look at me and then bolt like a greyhound on the track. Despite my lungs, I run after him, just about grab him before my lungs collapse. Pin him down whilst I get my breath back.

Twenty mins later I’ve got a lead, the guy seemed pretty scared to tell me anything, but I got this ring off of his hand. He seemed to think it was kinda important. He told me that his master is planning something for tonight, so all I got to do is keep a track of all the mobsters in the area and I should get a result.

Lean up against a wall, cough up the blood, spit it all out. I leave the black and red pile behind, spattered all over the crime scene. Nice touch I thought.

Down to number 5 now, time to get some more, and get prepared for a long night.
The problem with those is they get swamped and you lose control a bit too easy. I'll stick to what I'm doing atm , it's not like i'm hurting anyone or anything, i'll just carry on like a loser, lol, oh well.
ok, enough. No one's joining in, there are already enough rpgs, you JUST got here. If you want to do it for your own sake, then you can start a word document on your desktop and RPG by yourself to your heart's content.
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