Dan Dare - Pilot of the Future

Danny No-Shame

King Of Grangetown
Dec 27, 2006
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As a rare Brit on this site, I would like to start the ball rolling on a possible live action version of Dan Dare.
The rights were recently bought up by Virgin Media and the character starred in an animated series on Nickelodeon UK(not recommended).

I would love to see a movie version take place in an alternative 1953 Britain, where alien hordes threaten our very existence, hopefully drawing parallels with our real life war on terror, much like the versions written by Garth Ennis, Grant Morrison etc in recent years.
Anybody not familiar with the character should check out the early 50’s stories first, then the recent updates.
Wasn't there a live action movie or TV show called "Diego Valor" from Spain that was based on Dan Dare?:huh:

After doing some research it turns out I was right. In Spain,1958 there was a live action TV show called "Diego Valor" that was based on Dan Dare. :)

If anyone has a pic from this show I would love to see it. :)
Wasn't there a live action movie or TV show called "Diego Valor" from Spain that was based on Dan Dare?:huh:

After doing some research it turns out I was right. In Spain,1958 there was a live action TV show called "Diego Valor" that was based on Dan Dare. :)

If anyone has a pic from this show I would love to see it. :)

Good detective work, watson.

I too would like to see this . But notas much as I'd like to see a Dan Dare Movie. Honestly, I'm considering writing the script myself just to see what happens.
Two words - John Barrowman

A Dan Dare film would be great, but being a nostalgia buff, I'd love to see a version of the 50's comic strip with the rockets and sets taken from Frank Hampton's art. Have it directed by Kerry Conran, the guy who did Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
Cary Elwes looks the part, but he can be a tad wooden. Perhaps if he could lighten up, Ralph Fiennes.
Nick Frost of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz or Brit comic Peter Kay for Digby.
The Mekon should be voiced by Anthony Hopkins.
A Dan Dare film would be great, but being a nostalgia buff, I'd love to see a version of the 50's comic strip with the rockets and sets taken from Frank Hampton's art. Have it directed by Kerry Conran, the guy who did Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
Cary Elwes looks the part, but he can be a tad wooden. Perhaps if he could lighten up, Ralph Fiennes.
Nick Frost of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz or Brit comic Peter Kay for Digby.
The Mekon should be voiced by Anthony Hopkins.

You, sir, are very much on the same page as I.
Sam Worthington Is Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future

It looks like Sam Worthington is going to have another block to bust and another tentpole to erect because he’s the first talent to be tapped for a new, big-screen take on Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future. If you don’t know Dan Dare, then I expect you simply aren’t English. He’s as famous over here as Tintin is, at the very least, but is probably even less well known in the US than that Belgian boy reporter.

Created in 1950, Dare is a comic strip hero that proved more lastingly famous than Eagle, the comic he appeared in, just as Judge Dredd is a bigger brand than 2000AD or Batman than Detective Comics. He’s been compared to Buck Rogers, and I suppose that makes a lot of sense. Can you see Sam Worthington in the role of a proud Brit fighter pilot? To me, it seems like a particularly good fit for him… well, accent aside.

After Margaret Thatcher… er… did what she did to Britain, it was time for Dare to be reinvented. The patriotism had to be dialled down a notch, to say the least, and Grant Morrison was just the man for the job. His take on Dare, though it amounted to only one storyline, is probably my favourite so far and saw the former space hero jaded by his exploitative government, reluctant to continue being pushed around as a pawn or abused by their propaganda efforts. However, everything about this aggressively political reinvention, particularly it’s nihilistic conclusion or it’s Soylent Green-topping subplot, pretty much rules it out as source material for any studio-funded franchise film.

More recently, Garth Ennis and Gary Erskine created a short series of Dare stories for Virgin Comics (see the image at the head of the post). They were neither the stiff-upper-lip, gung-ho-cheerio business of the original Eagle strips nor the confrontational revisionism of Morrison’s version, but they definitely skewed more towards the latter. Of all of the Dan Dares I’ve met in my comics reading life, this one seems the most in step with current fashions for the blockbuster movie. Maybe this is simply because it was created with an eye on big screen adaptation, like everything else that Virgin published.

Pajiba note that the film is now a priority for Warner Bros. so we should be seeing more action soon. If they haven’t already asked Ridley Scott to direct, I’ll eat my own bodyweight in Hovis. My prediction is that the key supporting players, from Dare’s sidekick Digby to Professor Jocelyn Peabody will actually be played by genuine Brits, and that the Mekon, Dan Dare’s huge-headed alien nemesis, will be a motion capture creation played by somebody at least as posh-sounding as Ralph Fiennes.


Until about a decade ago and before he became the face of another comic strip character, I really thought Michael Fassbender would have made an excellent Dan Dare but I suppose he'd be a good choice for a middle-aged Dan if they wanted to go in that direction. But seeing as most of Dan's adventures in the Eagle comic occurred when he was aged between 29 to 35 then my choice of actor would go to either Nicholas Hoult (Warm Bodies, X-Men) or Jeremy Irvine (War Horse, Woman in Black 2).

Strangely enough, Nicholas seems to almost naturally have those unusual Dare-like eybrows.

For those whom live in the UK Radio 4extra are broadcasting the Big Finish/B7 production featuring the original 1950s Dan Dare this week and Part 2 next week.
It's an adaptation of Dan's first adventure, Voyage to Venus where he first encountered the Mekon.
Available on the BBC iPlayer

There’s also an interesting documentary on the Eagle comic ‘Eagle: The Space Age Weekly’.

Both documentary and drama should be available to listen to for the next 28 days if you missed the on broadcast.

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