Daniel Craig = Red Grant

Kevin Roegele

Do you mind if I don't?
May 2, 2000
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Just imagine that train journey with those two playing Bond and Grant respectively......
Not that they ever would dare to 're-imagine' FRWL - but that casting would certainly be interesting IMO.
He should've been Bond instead of Craig.
Don’t worry he’s next in line I have a feeling this is going be a repeat of a Dalton followed by a Brosnan. :)
patrickbateman said:
Don’t worry he’s next in line I have a feeling this is going be a repeat of a Dalton followed by a Brosnan. :)
he will be in his mid 40's by then.i know moore was 46 when he got it but i think owens time has come and gone.
deathshead2 said:
Yeah but didn't he say he regrets not taking it just like bronsen does now.

I dont evere recall Owen having any regrets.
deathshead2 said:
Yeah but didn't he say he regrets not taking it just like bronsen does now.

Youve said Bronsen in a couple of threads - i'm guessing you mean Brosnan (or Charles Bronson?!)
The Trainman said:
Daniel Craig = Steve McQueen.



Papparazi: Pierce! Daniel! Please...One quick picture!?!?!?@#%
Reporter: Pierce, do you think Daniel will be as successful as Bond as you were?
Daniel: *Slight chuckle on the outside, but on the inside, tears... of sorrow*

FADE TO BLACK *Que sad Michael Kamen music*

That does not look like two James Bonds. Or even one.
Due to the thinner face i think the McQueen comparison is closer
I always thought though that Craig looked more a like a Bond villain than Bond
Nah, this guy is Red Grant:-


By looks alone, Owen is the Bond that I want. I have to admit that Craig isn't my first choice, and I wish him the best.

Anyway, it's not like Owen needs Bond anyway.
good lord, am i the only one thankful that owen wasn't bond? i can't STAND HIM....to me he has no charisma or range. everytime i see him he just seems so dull and boring. he lacks that bond "charm" that the other 5 had

imo he was the worst part of sin city. can't say i'm happy with craig either, but he def does resemble steve mcqueen
LobokDaikon said:
Except he turned Bond down.

he turned down da role?!!?!...ohh damn...i never knew dat...anybody wanna post a link of sum article about dat plz?
I read in Entertainment Weekly that Owen did not turn down Bond, but that it was simply never offered to him.

I also agree on the McQueen resemblance.

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