David Blaine, triumph or failure?


Mar 13, 2006
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David Blaine has done some incredible stuff such as freezing himself, put himself in a box for fourty days and more.

As most of you guys know David Blaine submerged himself in water for eight days. He tried to break another record by holding his breath for 9 minutes, but only got it above 7.

A lot of risks were taken by doing this. Everyone suggested not to do it, yet he did it anyway. Luckily he didn't die but he didn't complete the goal he set out to do.
hmm *waves hands* move!
7 minutes is damn impressive.

He should do some more actual tricks though.
Darren Daring said:
Why is this being moved, Morg? Why?:mad:

because it's a tv show
on the bright side,he's managed to shrink his penis to 4.3 centimeters
Blaine was much cooler when he was burning stuff in peoples' hands.

Oh, and failure. No one wins against Jack Bauer.
amazingfantasy15 said:
I'm sick of David Blaine, damn trickless magician!

Well he's not really a magician is he? I don't know if he bills himself as one. He could, and if he does it's a misnomer. He's like Houdini, whatever it is you'd call him. Oh, escape artist. Yeah, that's it. like Mister Miracle.
he's not an escape artist either, he didn't try to escape the ice, the box, the 40ft. pole, the water.
He didn't even make it? All that publicity, all that money and he can't even live up to his promise. *****...
Gamma Ray said:
He didn't even make it? All that publicity, all that money and he can't even live up to his promise. *****...
Thank god I don't care for his crazy/stupid stunts! :o
It was kind of cool to see him take that girls teeth out, and when he did she freaked out. He then somehow blew them back into her face. It could have been set up but noone else wanted him to touch their mouth.

He failed to make his goal but there is no one on this board that can hold thier breath for 7 minutes, I would guess he would have to be in the top 1% in the world for being able to hold their breath.
rdh007 said:
Blaine was much cooler when he was burning stuff in peoples' hands.

Oh, and failure. No one wins against Jack Bauer.
Indiana Jones would rape him. With a bullwhip. :(
why the hell doesn't he light himself on fire, sit on his ass and see just how long he can do that with out screeming.

would anyone like to see that?
That globe should have been filled with gasoline and sewage water. That would have been interesting.
KingOfDreams said:
Well he's not really a magician is he? I don't know if he bills himself as one. He could, and if he does it's a misnomer. He's like Houdini, whatever it is you'd call him. Oh, escape artist. Yeah, that's it. like Mister Miracle.

Actually I think he prefers the title street illusionist, or something like that.

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