Are you kidding? I take so much crap from friends, family, co-workers and even people I've just met over my discipline in my exercise and diet. It fries their brain that someone wouldn't want to eat fast food or all the crap that they do, and it also fries their brains that someone would spend "all that time" working out (5-6 hours a week is "a lot of time" for some people, apparently; guess they'd rather spend it watching television). That I schedule my workout times and won't change them for damn near anything or anyone is beyond them. They are constantly trying to lure me away from it with invites to go to the movies or out to dinner or whatever. And when I tell them I can't because that's my workout time, they simply do not understand it (thankfully, most of them have just learned to accept it even if they don't understand it). They think it's narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive, a body-image problem, and a whole bunch of other things that would indicate that there is something wrong with ME, not with them. My reasoning for wanting to be healthy and have a lot of functional strength simply isn't good enough for them; there has to be something wrong with me for me to be so zealous and religious about my training and diet. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that they are the ones that might have something wrong with them in terms of their lethargy and what they find acceptable for themselves in terms of diet and exercise (or lack thereof).
Americans like to PRETEND that they are healthy. They have gym memberships and go there occasionally to socialize and do pseudo-workouts, but then they go right back to eating complete garbage, binge drinking, chain smoking (it boggles my mind how many people I have seen step outside the gym after a workout and light up a cigarette) and all the other bad habits that are making the U.S. one of the unhealthiest countries in the world.