David Goyer's The Count of Monte Cristo


Sep 24, 2005
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David Goyer Plans The Count of Monte Cristo
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
March 18, 2013

David Goyer has signed on to direct a big screen update of Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo, says a story at The Hollywood Reporter. Jeremy Bolt, who previously tackled Dumas with 2011's The Three Musketeers, will produce.

First published in 1844, The Count of Monte Cristo is arguably the world's definitive tale of revenge, following a young man named Edmond Dantès who, betrayed and imprisoned, spends years in prison before escaping with a treasure map and making his way to incredible wealth. From there, Dantès plans his return as "The Count of Monte Cristo" and his revenge on the three men responsible.

The story has been brought to the screen time and again over the years. A 2002 American version starred Jim Caviezel and Guy Pearce and was directed by Kevin Reynolds.

Goyer, responsible for scripts like Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and the upcoming Man of Steel, previously directed big screen entries like Blade: Trinity and The Unborn.

Read more at http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=101709#XfIWB6cDHjiMtugf.99
Source: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=101709

Totally pumped for this - Goyer is awesome and Monte Cristo is my favourite book
...and then I saw who was producing. :csad:
goyer should worry you more than 3 musketeers producer goyer is as bad as uwe boll when it comes to directing blade trinity killed that franchise and unborn is one of the worst horror films i have ever seen

good writer terrible director
My soul hurts.
Never seen anything he's directed. But damn, this sucks. They should get the people who wrote the French mini-series and the writers from the Caviezel one to collab on a script.
Yeah the producer sounds like another Hollywood tool who loves buzzwords and misconceptions of trends.
That was one of Caviziel's better roles. He really needs to do more film.
goyer should worry you more than 3 musketeers producer goyer is as bad as uwe boll when it comes to directing blade trinity killed that franchise and unborn is one of the worst horror films i have ever seen

good writer terrible director

Yeah, I really do believe he is great when he is working alongside someone else, like he provides the clay that is molded into a sculpture by a more talented director.
Sigh. I hated Blade Trinity, The Invisible and was bored to tears by The Unborn.

Yeah, not looking good already.
Possibly unpopular opinion but I liked the Caviezel/Guy Pearce version.

I know it abridges the story ridiculously, but it was fun.
I don't think that is unpopular at all. I really liked it as well.
Possibly unpopular opinion but I liked the Caviezel/Guy Pearce version.

I know it abridges the story ridiculously, but it was fun.

If you watch the "Adapting the Classic" special feature on the DVD, the screenwriter explains how fully aware he was of the changes, and that he simplified the story when adapting the book to script, while keeping the core of the story.

Also, his retort to those who complained about it not being a perfect adaptation of the book, he basically says to "...Read the book. It's a good book." :woot:
I liked the Caviesel / Pierce version and think it is a little early to do another. It certainly had one of the best-ever sword fights in motion picture history!

I would like to see the old version that V (for Vendetta) watched all the time. It is not available on DVD here in Australia - or at least I cannot find it.

And the best version of The Man in the Iron Mask is still James Whale's 1939 effort with Louis Hayward. Richard Chamberlain's was certainly watchable, but the one with Leonardo deCaprio stunk.
Sigh. I hated Blade Trinity, The Invisible and was bored to tears by The Unborn.

Yeah, not looking good already.

I actually rather liked (not loved, but liked) The Invisible, but I completely agree with you on the other two.

This lacks promise...
I would rather the book be adapted as an HBO mini series. It's not too early if it is different. But the 2002 version, in my opinion (and seemingly of many others), absolutely nailed a streamlined, action oriented version. With that said, I have no interest in seeing another Hollywood blockbuster adaptation.

I know it is dream casting, but from what I remember Dantes is 44 when he makes his return. I would love to see Vincent Cassell play Edmond with his wife playing Mercedes. But instead of doing another period piece, I would like to see the movie updated to a modern day French business world.

Thats just me.
I liked the Caviesel / Pierce version and think it is a little early to do another.

Agreed. Unless Goyer is put on a leash by the likes of Chris Nolan or Del Toro, he's borderline useless.

I guess you can count Wesley Snipes out as Edmond Dantes, even though he's gone method for the role!
How about in a few more years, Henry Cavill plays Dantes, instead of his son? :p
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Agreed. Unless Goyer is put on a leash by the likes of Chris Nolan or Del Toro, he's borderline useless.

I guess you can count Wesley Snipes out as Edmond Dantes, even though he's gone method for the role!

Anytime Goyer's on his own he's either awful or Box Office/ratings poison. Threshold, The Invisible, Blade Trinity, Blade: The Series, The Unborn, Freakylinks, and Flash Forward are all either aggressively average or forgettable crap.

Da Vinci's Demons doesn't look any better from his other stuff: schlock! Not even the fun schlock either.
Anytime Goyer's on his own he's either awful or Box Office/ratings poison. Threshold, The Invisible, Blade Trinity, Blade: The Series, The Unborn, Freakylinks, and Flash Forward are all either aggressively average or forgettable crap.

Da Vinci's Demons doesn't look any better from his other stuff: schlock! Not even the fun schlock either.

He's the mother f***er that's always trying to ice skate uphill!
How about in a few more years, Henry Cavill plays Dantes, instead of his son? :p
That's a brilliant idea!

I would rather the book be adapted as an HBO mini series. It's not too early if it is different. But the 2002 version, in my opinion (and seemingly of many others), absolutely nailed a streamlined, action oriented version. With that said, I have no interest in seeing another Hollywood blockbuster adaptation.

I know it is dream casting, but from what I remember Dantes is 44 when he makes his return. I would love to see Vincent Cassell play Edmond with his wife playing Mercedes. But instead of doing another period piece, I would like to see the movie updated to a modern day French business world.

Thats just me.
I would love an HBO adaptation of the book, way more than a movie - and I personally wouldn't want it to be set in the present.

I honestly want a 100% accurate adaptation, and there is no way it could work in a movie. In a how? Hell yes.
I expect that it will be an improvement for Goyer simply because there are so many other successful adaptations that there's guidance. Given the source material, it's hard to go too wrong.

But, it certainly doesn't strike me as something that's an exciting project at this stage. Doesn't really matter though, since the book is a classic and there are plenty of good adaptations (including the Gerard Depardieau mini-series). If it's bad, nobody will care.
don't know what to expect

i enjoyed the 2002 version with Guy Pearce & Jim Caviezel
David Goyer's The Count of Monte Cristo. No. That's a phrase that should not exist. Goyer and Count of Monte Cristo? Who's ****ing idea is that?
Eh, who thought "Kevin Reynolds's The Count of Monte Cristo" would be so enjoyable?

Then again I always liked Reynolds's Robin Hood, critics of Costner's accent be silenced. It was a fun movie (with amazing music and great hammy acting from Rickman and Freeman) which did hint he could turn in an equally silly but enjoyable Monte Cristo. Goyer as a director is batting zero, but I will give him the chance. It is not like if it sucks that we do not have plenty of other sterling adaptations of the book.

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