I just want to know where the logic is in the American system.
The month is more important than the day that's why. Who wants to remember September 11 , 2001 as 11/9 instead of 9/11 ? No one , because it sounds stupid that way.
I don't use it that way (dd/mm/yy) because it's more confusing for the first twelve days of a month.
And the month is more important than the day, like Scourge said already. For example, I'd much rather know what month it is than just what day it is.
By that logic, why do you write street addresses as 100 Main Street and not Main Street 100?
Also, January 11, 2011 would be 11 January 2011, so that's not a great argument either.
blah, i don't really care. I just write whatever i feel like and let other people worry about what date i meant to write down.
By that logic, why do you write street addresses as 100 Main Street and not Main Street 100?
Also, January 11, 2011 would be 11 January 2011, so that's not a great argument either.