DC fanboy asks: Just what is Marvel Zombies?


Oct 9, 2003
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The title explains it all....
what is this new series?
is it in continuity?
In a sense. It came about from a Ultimate Fantastic Four story called "Crossover," where they make contact with what seems to be the original 616 FF--only to find out that this different world is in fact where all the heroes and villians are now flesh-eating zombies! With the help of Magneto and a small bit of survivors, the UFF were able to make it back to their world. Marvel Zombies shows what happened after that.
Darthphere said:

I would make a crack about the pic and relating Marvel Zombies to kiddie lovers, but I don't feel like getting my ass kicked today. :)
it was not an ongoing, but a miniseries which has now concluded.

genmerally reaction seems to be it was a great series, with a somewhat poor ending
Elijya said:
it was not an ongoing, but a miniseries which has now concluded.

genmerally reaction seems to be it was a great series, with a somewhat poor ending

Actually, I thought it was a brilliant ending. Just as bizaare, ridiculous, and hilarious as the entire concept itself.
Definitly worthwhile. It was one of those rare crazy things that you read and are really surprised by. I might pick up a Hardcover, if they do one, especially if it has all the covers and the UFF issues.

Funny thing is, I could really see Marvel making money off of this in other ways. Who wouldn't want to play a Marvel Zombies video game? Or pick up some Marvel Legends Zombies?
I loved the Ultimate Fantastic Four comics where they first appeared, loved the first two issues of Marvel Zombies...even love the idea of the Fantastic Four Zombies being used with Doom in the upcoming Ultimate Fantastic Four...but, the last three issues of Marvel Zombies just seemed to get worse and worse, and the final issue really sucked.
I really liked Marvel Zombies (havent read the UFF issues) but I have to agree that it got progressively worse. The ending was weak IMO.
MaskedManJRK said:
In a sense. It came about from a Ultimate Fantastic Four story called "Crossover," where they make contact with what seems to be the original 616 FF--only to find out that this different world is in fact where all the heroes and villians are now flesh-eating zombies! With the help of Magneto and a small bit of survivors, the UFF were able to make it back to their world. Marvel Zombies shows what happened after that.

Actually, it is in continuity, (I believe.) The MU used was a MU that featured in a What If? comic a long time ago. Cap was reffered to as 'Colonel' in this MU, so that's the match. It also explains why so many charachters are sporting their 'classic costumes.' They are wearing the costumes from which that comic came from
I liked th' whole run. Undecided about th' end, though.
Marcdachamp said:
Definitly worthwhile. It was one of those rare crazy things that you read and are really surprised by. I might pick up a Hardcover, if they do one, especially if it has all the covers and the UFF issues.

Funny thing is, I could really see Marvel making money off of this in other ways. Who wouldn't want to play a Marvel Zombies video game? Or pick up some Marvel Legends Zombies?

I agree. I'd love a marvel zombies game or figures.

And I too thought it was a perfect ending to the series. I just hope there is more to come.
several action figure customizers have done MArvel Zombie LEgends and are selling them on ebay
Elijya said:
several action figure customizers have done MArvel Zombie LEgends and are selling them on ebay
Yeah, but it isn't the same, even if they do look great.

What's this about a What if? This is the first I've heard about it.

I love the idea of the Ultimate Frightful Four being Zombies. It's a lot more frightful than a glue gun, let me tell ya. :up:
How did it end?
Red X said:
How did it end?

The zombies ate Silver Surfer and Galactus, absorbed their cosmic powers, and left Earth, becoming a new Galactus.
iloveclones said:
(yeah, ebay links are no problem)

that's a bad example though, that one looks kinda shoddy. Check out this Captain America:

we were talking about these in the products forum the other week, here's that thread
Spider-Man was upset about how he ate his wife, as i recall. Insert your own "ate his wife" joke [here]
Ooooh, just looked at the price for the Cap one. Maybe not. Marvel should definately come out with some of these!
Anyone hear that? Did you? Huh....?Something like Marvel Zombies vs. Resident Evil for xbox 360, ps2 and GC? Anyone?

Seeing Jill Valentine trying to battle zombie spider-man would be kinda cool.

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