Dear god, no!


Goddess in Residence
May 26, 2002
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Bush: Brother Jeb would be ‘great president’Sen. Trent Lott tells Hardball he would 'not be supportive' of the candidacy:eek: :eek:

Updated: 11:19 p.m. ET May 10, 2006
ORLANDO, Fla. - President Bush suggested Wednesday that he’d like to see his family’s White House legacy continue, perhaps with his younger brother Jeb as the chief executive. The president said Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is well-suited for another office and would make “a great president.”

“I would like to see Jeb run at some point in time, but I have no idea if that’s his intention or not,” Bush said in an interview with Florida reporters, according to an account on the St. Petersburg Times Web site.

Dad: Jeb would be ‘awfully good’Former President George H.W. Bush told CNN’s “Larry King Live” last year that he would like Jeb Bush to run one day and that he would be “awfully good” as president

OK - Between this comment and the fact that the lunatic in Iran is corresponding with our lunatic on ways they can blow up the world faster.......oh, boy....more than my gentle nature can take in one week:(

..ugh!!! go away!!!!:mad:
I bet Jeb wishes W hadn't said that.
Let the First Bush Dynasty begin...

Dubya: two terms.

Jeb: three terms (they messed with the constitution).

Dubya's clone, Emperor Bush: Lifetime appointment.

Calvin said:
I bet Jeb wishes W hadn't said that.
I wish he hadn't said it.....since when is the US presidency ruled by nepotism? Bah!!
jaguarr said:
The Reptilians just don't want you to see it.

LOL...come on............reveal the secret under the red x
jaguarr said:
The Reptilians just don't want you to see it.


Figures. Those bastards. First they block out my French porn, now this. :mad:
He's never going to win.

People don't like Bushes anymore.
There is a little thing called the S&L Scandal (Savings & Loan Scandal) that will haunt any attempt Jeb ever makes at the Presidency. Jeb was the Bush son originally groomed for the Presidency, but the S&L scandal killed those chances and it will forver kill those chances. No way Jeb is ever elected Presidency.

BTW, if you are too young to know about the S&L, do some research.
Lord Siva said:
I'm actually not a big fan of pubes on a woman.:down

I'm not talking about a huge forest here, I'm talking about a nice bacon strip..........
reggiebar said:
There is a little thing called the S&L Scandal (Savings & Loan Scandal) that will haunt any attempt Jeb ever makes at the Presidency. Jeb was the Bush son originally groomed for the Presidency, but the S&L scandal killed those chances and it will forver kill those chances. No way Jeb is ever elected Presidency.

BTW, if you are too young to know about the S&L, do some research.
problem is, that since people seem to have little to no retention of the past, it can be easily buried
Milkman95 said:
I'm not talking about a huge forest here, I'm talking about a nice bacon strip..........

It's called a landing strip.
Wilhelm-Scream said:

You... you look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1956.

Lord Siva said:
It's called a landing strip.

No, no,'s called a "Little Hitler". Get it right.

Yay a stunning endorsement by Trent Lott....who was that last guy Trent Lott said should have been President....trying to remember.........

oh yeah Strom Thurman...yep people loved his opinion so much they forced him to step down.
He'd need to change his name. Jeb? No one would ever vote for a Jeb.

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