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Lawsuit: Huge Atom Smasher Could Destroy World

Friday, March 28, 2008
By Paul Wagenseil


Black holes can be such a drag.

Stop the scientists before they destroy us all!
That's what a Hawaii man with a background in nuclear physics is asking a court to do.
Walter F. Wagner and his colleague Luis Sancho have filed a federal lawsuit seeking to stop work on the Large Hadron Collider, a gigantic atom smasher on the Franco-Swiss border that's set to start operations in May.
• Click here to visit's Natural Science Center.
Physicists hope its incredible energies will form briefly-lived new particles that could shed light on the origins of the universe, among other marvels.
The plaintiffs' concerns? That the LHC could accidentally create strange new particles that would instantly transform any matter they touched, engulfing the Earth, or, even worse, make a rapidly expanding black hole that could consume the entire planet.
"[T]he compression of the two atoms colliding together at nearly light speed will cause an irreversible implosion, forming a miniature version of a giant black hole," reads the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Honolulu.

"[A]ny matter coming into contact with it would fall into it and never be able to escape. Eventually, all of earth would fall into such growing micro-black-hole, converting earth into a medium-sized black hole, around which would continue to orbit the moon, satellites, the ISS, etc."
• Click here to read the text of the lawsuit.
Named as defendants are the U.S. Department of Energy, the venerable DOE-owned Fermilab particle-accelerator facility outside Chicago, the "Center for Nuclear Energy Research (CERN)" and the National Science Foundation.
(CERN's full name is actually the European Organization for Nuclear Research; "CERN" is the French acronym for an earlier name.)
The lawsuit wants the LHC's opening to be delayed for several months so that outside experts can read the facility's internal safety review, which was to have been completed by Jan. 1 of this year but does not appear to have been released.
Wagner has even put up a Web site at detailing his concerns.
Not included among the documents is Wagner's own indictment last month on identity-theft charges tied to an ongoing legal battle over a botanical garden on the Big Island of Hawaii, but you can read about that here.
Most physicists say Wagner's worries are unfounded. Micro black holes would evaporate nearly instantly instead of combining to form larger ones, they say, and the "strangelet" particles he frets would freeze the world would in fact fall apart quickly.
Wagner's own background is a bit fuzzy. He claims to have minored in physics at U.C. Berkeley, gone to law school, taught elementary-school science and worked in nuclear medicine at health facilities — but he doesn't appear to have an advanced degree in science.
Sancho's qualifications are even murkier, but the lawsuit identifies him as a Spanish citizen residing in the U.S., even if his presence makes the entire case a bit, um, quixotic.
Fears that atom smashers will destroy the world have been around for decades and seem to come to the fore every time a new well-publicized facility comes online.
But no particle accelerator has ever come close to the power of the Large Hadron Collider.
Mini-black holes cannot sustain themselves for even a second. They pose no threat to expand or enlarge to anything of what this guys thinks. QueerMike will post in agreement with this nut in T-minus 5...4....3..
Short-lived or not, they're really treading on dangerous territory here. What the hell does it matter how the universe came to be anyway?
Mini-black holes cannot sustain themselves for even a second. They pose no threat to expand or enlarge to anything of what this guys thinks. QueerMike will post in agreement with this nut in T-minus 5...4....3..

Are you assuming this or have scientists already created a tiny blackhole and through actual scientic methods and facts found that out?

Although they are scientists...if they didn't actually create one and their just saying that from what they know of actual incredibly large black holes out in space...BS.
Short-lived or not, they're really treading on dangerous territory here. What the hell does it matter how the universe came to be anyway?
I remember having a conversation with you once before about why scientists look at the things they do. Your stance on the issue was: their research is irrelevant and will have no benefits (I believe it was the creation of artificial organisms).

Here's the thing: looking at the way the universe was created will tells us about everything around us. You know...the universe itself. When we understand the origins of the universe, we just may begin to understand the nature of the universe itself, both in terms of matter and energy.

The applications are greater than nearly any other discovery....well, ever. Sources of energy, manipulation of matter of all types, and perhaps the mysteries of universal occurences and phenomenon will finally be explained as well.

I just can't believe how narrow-minded some people can be. That's not directed towards you, SF, but people in general.
No it's ok, you can direct it towards him, he is saying the same thing as the other people are anyway.
Are you assuming this or have scientists already created a tiny blackhole and through actual scientic methods and facts found that out?

Although they are scientists...if they didn't actually create one and their just saying that from what they know of actual incredibly large black holes out in space...BS.
This isn't the first particle collider, though. It just happens to be the biggest.

Whether or not they've actually created miniature black holes, they have been able to observe the phenomenon surrounding particle collision on a smaller scale. I somehow doubt they'd actually continue with this project if they suspected an actual safety risk, especially of this scale.

This is a product of the portrayal of, "mad scientists," in the media and movies, etc. That's not how it is in the real world. Sorry guys.
Are you assuming this or have scientists already created a tiny blackhole and through actual scientic methods and facts found that out?

Although they are scientists...if they didn't actually create one and their just saying that from what they know of actual incredibly large black holes out in space...BS.

Feel free to call Stephen Hawking a bulls****** then, because that's where it came from. I didn't just assume anything, it's his theory. And if the particle collider does indeed create micro black holes, he will probably win the Nobel Prize. This isn't the movies, we aren't going to implode the world.

It comes down to who you believe in. Stephen Hawking or some guy in Hawaii who may or may not have the faintest clue of what he is talking about. Choice is easy for me. The potential discoveries this can yield are some of the most important in at least recent history. I guess some people are afraid of being able to have some answers to some of the unexplainable in the world, the universe. Maybe it distorts or contradicts what they believe in, and they don't want that shattered. **** that.
Apparently none of you have heard of World Devastators.
2012 people.
it just seems to be......Imminent now. all this **** about ''Russian Time travelers, crzzy people''
here's how it'll all go down

The Russian Time Travelers will go back to the dino age and bring back a T-Rex, And without them knowing it is a female and it has babies. the little rexes grow up and then after a some growth hormones are injected, Russia is covered with T-Rexes. which continue to breed. killing, then all the other countries in the will be west crawling with rexes.
The Americans try to eliminate the rexes with black holes. it works, but the weather goes bezerk and stuff. Global Warming comes faster than you think.
It destroys the west. The east, which is mostly covered with crazies. go all crazy and kill the smart people. cause of jelousy. The Crazies fight eachother and they al kill eachother. One idiot activates a back hole ina lab that is Super sized. is destroys the world.
and all this happens in one year :eek:

it's all so clear now :csad:
Why can't they put their mind and money to something worthwhile like curing cancer and such things? They say two heads are better than one...well what if "geniuses" like these worked together with the rest to try and find cures. Not to mention they would have so much more money for it, and wouldn't need all this "walk for cancer" day BS.
2012 people.
it just seems to be......Imminent now. all this **** about ''Russian Time travelers, crzzy people''
here's how it'll all go down

The Russian Time Travelers will go back to the dino age and bring back a T-Rex, And without them knowing it is a female and it has babies. the little rexes grow up and then after a some growth hormones are injected, Russia is covered with T-Rexes. which continue to breed. killing, then all the other countries in the will be west crawling with rexes.
The Americans try to eliminate the rexes with black holes. it works, but the weather goes bezerk and stuff. Global Warming comes faster than you think.
It destroys the west. The east, which is mostly covered with crazies. go all crazy and kill the smart people. cause of jelousy. The Crazies fight eachother and they al kill eachother. One idiot activates a back hole ina lab that is Super sized. is destroys the world.
and all this happens in one year :eek:

it's all so clear now :csad:
Then Global Warming will come and Eat you.
Another thing that will never happen.
Why can't they put their mind and money to something worthwhile like curing cancer and such things? They say two heads are better than one...well what if "geniuses" like these worked together with the rest to try and find cures. Not to mention they would have so much more money for it, and wouldn't need all this "walk for cancer" day BS.
Yeah, let's get the PHYSICISTS to find cures for cancer.

****ing brilliant.

I also hope you realize that nearly all of the major advances in technology have come from studies performed by physicists and chemists, advances without which the biologists, biochemists, etc. would never have found all the cures they have so far.
I love the thread title. I hope it's in the new Bond film. :up:

Bond film? Oh you mean that guy who looks nothing like James Bond that stars in his action movies now. Yeah that would be a good title and super weapon in the new Danial Craig action movie, I think that is what you were referring to. Sorry I just cannot see that guy as James Bond at all in the very least.
Yeah, let's get the PHYSICISTS to find cures for cancer.

****ing brilliant.

I also hope you realize that nearly all of the major advances in technology have come from studies performed by physicists and chemists, advances without which the biologists, biochemists, etc. would never have found all the cures they have so far.


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