

Iron Captain
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Delicious. I'd drink it.


CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - A woman who doesn't want her breast milk to go to waste has taken out a newspaper ad in hopes of selling it. Martha Heller, 22, of Tiffin, took out the ad in The Gazette, offering 100 ounces of her breast milk for $200 or the best offer.

Heller said her nipple is overflowing with breast milk that she has pumped since August. Heller now donates to the University of Iowa's Mother's Milk Bank, but the 100 ounces of milk she wants to sell was pumped before going through the screening process for the bank and cannot be donated.

Linda Klein, a lactation consultant at Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids, said breast milk can generally be stored in a freezer for up to six months.

Heller said she researched laws regarding the sale of breast milk and couldn't find any in Iowa.

Don McCormick, a spokesman for the Iowa Department of Public Health, said he was not aware of any laws in Iowa restricting the sale of breast milk, but that state health officials advised against it.

Heller said she hasn't received any legitimate calls about her ad.
"There was one prank caller," she said.

Only if it's made by midgets. :up:

How long until one of our creepy Hype stalkers finds a picture?
How long until one of our creepy Hype stalkers finds a picture?

Is Morg logged in or not? Because that would effect the answer to your question.

where is the "about to puke" emoticon?
That guy is creepy as **** and don't get me started on his hands. Ugh. :down
Is Morg logged in or not? Because that would effect the answer to your question.


Never listen to DL? I'm always online :oldrazz: and not interested in her pic, odds are it's not a cute milf

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