Diamond List for September 5, 2007


Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
Once again, the Diamond List and the Hype text box did not agree. Sorry for the lack of capital letters....

Dark Horse Comics

buffy The Vampire Slayer #6 $2.99
city Of Others #4 (of 4) $2.99
hellsing Vol 7 Tp $13.95
lobster Johnson The Iron Prometheus #1 (of 5) $2.99
mpd Psycho Vol 2 Tp (mr) $10.95
oh My Goddess Vol 6 Tp Rtl $10.95
path Of The Assassin Vol 7 Tp (mr) $9.95
xs Hybrid Vol 2 Tp $10.95

dc Comics

all New Atom #15 $2.99
batman Gothic Tp New Edition $14.99
black Canary Wedding Planner $2.99
checkmate Vol 2 Pawn Breaks Tp $14.99
countdown 34 $2.99
detective Comics #836 $2.99
dmz Vol 3 Public Works Tp (mr) $12.99
emma Vol 5 $9.99
exterminators #21 (mr) $2.99
faker #3 (of 6) (mr) $2.99
from Eroica With Love Vol 10 $9.99
go Go Heaven Vol 3 $9.99
infinity Inc #1 $2.99
jonah Hex #23 $2.99
justice League Unlimited #37 $2.25
looney Tunes #154 $2.25
metal Men #2 (of 8) $2.99
midnighter #11 $2.99
new Line Cinemas Tales Of Horror #1 (mr) $2.99
nightwing #136 $2.99
outsiders #50 $2.99
pieces Of A Spiral Vol 9 $9.99s
calped #9 (mr) $2.99
supergirl #21 $2.99
supergirl And The Legion The Dominator War Tp $14.99
superman Death And Return Of Superman Omnibus Hc $75.00
sword Of The Atom Tp $19.99
y The Last Man #58 (mr) $2.99

image Comics

bad Planet #3 (of 6) (res) (mr) $3.99
darkness Vol 6 Depths Of Hell Tp $14.99
dust #2 (of 2) (mr) $3.99
frank Frazettas Death Dealer #4 (of 6) (mr) $3.99
lions Tigers & Bears Vol 2 #4 (of 4) $2.99
lucha Libre #1 $5.99
madame Mirage #2 $2.99
pro New Ptg (mr) (note Price) $7.99
sorrow #1 (of 4) $2.99
steve Niles Strange Cases #1 $2.50
strange Embrace #4 (of 8) (mr) $2.99

marvel Comics

amazing Spider-man #544 Omd $3.99
annihilation Conquest Wraith #3 (of 4) $2.99
captain America Chosen #1 (of 6) $3.99
captain America Chosen Charest Poster $6.99
daredevil Battlin Jack Murdock #4 (of 4) $3.99
exiles #98 $2.99
fantastic Four And Power Pack #3 (of 4) $2.99
incredible Hulk #110 Wwh $2.99
iron Man Enter Mandarin #1 (of 6) $2.99
marvel Adventures Spider-man #31 $2.99
marvel Two-in-one #3 $4.99
ms Marvel #19 $2.99
ms Marvel Vol 2 Civil War Tp $14.99
new Excalibur #23 $2.99
new Warriors #4 Cwi $2.99
punisher Max Vol 8 Widowmaker Tp (mr) $17.99
punisher War Journal Vol 1 Civil War Tp $14.99
shanna She-devil Survival Of The Fittest #2 (of 4) $2.99
she-hulk 2 #21 $2.99
spider-man Family Back In Black Digest Tp $8.99
super Villain Team Up Modoks 11 #3 (of 5) $2.99
uncanny X-men #490 $2.99
white Tiger #6 (of 6) $2.99
wolverine #57 $2.99

wizard Entertainment

inquest Gamer Mtg Lorwyn Cvr #150 (note Price) $2.99


a G Super Erotic Anthology #65 (a) $4.99
action Philosophers #9 The Lighting Round $2.95
archie #578 $2.25
archie Double Digest #182 $3.69
boys #10 (res) (mr) $2.99
boys Vol 1 Tp (mr) $14.99
castle Waiting Vol Ii #8 $3.95
dark Xena #4 $3.50
eva Daughter Of The Dragon One Shot $4.99
miriam #1 (mr) $4.95
outcast Vol 1 Gn (mr) $9.99
painkiller Jane #3 $3.50
sonic The Hedgehog Archives Vol 5 Tp $7.49
strangers In Paradise Vol 1 Pkt Tp $17.95
strangers In Paradise Vol 5 Pkt Tp $17.95
transformers Megatron Origin #3 $3.99
veronica #183 $2.25
zombie Proof #1 $3.50

related Merchandise

how To Draw Dynamic Comic Books Sc $19.95
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #6
Jonah Hex #23
Outsiders #50
Frank Frazettas Death Dealer #4
Amazing Spider-Man #544
Incredible Hulk #110
Lobster Johnson The Iron Prometheus #1 (of 5) $2.99
Exterminators #21 (mr) $2.99
Faker #3 (of 6) (mr) $2.99
Scalped #9 (mr) $2.99
Sorrow #1 (of 4) $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man #544 OMD $3.99
Annihilation Conquest Wraith #3 (of 4) $2.99
Captain America Chosen #1 (of 6) $3.99
Daredevil Battlin Jack Murdock #4 (of 4) $3.99
Iron Man Enter Mandarin #1 (of 6) $2.99
New Warriors #4 Cwi $2.99
Super Villain Team Up Modoks 11 #3 (of 5) $2.99
Uncanny X-Men #490 $2.99
Wolverine #57 $2.99

That's a big week for me. Ouch. :(
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #6
Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus #1 (of 5)
Detective Comics #836
Infinity Inc. #1
Jonah Hex #23
Metal Men #2 (of 8)
Amazing Spider-Man #544
Incredible Hulk #110
Iron Man Enter Mandarin #1 (of 6)
Wolverine #57
Dark Horse Comics

buffy The Vampire Slayer #6 $2.99

dc Comics

all New Atom #15 $2.99 - (A title that is suppose to tie in with events in Countdown...yet, they don't mesh together well at all. They need the story to just be told in this title and quite trying to make all their comics into the event that is Countdown.)
black Canary Wedding Planner $2.99
countdown 34 $2.99
detective Comics #836 $2.99
faker #3 (of 6) (mr) $2.99 - (I've picked up the first two issues, and so far nothing that great or that bad.)
infinity Inc #1 $2.99
jonah Hex #23 $2.99
metal Men #2 (of 8) $2.99
midnighter #11 $2.99
outsiders #50 $2.99 - (I've been waiting to see if the relaunch makes this title any better. So far, the one shots where Batman is trying to decide on his team haven't made me expect too much.)
supergirl #21 $2.99

image Comics

bad Planet #3 (of 6) (res) (mr) $3.99
dust #2 (of 2) (mr) $3.99
frank Frazettas Death Dealer #4 (of 6) (mr) $3.99 - (One of the best titles you can buy. Love this book.)
madame Mirage #2 $2.99

marvel Comics

amazing Spider-man #544 Omd $3.99
annihilation Conquest Wraith #3 (of 4) $2.99
captain America Chosen #1 (of 6) $3.99
daredevil Battlin Jack Murdock #4 (of 4) $3.99
exiles #98 $2.99
fantastic Four And Power Pack #3 (of 4) $2.99
incredible Hulk #110 Wwh $2.99
iron Man Enter Mandarin #1 (of 6) $2.99
marvel Adventures Spider-man #31 $2.99
ms Marvel #19 $2.99
new Excalibur #23 $2.99
new Warriors #4 Cwi $2.99
shanna She-devil Survival Of The Fittest #2 (of 4) $2.99
she-hulk 2 #21 $2.99
super Villain Team Up Modoks 11 #3 (of 5) $2.99
uncanny X-men #490 $2.99
white Tiger #6 (of 6) $2.99 - (This sure took forever to finally come out.)
wolverine #57 $2.99


boys #10 (res) (mr) $2.99
DETECTIVE COMICS #836 (If it is a Dini written issue)
SUPER VILLAINS TEAM-UP: MODOK'S 11 #3 (Very speedy; it hasn't been 4 weeks since #2)

About an average week, although lower if Detective isn't a Dini (I really don't care for the rest and my wallet enjoys low comic weeks). I probably am giving Wraith too hard a time because despite him being "space emo", the art is good and the writing is readable. He's a new character, too, which is always nice, just serving as the obligatory combat monkey after Drax is never an easy gig. New Warriors and MODOK's 11 will likely be my highlights of the week.

The 5th will be a busy day, as that is when I start grad school. :dry:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #6 (Yay! Faith)
Amazing Spider-Man #544 (The start of the end of MJ as we know her. :( )
Exiles #98
Hulk #110
Ms. Marvel #19
New Warriors #4
She Hulk #21
Uncanny X-Men #490
Wolverine #57 (I thought this came out last week? My shop didn't pull me it even if it did.)
Honestly I plan to avoid ONE MORE DAY unless I hear some damn fine reviews. It is all but revealed that it will likely end the Parker marriage for the second time in less than a decade (the last "still married but seperated" plotline ended in a SNAP when the 1st movie headed down the pipeline in 2002), and I've been drug along ASM enough.

I plan to return for Slott, though.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #6
Exiles #98
Incredible Hulk #110
Ms Marvel #19
New Excalibur #23
New Warriors #4
She-Hulk 2 #21
Uncanny X-Men #490
Honestly I plan to avoid ONE MORE DAY unless I hear some damn fine reviews. It is all but revealed that it will likely end the Parker marriage for the second time in less than a decade (the last "still married but seperated" plotline ended in a SNAP when the 1st movie headed down the pipeline in 2002), and I've been drug along ASM enough.

I plan to return for Slott, though.
The only other thing I can think of that might come out of One More Day that would be a lesser offense than actually ending the marriage?

MJ and Peter Parker are fugitives. Aunt May dies. Peter and MJ realize that if either are to be given a fair chance of staying out of jail they'll have to split up. MJ deduces a plan for her to become Jackpot, aka a superhero, so even though they are split up at home they can spend time saving the world together. :dry:

No matter what happens in One More Day. Slott Spidey shall own. :up: :up:
And the bull is, Slott won't even be writing her.
I'm fairly sure Slott will still write MJ. I don't think she dies. I just think she's either gonna become a superhero or divorced.
I actually don't mind Jackpot in theory, although I have no clue how it will work, I just liked her in Slott's FCBD '07 story, and the potential. I know, some people might roll their eyes at the idea of MJ being a heroine, but she's spent the past 30+ years as a civilian and obviously the editorial dept. thinks that'd led to a brick wall, so may as well explore the concept of her being a heroine.

It wouldn't be the first time. She once donned a Spidey costume and fought Alistaire Smythe, and then was once posessed by the spirit of Red Sonja by touching her sword. The Parker marriage spent many years in the doldrums because while they're supposed to be a young couple (under 30), they'd be forced to act so...well, like every unhappy marriage in every sitcom ever. I mean, you're married to a guy who can have sex on the ceiling and you're screaming over bills!? Loosen up!:word:
Know what I hate? I swore I wouldn't buy OMD. I know I will. Next week I'll say "Nope, won't do it!" but i still will. Also, am I the only one calling bull on it(544) coming out on the 5th? Didn't 543 just come out last week (8/22/07)? I heard Joey Q and deadlines = suck these day.
dc Comics

all New Atom #15 $2.99
countdown 34 $2.99
jonah Hex #23 $2.99
metal Men #2 (of 8) $2.99
outsiders #50 $2.99

marvel Comics

captain America Chosen #1 (of 6) $3.99
iron Man Enter Mandarin #1 (of 6) $2.99
super Villain Team Up Modoks 11 #3 (of 5) $2.99


boys #10 (res) (mr) $2.99
Know what I hate? I swore I wouldn't buy OMD. I know I will. Next week I'll say "Nope, won't do it!" but i still will. Also, am I the only one calling bull on it(544) coming out on the 5th? Didn't 543 just come out last week (8/22/07)? I heard Joey Q and deadlines = suck these day.
But then, hasn't Quesada had like a year and a half to draw those four issues?
Marvel Comics

Ms. Marvel #19 $2.99
Uncanny X-Men #490 $2.99

Small week.
Dark Horse Comics
buffy The Vampire Slayer #6 $2.99
lobster Johnson The Iron Prometheus #1 (of 5) $2.99

dc Comics
all New Atom #15 $2.99
countdown 34 $2.99
detective Comics #836 $2.99
dmz Vol 3 Public Works Tp (mr) $12.99 (Completely hooked on this series now.)
faker #3 (of 6) (mr) $2.99
infinity Inc #1 $2.99
metal Men #2 (of 8) $2.99
midnighter #11 $2.99
outsiders #50 $2.99

image Comics
dust #2 (of 2) (mr) $3.99
madame Mirage #2 $2.99

marvel Comics
amazing Spider-man #544 Omd $3.99
annihilation Conquest Wraith #3 (of 4) $2.99
daredevil Battlin Jack Murdock #4 (of 4) $3.99
incredible Hulk #110 Wwh $2.99
new Warriors #4 Cwi $2.99
she-hulk 2 #21 $2.99
super Villain Team Up Modoks 11 #3 (of 5) $2.99 (Didn't #2 come out, like, 2 weeks ago? I love quick minis.)
uncanny X-men #490 $2.99

boys #10 (res) (mr) $2.99
transformers Megatron Origin #3 $3.99
I would never have even bothered to read it if I didn't happen upon copies of the first two trades when I was returning books at my library job a couple weeks ago, either.
I would never have even bothered to read it if I didn't happen upon copies of the first two trades when I was returning books at my library job a couple weeks ago, either.

So, taste just happened upon you? Whatever works.
I've been on the Wood train since #1.

Of DMZ, that is.

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