Did brett ratner save the x-men


Jul 12, 2005
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I was just wondering did bret ratner save th x-men sage what do you think?
GambitXremy said:
I was just wondering did bret ratner save th x-men sage what do you think?

nope, he was the studio yes man, agreeing to make a fast production movie, instead of pushing for more time, so they could develop a better script. But now, we got a 90 minute movie that will not surpass X2, only be a forgettful summer flick......

the only thing he did was make sure Fox could release X3 before SR.....
not unless he cast wolverine as chris o'donell, alicia sylverstone as Jean Grey, and Tommy Lee Jones as Magneto.
well who are you to say he didn;t i think from what i've seen and mos off the good reviews he's done a good job
any ways i'm just saying it looks like he saved the sage i'm not saying its better the x2 but i think he did us good
I say we all wait till it comes out : ) Just be happy we get to see our mutants on the screen once again.
yes thats true but i'm glad as also that there on screen but i do think may be that this will be the best x-men movie me and my mom are going to see the midnite show i love my mom
Compared to what we would have gotten under Vaughn, yes.

That's what I think Ratner saved us from.

Singer's movies were awesome, and didn't need saving.

And it's not Ratner's fault that Kinberg and Penn wrote stupid **** like killing Cyclops.

Honestly, as much as I like Singer's movies, I dunno if we would have gotten as good an X-Men 3. Sure, Cyclops would have survived, but Storm would have disappeared without explanation. And granted, he gave us some great action sequences, but Singer would NOT have given us the final battle we are getting with Ratner.

So, there was really no "saving" that needed to happen to the franchise, as the 1st to movies were excellent. But I think that Ratner upped the ante more than Singer would have, and Ratner definatley saved us from what Vaughn would have done.
GambitXremy said:
any ways i'm just saying it looks like he saved the sage i'm not saying its better the x2 but i think he did us good

I think he had very little say, joining so late.
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Honestly, as much as I like Singer's movies, I dunno if we would have gotten as good an X-Men 3. Sure, Cyclops would have survived, but Storm would have disappeared without explanation. And granted, he gave us some great action sequences, but Singer would NOT have given us the final battle we are getting with Ratner.

No she wouldn't. She is Halle Berry.
but i'm going to enjoy the movie me and my mom my mom got me into x-men god bless her soul
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Compared to what we would have gotten under Vaughn, yes.

That's what I think Ratner saved us from.

Singer's movies were awesome, and didn't need saving.

And it's not Ratner's fault that Kinberg and Penn wrote stupid **** like killing Cyclops.

Honestly, as much as I like Singer's movies, I dunno if we would have gotten as good an X-Men 3. Sure, Cyclops would have survived, but Storm would have disappeared without explanation. And granted, he gave us some great action sequences, but Singer would NOT have given us the final battle we are getting with Ratner.

So, there was really no "saving" that needed to happen to the franchise, as the 1st to movies were excellent. But I think that Ratner upped the ante more than Singer would have, and Ratner definatley saved us from what Vaughn would have done.

Some where, I read an interview with Singer, he said tht he would have saved the phoenix for x4, and that we would have ended x3 with the ressurection of Jean Grey.............. trust me, Singers would have been the best x3, Donner was mad that singer didn't share with them his plans for the movie when he left, that shows you how much those people wanted a "Singer" version of X3......
Singer on Halle Berry: " I am not going into that room with her and that wig, I am done dealing with that"
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Compared to what we would have gotten under Vaughn, yes.

Wasnt most of the Main Script written when Vaughn was on Board ? Ratner more then likely had little to no input on the Script if he accepted he just had to start Directing as Soon As Possible. This is more then likely Vaughns Script but with Ratner Directing it. Ratner did nothing but Direct it. The Script was already done when Ratner came on board
JokerNick said:
nope, he was the studio yes man, agreeing to make a fast production movie, instead of pushing for more time, so they could develop a better script. But now, we got a 90 minute movie that will not surpass X2, only be a forgettful summer flick......

the only thing he did was make sure Fox could release X3 before SR.....

Perfectly stated.
Save it from quality, sure.

If Ratner had the balls to say "it's a mistake to pack an entire production into less than a year," we'd be getting a better movie. But no, he had to go along with Fox's Singer vendetta; their need to slop down a pile of crap in front of Superman Returns.

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