Brick was easily one of the coolest and most original films that I've seen in a while. It was a classically constructed and executed noir film that maintains an original identity as a film while at the same time harkening back to other great mystery/noir flicks like the Phillip Marlowe films (if you haven't seen it, go watch
The Long Goodbye, Robert Altman's revitalization of the classic Bogart film series made famous by 'The Big Sleep')
The lead of the film, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is purely a revelation as an actor in this movie. When he is tough, he is
tough. When he is vulnerable, your heart will bleed for him... and it all comes off effortlessly and with a natural ease that makes this actor a bit jealous of the career that he's got ahead of him. All of the other actors do great jobs too, including terrific turns by Noah Fleiss and Lukas Haas as Tugger and The Pin.
The true star of this film, however, is director Rian Johnson who I can't say enough about. His mastery over the camera and the characters it captures makes you wonder how valid his status as a 'newcomer' is... Perhaps this is Spielberg under a nom de plume attempting to make the small and intimate flicks that his grandiose reputation will no long allow him to indulge in. I will be very attentive in following Johnson's career from here on out and will expect nothing less than great things from him in the [near] future.
If you consider yourself an intelligent person and have even a slightly sophisticated taste in film & art... Do yourself a favor and give this little indie a gander. You'll find yourself far more entranced in this movie than any other this summer...
... Perhaps excluding Snakes on a Plane