Arrow Dinah Laurel Lance/Katie Cassidy Thread

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Primal Slayer

Let the Siren scream
Jun 30, 2005
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Sure she is the least interesting character on the show right now but I figured since every other character has a thread dedicated for them, might as well give her one. Maybe one day soon they can give her a turn around and make her as great as she is in the comics.
I'm wondering if they're going to give her powers or combine her with her mother and make her powerless but creates the Black Canary mantle.
When she does finally become the Black Canery I don't think she will be wearing that costume
The blond in the picture is the brunette lawyer on the show ?
I didn't recognized her....
I'm guessing the applied sciences wing of Queen's company will have a big role to play in her arc.
I've noticed they've been very vague about Laurel's mother. I know that in the transition to the post crisis universe, Dinah Laurel's mother was the original Black Canary. I'm wondering if maybe we'll get a story about that in the show. Possibly that's the real reason between her mother and father parting ways. Maybe she'll take up her mother's legacy or something... Just a thought.
I'd love to see more scenes of Laural in self defense classes, showing her Buffy like skills, and maybe even take down a mugger on the streets one episode. I could see them showing her and her father begin to have greater differences in views of justice and law and the vigilante. Maybe she even could find out how crooked the cops are in Starling City, and her father could have a connection to that without being crooked himself. (Like when Jim Gordon knew of crooked cops but said "I'm no rat.") Maybe the crooked cops could have connections to the mob family rich people Ollie's father was part of and Mother is a part of. And I'd like to see more scenes where they argue about their different points of view and how they see the vigilante. She starts to see the law cannot do everything, and maybe it could be revealed that her mother was killed because the law couldn't protect her. And she could begin to become disillusioned with her own job as a lawyer. There could even be an episode where she sort of delves into being a vigilante by taking the law into her own hands, breaking and entering and stealing evidence and maybe knocking out the criminal leaving leaving him tied up. Nothing major and no costume, just sort of showing how its possible for her to be Black Canary. Her father could be killed, because of the rich society and the crooked cops while trying to go by the book and abide by the law without resorting to being a vigilante and this could push her towards the vigilante life. By this point in the show I could see her finally knowing Ollie is Arrow though. So it would be reasonable that she would go to him for training. (Or maybe Diggle helps Ollie make Laural think that Diggle is the Arrow and so she goes to Diggle for help and training.)


Anyway, I think before they can have her become Canary they need to establish more that she not only has the training (like how Family Guy established Chris drew by showing him drawing a lot) by showing Laurel training almost as much as Ollie,
but they also need to begin establishing that she sees vigilantism as something positive and helpful, not just because of Arrow. But also in general.
Pretty sure Laurel's mother wasn't killed, she just left her father. Making a very convenient entrance for her later down the line, if need be.
They certainly need to get on giving Dinah an ongoing storyline that will help her become black Canary. Out of all the characters I don't get why they decided to change her the most and make things complicated for themselves.
So far, the only thing progressing are her feelings towards Oliver from antagonistic to positive. Everything else, not so much. If Dinah Laurel Lance will not become Black Canary, then they should bring her mother Dinah Drake Lance as the Black Canary instead.
I've noticed they've been very vague about Laurel's mother. I know that in the transition to the post crisis universe, Dinah Laurel's mother was the original Black Canary. I'm wondering if maybe we'll get a story about that in the show. Possibly that's the real reason between her mother and father parting ways. Maybe she'll take up her mother's legacy or something... Just a thought.

It's very doubtful they would go that route, they're probably just going make her the "Golden Age" version of the character, seeing as how there aren't superpowers on this show.
First thing is first, should get rid of the actress and get someone who can actually act and isnt a miscast. And bang, they have somewhere to start:yay: Then we can talk what to do with the character.

(The least interesting character to me would be Thea, totally a useless character they are just going to throw more in the dust now that Roy is here. Tommy, Diggle, arent far off.).
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It's very doubtful they would go that route, they're probably just going make her the "Golden Age" version of the character, seeing as how there aren't superpowers on this show.

They don't have to go the golden age route to not give her powers. They could still have her be the daughter or Dinah Drake, who's a vigilante, who she takes after. That's all they need, really.

It'd be cool if she had some kind of sonic weapon, similar to the canary cry. But that's pushing it a bit. I'm ok with them just going with martial arts.
About Black Canary's powers:
What if she used a Sonic Sound Gun

Imagine if by the time she becomes Black Canary Roy Harper and Felicity Smoke have
already signed up for the show and probably by that time as members of Arrow's team.
So Arrow will eventually, I think, move towards non-lethal trick arrows like gas arrows,
light explosion arrows, net arrows, stuff like that (nothing as silly as boxing glove arrows).
So its reasonable that her weapon of choice could be a small (hand held) sound gun that
fires pure sound at the same power as her character's voice in the comics.

Since its a tv show, it could be a device as small and hand held as the Ultimate Nullifier.


But powerful enough to do this:
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I hope she becomes BC before any one else becomes a hero because it is just sad that the character who has been a hero the longest becomes the newest.
About Black Canary's powers:
What if she used a Sonic Sound Gun

Imagine if by the time she becomes Black Canary Roy Harper and Felicity Smoke have
already signed up for the show and probably by that time as members of Arrow's team.
So Arrow will eventually, I think, move towards non-lethal trick arrows like gas arrows,
light explosion arrows, net arrows, stuff like that (nothing as silly as boxing glove arrows).
So its reasonable that her weapon of choice could be a small (hand held) sound gun that
fires pure sound at the same power as her character's voice in the comics.

Since its a tv show, it could be a device as small and hand held as the Ultimate Nullifier.

But powerful enough to do this:

The way I'd do it personally, is have it be a little device on the collar Black canary wears. That some how taps into her vocal cords to be triggered. Have it be like a sonic blast that can only be used once if absolutely necessary for extended periods of time, so she would rarely rely on it.
I don't think she even needs the canary cry...

Do u guys think she'll don a blond wig or dye her hair?
I would prefer she dye her hair since I think a wig would probably look ridic on her and Katie looks great and more lively as a blonde.
After watching the latest developments on "Young Justice," I'm starting to like the idea of her powers coming from the meta-gene. They could introduce the idea by the end of the season.

As for Laurel, they could make it something where if someone is exposed they either die or their meta-gene gets triggered, so it would be especially tense if Laurel gets injected (or whatever the delivery system is).
Still not impressed by the acting. :doh:

Writing getting better.
Go to Google images.
Type in Katie Cassidy Blonde.

It doesn't appear such a bad casting after all. Definetely not a wig for her, I would imagine they saw her blonde with the original casting.

They just need to start writing towards the change better. They've got her as a righteous character who is questioning if the law is as effective as Arrow's methods. She's not afraid to stand up to her dad and do what she thinks is right. But physically it's a little unbelievable in comparison to Huntress and Arrow's stories. Plus for a character with tragedy in her past, she's still way too homely and not independent enough. I think she needs another tragedy, or major shake up in her life before she can become the black canary. She needs to end up single, dye her hair, rebel a little and go from there.

I think if they are going to change her, the entire second season should be dedicated to a slow burn where they build it over time to a crescendo.
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She looks good either way and she is good on the show.
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