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Discussion: The North American Union


Apr 16, 2004
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Has anyone heard about this?

To get a better idea, there's some interesting (and disturbing) information available at Whitehouse.gov, which obviously is the official Whitehouse website.

But before I post the link, let me give you a not-so-brief synopsis of what's going on; and before you elect not to read it, understand that this is going to COMPLETELY CHANGE LIFE AS WE KNOW IT in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, all thanks to our President, whom I've come to dislike more and more each passing day.

Anyway, on to my take on the situation:

There is an 'Agenda' that has already been created and adopted as of two years ago (this is history, folks), forming a unionized economical system between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. A gentleman by the name of Hal Turner recently began talking about the 'Amero' - supposedly a new form of currency that is being adopted by the three countries. This form of currency (right now visible as only a coin) is, at least in outward appearance, similar to the EU's Euro. Snopes.com has tried to debunk his supposed 'conspiracy theory' - however, the only thing Snopes contends is that the 'hypothetical' coin this guy has is 'probably' not the real thing. (For more on Hal Turner's claim, go here: http://www.halturnershow.com/AmeroCoinArrives.html, but keep in mind the REAL data is located at the actual Whitehouse.gov website, which means this is no longer just a conspiracy theory). Snopes.com mentions how Designs Computed, the company which designed the actual coin, is merely running a collector's edition, and that the coin itself isn't necessarily the result of this union. Note that Snopes.com doesn't actually contend the existence of this coin - in fact, it confirms it - and also note that until this coin or form of currency goes into production, Snopes.com has no way of knowing any more than the rest of us if this is the 'real thing' or not. One has to wonder, however, why North Carolina would place The North American Union's logo (also found on the coin) on its driver's license if it didn't exist or if the logo isn't related to a governmental body.

Snopes.com also blindly states that this coin is not the result of the U.S. Treasury, but then fails to provide any evidence to support that statement. I wonder why Snopes.com would spend so much of its time debunking things others say with statements it doesn't itself bother to back up with facts. For example, wouldn't they need to contact the U.S. Treasury for an 'official' response to this before just arbitrarily dismissing it as false? You would think so.

Whatever the case, it doesn't matter. All Turner did was point to what he thinks is the 'future currency' and then wave a flag. All Snopes did was say 'meh, doubtful' - it didn't actually argue the point, though it did spend a lot of time talking about why the EU currency, the EURO, is a good thing ... Hmm.

What the Snopes article also did not contend is the actual union - the force behind the currency - and that's because the union does indeed exist. Two years ago, the U.S., Canada and Mexico signed an UNPRECEDENTED agreement which creates one union and then divides its combined prosperity between the three countries.

Here's the official release by the Office of the Press Secretary, posted March 23, 2005: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/03/20050323-1.html

If you can get through the thick language (I had a hard time), which essentially boils down to the complete change of life as we know it, it's clear to me that this is indeed happening. Let's pick out a few parts of the article to examine, starting with the opening statement:

"Promoting Growth, Competitiveness and Quality of Life - To enhance the competitive position of North American industries in the global marketplace and to provide greater economic opportunity for all of our societies, while maintaining high standards of health and safety for our people, the United States, Mexico, and Canada will work together, and in consultation with stakeholders, to:"

First, note the use of "North American" when describing industries. If the U.S. government was only talking about our own industries, wouldn't the proper use have been "American" - and not NORTH American - when describing itself? Yes, but that's not what happened here. Here, "North American" means the combination of the three nations - America, Canada and Mexico. "North American Industries." Of course, since America itself (meaning the land mass between Canada in Mexico) is often referred to as "North America", it lessens the impact of the language because it sounds benign to the general American public when referred to in that way, doesn't it? We think, 'Oh, North American industries like Wal-mart, right?'

(Who ever came up with "North American Union" was really thinking.)

Next, let's dig a little deeper, "to provide greater economic opportunity for all of our societies..."

All of our societies in a three nation agreement can only mean all of our societies in a three nation agreement. Period.

Note also the use of the phrase, "while maintaining high standards of health and safety for our people..."

High standards for OUR people could only mean the standardization of health and safety services across all three countries. Also, the use of 'high' standards, as opposed to the 'highest' standards, implies that some of us (probably in the U.S. and Canada) will most likely see a decline in these social services. However, compared to other countries without these social services in abundance (such as Mexico), the standard will still be 'high'.

And finally, " the United States, Mexico, and Canada will work together, and in consultation with stakeholders, to:"

(...I'm curious as to who these 'stakeholders' are...)

And then it begins to list all of the ways the three nations of America, Canada and Mexico will 'merge' together; how they will adopt common practices, common laws, security between the borders (none, essentially) by 'minimizing barriers', and even how they will conduct business affairs.

However, you can also avoid the thick, grotesque language of that heavily spinned 'release' and instead opt to read the actual 'joint' statement made by the three leaders, also located at the official Whitehouse website. This language is a little more 'common' (for the benefit of we stupid, civilian folks), and of course a LOT more revealing.


One thing that really got my attention was the section of this joint statement labeled "Smart, Secure Borders". Check out this part: "Collaborate to establish risk-based screening standards for goods and people that rely on technology, information sharing and biometrics."

Collaborate. Risk-based screening. It means all three countries will collaborate to adopt similar procedures so that each country needn't spend its resources checking up on the others. If all three countries have the same method of security screening, why have borders between them? It also means there's risk involved. And note how it doesn't say anything about border security at all. Instead it talks about risk-based screening that is conducted with "technology, information sharing and biometrics". At what point does the actual border control police force become a part of this equation? It's simple - it doesn't.

After reading both Whitehouse articles several times myself, there's no reason for me to believe that the adoption of a single currency (just as the EU adopted the Euro) isn't the next logical step. The U.S. is financially overextending itself to the breaking point as we speak. Moving over to a centralized currency system for all three nations is something that WILL happen - even if, ultimately, it's not called the 'Amero'.

So...the writing is on the wall and the only question I have left is as to whether or not I should start investing in Pesos...
This is the most dangerous thing that could happen to this country's souvernity. This is digusting how our Govenment would even consider this. Just because it was done in Europe, does not mean in anyway that I would be on board with such nonsense. Its December 31st 1983, 1984 is right around the corner if we let our Govenment think that the American People is OK with this. Do you remember that book? Oceania, Eurasia, Eastasia, it's coming if we don't speak up!
This thread should get interesting fast.

In response to a universal North American currency, I say "Meh." This sort of thing is bound to happen sooner or later anyway, although I can see that many will completely reject this idea.
I would be completely in favor of doing it. Europe has already done it. South America and Africa are doing it. And it would be very convienient for us to have a single currency with Mexico and Canada.

A currency union and forming a North American Union would not threaten our soverignty. We'd still be an independent nation with our own laws with our own traditions with our own government. What it would really do is make us more integrated in a more connected world, provide convienience for us with a common currency, and it's done wonders for Europe.
It will happen sooner or later and that will be the beginning of what the world is evolving into. It is what THEY want.
THEY want us all to die. That is why THEY invented soda (acid-kills you) and TV (hypnotizes, irradiates and kills you). So just sit back, enjoy a Coke and watch some mindless Television! All this stuff will take care of itself. Pay NO attention to the Man Behind the Curtain!!!
I would be completely in favor of doing it. Europe has already done it. South America and Africa are doing it. And it would be very convienient for us to have a single currency with Mexico and Canada.

A currency union and forming a North American Union would not threaten our soverignty. We'd still be an independent nation with our own laws with our own traditions with our own government. What it would really do is make us more integrated in a more connected world, provide convienience for us with a common currency, and it's done wonders for Europe.

The concern I have, and that everyone else should have also, is that combining the wealth of all three countries and then tallying it out equally between the three will CRUSH the economies of the U.S. and Canada. Keep in mind that the EU had 27 countries that were able to absorb the economical impact. We have three, and one of them, Mexico, is not only EXTREMELY economically depressed, but is also run by one of the most corrupt governments in the world.

Think of it this way - if we combine our economical systems, those with, say, a million bucks in the bank will suddenly find the value of that million reduced to no more than $10k.

Also, this whole thing explains a LOT about why Bush has been so weak on border security...
What's even more disturbing is that Bush did this without a single vote, and not a shred of news has been heard about this. How is it that the President of our country can merge our country with two other countries without a SINGLE vote???
The concern I have, and that everyone else should have also, is that combining the wealth of all three countries and then tallying it out equally between the three will CRUSH the economies of the U.S. and Canada. Keep in mind that the EU had 27 countries that were able to absorb the economical impact. We have three, and one of them, Mexico, is EXTREMELY economically depressed.
The European Union has the economic powerhouses of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. They're now taking in various poorer countries in Eastern Europe. They took in Spain and Portugal when they were poor.

Think of it this way - if we combine our economical systems, those with, say, a million bucks in the bank will suddenly find the value of that million reduced to no more than $10k.
That isn't going to happen.

Also, this whole thing explains a LOT about why Bush has been so weak on border security...
I think his incompetence explains it a lot better. Though I do think we should also have a Schengen like agreement with Canada.
What's even more disturbing is that Bush did this without a single vote, and not a shred of news has been heard about this. How is it that the President of our country can merge our country with two other countries without a SINGLE vote???
The EXACT same way the President before him did... this ain't a democracy anymore and they don' need any steenking votes. Wake up and smell the razor wire...
The European Union has the economic powerhouses of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. They're now taking in various poorer countries in Eastern Europe. They took in Spain and Portugal when they were poor.

That isn't going to happen.

I think his incompetence explains it a lot better. Though I do think we should also have a Schengen like agreement with Canada.

Dude, do you really think that with as financially overextended as the U.S. is, we can afford to absorb Mexico's bankrupt economy? Think about it...
What's even more disturbing is that Bush did this without a single vote, and not a shred of news has been heard about this. How is it that the President of our country can merge our country with two other countries without a SINGLE vote???
You misunderstand the meaning of a continental union. They don't merge the countries together. Each one is still a soverign nation. Each one is still responsible for their own affairs.

The purpose of them is to establish a larger single market in a region, create a currency union, allow a region to compete better in an increasingly integrated world, and promote integration and the freedom of movement between peoples.

Though I do agree that something like this could be done without a single vote of the people on whether or not they want it, is scary.
You misunderstand the meaning of a continental union. They don't merge the countries together. Each one is still a soverign nation. Each one is still responsible for their own affairs.

The purpose of them is to establish a larger single market in a region, create a currency union, allow a region to compete better in an increasingly integrated world, and promote integration and the freedom of movement between peoples.

You're not reading the docs all that thoroughly then. Merging social services, such as medical care and our police forces, is not maintaining sovereignty. And again, you're ignoring the fact that Mexico is a third world nation with an extremely corrupt government. Mexico has the most to gain with this, and the U.S. and Canada have the most to lose.

I'd be okay with it if it involved only the U.S. and Canada, but not Mexico.
Start investing in peso's people.

Me? I'm scoping out Costa Rica for my new home.
Dude, do you really think that with as financially overextended as the U.S. is, we can afford to absorb Mexico's bankrupt economy? Think about it...

Mexico's economy is the opposite of how you think it is. It's one of the world's biggest economies and is even bigger than the economies of Australia and many European Union nations.

Really the only major probelm with Mexico's economy is that so many people are in poverty.
You're not reading the docs all that thoroughly then. Merging social services, such as medical care and our police forces, is not maintaining sovereignty. And again, you're ignoring the fact that Mexico is a third world nation with an extremely corrupt government. Mexico has the most to gain with this, and the U.S. and Canada have the most to lose.

I'd be okay with it if it involved only the U.S. and Canada, but not Mexico.

Mexico is not a third world nation, they're a second world one. They do have a lot of problems, but so do we and so does Canada and so do every country in the world.

And a lot of what is said I really doubt will happen.
THEY want us all to die. That is why THEY invented soda (acid-kills you) and TV (hypnotizes, irradiates and kills you). So just sit back, enjoy a Coke and watch some mindless Television! All this stuff will take care of itself. Pay NO attention to the Man Behind the Curtain!!!
There is truly nothing to gain by killing everyone.
Mexico is not a third world nation, they're a second world one. They do have a lot of problems, but so do we and so does Canada and so do every country in the world.

And a lot of what is said I really doubt will happen.

Meh, we'll see. My investment portfolio actually includes a significant amount of EU currency. No matter what happens, my passport is ready and so is my money :).
you people do know that all this really is is a glorified trade agreement, right? And the currency thing is just for convienience. Our economy isnt going to collapse, it'll probably only get stronger (look at how quickly the Euro passed the dollar in value). And it's not a threat at all to the soverignty of any of the 3 nations...Look at the European union. That's all this is going to be.

Man, people on here are all reactionary nutballs.
you people do know that all this really is is a glorified trade agreement, right? And the currency thing is just for convienience. Our economy isnt going to collapse, it'll probably only get stronger (look at how quickly the Euro passed the dollar in value). And it's not a threat at all to the soverignty of any of the 3 nations...Look at the European union. That's all this is going to be.

Man, people on here are all reactionary nutballs.

If it weren't for the language contained in the agenda, I'd understand your point of view. But this agenda takes it FAR beyond the scope of the EU. Read it and see for yourself.
Some people just believe there's conspiracy in everything.

Paranoia...proud to be American.
Not entirely sure how to feel about this, conceptually, just yet. There's pros and cons to the issue. The extraneous language that's added to this thing does give me cause for concern, though, and the fact that this really isn't being approached openly and with the input of the people is highly disturbing. I dislike all this Cloak & Dagger Government crap we've had the last seven years, and this is just more of it. I read somewhere recently that from 1959 to 2001 there were only 63 (I think that was the number) instances of Executive Privilege invoked, wherein the President declines to provide information on a particular investigation in the interest of national security. Since 2001, under the Bush Administration, there have been 39. The secrecy with which this administration operates is disturbing, especially when stuff like this gets leaked out.

Foolish.The American currency is iconic,the Euro is good..but we have lost our indiviuality.Canada and America using a single currency..someday..perhaps,but Mexico?Come on.Mexico is a gulag,that is only for tourists.There is a reason why there is a fence down in the south.

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