Display problem with my TV


Banned User
Aug 16, 2002
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I just noticed something weird lately.

I see these little faint swirls of red and pink static moving all across the screen, usually across dark colors and around significant dark backgrounds...(The TV is a 27"HD LCD).

I'm wondering, why does this happen and is there something that I can do about it? It must be something recent because I don't remember seeing them up until a week ago and I've had this particular TV for over a month.

Does it do this all the time?
Well, it's hard to tell...It seems to show up quite a lot, but only when watching TV do I have to stare really hard to see it. But, if I'm watching like, something like a Blu-Ray movie, it shows up quite a bit and doesn't seem to go away. But, at one point yesterday, they went away for a while and then I saw them again. Maybe it has to do with the cords or something.

Like I said, it looks like some kind of moving, red static that moves around backgrounds and dark or red shapes.

Might be cords. Try untangling any that are tangled, or just plug-in your cables again. Could be the problem.

But in the end, might be something with the TV itself.
Will do. I'm unplugging everything! The receiver, the satellite box, the antenna, the PS3, Wii,...

Ok, that didn't help.

I don't get it. How could it be the TV? Why would this happen just all of a sudden like this? It's been looking and working fine up until a week ago! :(

LIke asteroid man said it's most likely magnets that messed it up... and if that's the cause then sorry but there's really no fixing that.
Yeah, magnets. Forgot about that.

(Not really tuned in)
LIke asteroid man said it's most likely magnets that messed it up... and if that's the cause then sorry but there's really no fixing that.
unless he uses a stronger magnetic poll from the opposite end and somehow adjusts it to only extract red... but good luck with that :cwink:
Please explain this. I don't know what you guys are talking about.

and in detail please.

Please explain this. I don't know what you guys are talking about.

and in detail please.


Basically, it sounds like a magnetic field somehow came in contact with your screen. Basically (at least how I understand it), the magnet messed with how the crystals in the screen were arranged, causing the visual problems. I did a quick Google search, and there is no fix that I would suggest anyone short of a skilled technician even attempt.
Wait, is there large speakers close to your TV? If so, move them.
Well, remember how they usually say how speakers are magnetically shielded or what not? Well, I have a few speakers that are/were very close to the TV, and I guess over time, they may have affected the TV in some way. I've tried moving them away, but I don't think it'll magically fix the TV's problem now.

This sucks because I just got my old TV replaced with this one!

I think you need to stop buying Westinghouse TV's, personally.

I bet it's been a problem with the speakers the whole time.. :(

The people above are either having you on or are misinformed. LCDs and plasmas are not affected by magnetic fields (though CRTs are), so whatever happened to your LCD, it wasn't caused by any magnetic field.
The people above are either having you on or are misinformed. LCDs and plasmas are not affected by magnetic fields (though CRTs are), so whatever happened to your LCD, it wasn't caused by any magnetic field.

...I've watched a LCD screen get ruined with a magnet right in front of me. It's not as easy, but it's still possible, and the magnetic fields put out by unshielded speakers are definitely strong enough.
...I've watched a LCD screen get ruined with a magnet right in front of me. It's not as easy, but it's still possible, and the magnetic fields put out by unshielded speakers are definitely strong enough.
No effect here in passing a neodymium magnet out of a hard drive over and in front of an LCD panel. Also tried a old degaussing coil. No effect either. Used to degauss CRTs very well too (though it hasn't been used for a couple years).

Resorted to Google and I couldn't find any evidence to suggest that a magnetic field will do anything other than possibly induce voltage into the cells. I didn't even get that.
Ok, I definitely fixed it this time...It definitely was some kind of interference from my subwoofer because when I moved it to another position, it all went away.

Cool beans, eh?


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