Do you ever hear voices in your head when you are alone?

Yes. It's in he form of a young woman. A soft, pure voice. She sings for me once and a while. She sang to me that she's "been kissed by a rose on the grave." And never stops... Never stops asking me, "are you goofy?" :wow:
Yes. It's in he form of a young woman. A soft, pure voice. She sings for me once and a while. She sang to me that she's "been kissed by a rose on the grave." And never stops... Never stops asking me, "are you goofy?" :wow:

:wow: How about God? Does he ever talk to you?
I thought I heard voices in my head and I tried to ignore them...

but it turned out to be my wife :(
I thought I heard voices in my head and I tried to ignore them...

but it turned out to be my wife :(

Yes the voice of the partner. The reason as we get older us men pretend more and more to be deaf.
sometimes, when I'm laying down just about to fall asleep, I will occassionally very clearly hear a voice say my name . . . I'm dead serious . . . it's pretty weird, actually . . . it'll snap me out of my falling asleep state . . . and it's usually a voice that resembles either my mother's voice or my father's voice . . .

pry just an effect of falling between consciousnesses, though . . .

one time, though I really thought it was my mom and I answered it :O
sometimes, when I'm laying down just about to fall asleep, I will occassionally very clearly hear a voice say my name . . . I'm dead serious . . . it's pretty weird, actually . . . it'll snap me out of my falling asleep state . . . and it's usually a voice that resembles either my mother's voice or my father's voice . . .

pry just an effect of falling between consciousnesses, though . . .

one time, though I really thought it was my mom and I answered it :O

Interesting. Are you superstitious?
when i have headphones on i can swear someone is calling me , it totally messes up my enjoyment of songs
Yeah, I do. They always tell me i'm ugly and won't ever get a girlfriend :(
when I was about 8 or 9, I did for a while... it passed though
sometimes, when I'm laying down just about to fall asleep, I will occassionally very clearly hear a voice say my name . . . I'm dead serious . . . it's pretty weird, actually . . . it'll snap me out of my falling asleep state . . . and it's usually a voice that resembles either my mother's voice or my father's voice . . .

pry just an effect of falling between consciousnesses, though . . .

one time, though I really thought it was my mom and I answered it :O

Perhaps your house is haunted :p

when i have headphones on i can swear someone is calling me , it totally messes up my enjoyment of songs

That happens to me as well. Which is weird because my name doesn't sound or rhyem with anything you would hear in a song.
I do every now and then. I'll be laying in the bed, on the verge of falling asleep, and I will very clearly hear someone say "hey!"

It gets me every time, even though there is no one there.
Ah Ha ha. :O This guy may top the new asian dude for most disturbing threads :yay:


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