Do you finish every game you buy?


Sep 14, 2010
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I try not to buy a new game until I've beat the game I purchased before it, or I've gotten several hours logged into its single player. I'll end up going months without a new game because I lose interest in playing a game, but feel the need to force myself to play through just so I can buy the actual game I want to play.
Is anyone else like this?
I definitely prefer to finish a game, but like you I just lose interest sometimes. To date I've bought three Assassins Creed games and not finished a single one (you'd think I'd learn). Sleeping Dogs also got really boring, I took the disc out a few months ago and have yet to feel the urge to put it back in.

Fortunately it's rare, and I'm happy to move on to the next game without worrying about finishing whatever came before it.
During the last year or so I've bought several games that I haven't finished yet. Some I haven't even tried out yet.
Resident Evil Remake (played an hour or so)
Resident Evil 4 (haven't started)
Fear 3 (about a third through)
Both Riddick games (almost done with first one)
Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 (not even unwrapped the box yet)
Both Dragon Age games (a few hours into the first one)
3 different Zelda games (started 2 of them)

The reason for all this is both a lack of time and interest, mostly time.
I do. Games are expensive, and when I do purchase one, I make sure squeeze every minute of gameplay (and replay) I can from it.
I finish almost all of them. A few here and there I stopped for whatever reason but I'd say at least 95% of what I buy I finish.
I do. Games are expensive, and when I do purchase one, I make sure squeeze every minute of gameplay (and replay) I can from it.
Exactly what I do. I try to 100% all the games I buy and I play it at least twice.
Then I purchase the next one.
I used to, here lately though just in the last year or so I've bought several games that I haven't finished. Some of them I've barely even touched.

And that doesn't even take Steam into account. My pile of shame on Steam is downright shameful.

The same goes movies, television, and books as well. Just like with games lately I've just found it very hard to sit and focus on one thing for a long time. I think I'm getting ADD or something. :/
I try to only buy games I know I'll like based on previews and reviews, but I don't always finish them, I'd say its like 90-95%. But there's also games like gta or saints row where iced logged countless hours bt have never actually beaten.
I've completed every game I have, except for Assassins Creed III. I just lost total intrest in that game.
I haven't bought a new game in so long, but I have rented a ton of games in that time, and I think now the simple act of completing a game's story isn't enough. I've become a trophy ****e, so whenever I play a game, its hard for me to move on until I have gotten every trophy. The only times I give up is if there are a lot of MP trophies or if I ran out of time and had to send the game back. But once I sense that I can get them all in a short time, its hard for me to stop.

This is also a reason as to why I stopped buying games, since once I'm done with the trophies, I don't see any point in keeping the game since there's nothing else to accomplish.
Most of them I do, unless they turn out really bad. I've never finished the game for the first Iron Man movie, and that game sucked hard.
I don't pay for the retail prices of games and try to get them as cheap as possible, this has led to me owning several games I have yet to play let alone finish.
I buy a lot of PSN/XBLA games that I don't get round to beating because something of a bigger priority gets in the way. Right now though I'm doing pretty good at rounding up a lot of my pile of shame - finally beat Moon, 999, Shadow of the Colossus HD (just in HD! Had the original).

I still haven't beaten Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel and have done about 5 minutes of Snake Eater 3D.
I never finished Devil May Cry 4 past the first couple of levels because the game sucks.
Shooters I usually do all the way through, RPGs I'll probably give up half-way
I complete most games in story at least once, and still own them. The ones I couldn't get myself to finish and/or are hardly fun to play I got rid of. List of games I didn't finish:
  1. Forced myself to finish the first Assassin's Creed game, don't like playing it again. REMOVED
  2. Just Cause 2 is not Just in its cause. Gameplay is fun, but it offers a country to travel through, and there are 386 areas to discover and demolish the same way. Also, it's hard to find quick travel. Fun, but not to complete the story
  3. Iron Man the movie game is alright on PC, but not fun enough to sit through the whole campaign, and not fun to play again. REMOVED
  4. Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City QTE is a pain. F*** IT
I used to, here lately though just in the last year or so I've bought several games that I haven't finished. Some of them I've barely even touched.

And that doesn't even take Steam into account. My pile of shame on Steam is downright shameful.

The same goes movies, television, and books as well. Just like with games lately I've just found it very hard to sit and focus on one thing for a long time. I think I'm getting ADD or something. :/
I know that feeling man
It got me thinking I should play less games and collect less new comics, and even watch less anime series and ignore lots of films
Made a lot of good
Yess... I love to finish the games once I installed it into my iPhone.
I want and mean to finish every game I buy, but I do have a decent pile of shame right now, some of the games have been on it for years;

Okami on Wii - Got the game for my birthday a number of years ago, lost interest during the second hour of prologue/story
Fallout 3 - I got it for Christmas the year it came out, it's a game I've been wanting to play, but other games always get in the way
Resident Evil on Wii - I remember trying Resident Evil games and got annoyed with the controls. Then I played 4 on Wii and thought it was great, so I gave this one a try, turns out I still don't like the controls of the original games.
Fallout New Vegas - Thought buying this would give me motivation to finish Fallout 3, I was wrong, at least New Vegas only cost me $10
Zelda: Skyword Sword - Like Okami, the dense story turns me away, I don't remember so much reading and story in other Zeldas
Assassin's Creed 3 - I love the franchise, but this one isn't working for me, maybe it's the 6-7 hours I put in before I actually got the hidden blade. I might try to start playing this again soon though
Dishonored - I'm definitely going to start playing this soon, got it for Christmas, but got distracted by other games
Doom 3 BFG Edition - Same as Dishonored

Then there's games I want that 100% achievement record;
Assassin's Creed - Never got all the flags, at some point I start working on this, very much a backburner project
Dead Rising Off The Record - I have two non-multiplayer achievements to get the special diet one and 100,000 kills. Special Diet shouldn't be too bad, 100,000 kills, ugh...
Borderlands 1 and 2 - Really just a lot of little random achivements left, the biggest problem is going to be the raid bosses since I would much rather by myself
Bioshock Infinite - Well this I'll finish tonight, just have to track down one Voxophone and I'm done

I have made a deal with myself though, I can't buy a new game until I finish 2 games I already have.
Sometimes. Last game I actually bought was Battlefield 3. Haven't touched the single player mode. Got it just for multiplayer. I gamefly everything else. Finish the single mode and return. If the multiplayer mode is good enough. I'll keep it longer til I get bored of it.

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