ljr said:
Which is why rogue has to be brought back,plus casue the others haven't had their story's told there is more to explore.
Rogue had her story in X1, had romance in X2 and had her problem solved in X3. Bobby and Kitty also had backstories and explainations.
Where as Ororo and Scott have had no explaination, no backstory, no orgin.
Scott got a half-a$$ romance and a crazy offscreeen forgetable death.
Storm got nothing. She even had her postition as second in command stolen right from beneath her. The keys to the mansion don't mean dittle squat since Xavier is alive and well. She served no purpose except as a lighting rod and a fog machine. She was a tool without a emotional pupose. What the little bit of impact she was soposed to have in X3 was lost in people whining about those who where lucky enough to have a story and hated it anyway.
(So is it better to have something that sucks, or have nothing that sucks?)
The only other protaganist X-men that can claim that is Colossus. But he's not one of the orginal (movie-verse) four is he...
So yes, I want to see more of the adult x-men. I want to see those Scott and Ororo, not Cyclops and Storm. They are people with stories of their own too. Stories that were never told. No mention of Storm being a goddess, stealing anything and everything. Scott has no mention of a brother, life in Alaska, or his life on the streets.
We know that Bobby hails from upperclass middle America in Boston.
Marie hails from Mississppi and got her powers when she had her first kiss.
Kitty misses snow, when she lives in upstate New York O_0 .
Jean was a little brat.
Xavier has been bald forever...
See what I mean.