Sequels X-men: the new mutants


Mar 18, 2006
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i just herd a rumor on SHH, or, that Zak Penn is doing a spin-off that isn't Wolverine, or Magneto(or at least he is contracted to) and the early rumor is the new mutants...I for one, think if they are too go forward with the xmen timeline, that this could be a fantastic idea..

my dream idea..(please feel free to praise or hate this idea)

keep some of the new young mutants that you just introduced and could use more screen time

Shadowcat(after she trains as a ninja)
i suppose Rogue(Even though her character has had plenty of screen time in these movies)

then introduce new mutants that Xavier recruits to help the Xmen that can use just screen time

and maybe if we're lucky, Cable and Bishop

and in a perfect world, retain at least one of the original leaders ...ether

or Beast, to be the leader of the group

and then possible storylines/villans

the bishop and cable one has always been my favorite, so i am a little biased but that would be sweet..

apacolypse(not AoA)

Sinister-although it would be tough but not impossible with out jean

the hellfire club

Shi'ar/ Starjammers-again would be tough with out scott and jean, but not impossible

and...i don't know tell me if you like what i have suggested, or not, and if you do what storylines/villans would you like to see?
I hope its new mutants/gen x/academy x themed.

My list of characters would include:
Beast (as co-leader/headmaster of school and X-Men)
Storm ( co-leader/headmistress of school and X-Men)

Northstar (faculty and/or assistant to Beast)
Emma Frost (maybe...faculty...maybe headmistress)

Iceman (...all would be part of the field team)

New Mutants/Gen X/Academy X:
Icarus (Hey...I like the Guthries...what can I say?)

Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Mastermind, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, Tessa/Sage, Selene, Shinobi Shaw, Ms. Steed, Scribe)

Thats it for the villains at the moment.
well yeha i agree storm should be the leader, but im not a fan of recasting her, if you are then i suppose it does not matter for you, but i would like to see storm if halley is up for it.

Hellfire Clud is a stout idea i hadn't thought of that, do you know forsure is emma frosts mutant academy part of that two where its like professor x's but reverse and she trains them to be part of the hellfire club i think? if that where like a theme that could be cool...

yeah i like the hell fire club there time is due too

not a northstar fan though, i also do think gambit's time is way past due for one of the most popular xmen
L0ngsh0t said:
well yeha i agree storm should be the leader, but im not a fan of recasting her, if you are then i suppose it does not matter for you, but i would like to see storm if halley is up for it.

Hellfire Clud is a stout idea i hadn't thought of that, do you know forsure is emma frosts mutant academy part of that two where its like professor x's but reverse and she trains them to be part of the hellfire club i think? if that where like a theme that could be cool...

yeah i like the hell fire club there time is due too

not a northstar fan though, i also do think gambit's time is way past due for one of the most popular xmen

Forgot about Gambit...I'd put him on the main team.

I wouldn't recast Storm either.

Other villains:

Mutant Liberation Front (Reignfire, Forearm, Tempo, Reaper, Wildside, Moonstar, Locus, Feral, Selby, Dragoness)

Upstarts ( Shinobi Shaw, Trevor Fitzroy, Gamesmaster, Fabian Cortez, Graydon Creed, Siena Blaze, Fenris)
I'd want to see
Beast and Storm running it

Emma Frost
and those other X-Kids we see in the mansion.

If there is no more normal X-Men films, then maybe Gambit should be in this one too.
If there is going to be a New Mutants or Gen X movie then I would hope that they keep some of the older X-men in it as teachers. It would be good to see Wolverine taking a class (that would be funny).

Though I wouldn't want more of the same as far as stories and team dynamic goes. Considering that it would be the younger cast mostly it would be good to see a whole new bunch of stories and a new dynamic.
The only person I would want to carry over I would want to be Beast. One, there is no way Halle would take Storm again unless she got to fly even more and this movie is about the kids and not her so she wouldn't do it and I don't want to recast her. I think it would perfect if Beast takes over everything.

Headmaster: Beast

White Queen- As a teen though, she would be the preppy girl no one likes of the group
Kitty Pride

I just think they should keep it small and all those other people that I didn't put you can see around the school and have one liners and help in the end.

I would say the best enemy though wouldn't be the HFC but have it be like Magneto decided to let Pyro try his hand at defeating the kids and Pyro started up his own brotherhood with Blob, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Avalanche, Marrow, Rogue, Gambit. Rogue would be evil for a little bit in my perfect world and she would meet Gambit who is playing both sides.

Other story lines would be the sentinels and the Morlocks. I just don't think the HFC or Apocalypse would work for that matter with a story of a bunch of teens. Then at the end of each movie there would be a graduation and some would leave and others would join, like Iceman and White Queen could just be in the first one then M and Cannonball could join the team cause they are moved up another grade or something, that way it would never be the same thing over and over like it has been in the main movies.
i don't think it nessearly should be just teens, like a mix, like...

i don't think a teenage white queen would be the greatest idea, not as bad as greedo shooting first, but still pretty bad, same with gambit

i think young mutants is a good idea, like 20-27 young, but i think 18 or less is a little too young to be fighting evil mutants

unless they can get magneto to return i see it unlikley, so i think the hellfire club would be the most logical option...

in the unlikley case where they can get james marsden, and (unless the likely death in x3 occurs) famke janessen to reprise there roles, a sinister story line could be cool
I want to see the as many New Mutants on the team as possible--


--- Warlock's my favorite, but his backstory would be too complicated and push the movie into blatant fantasy with his ultra-morphing power, weird looks and robotic dialogue.. he'd be lampooned as a Jar-Jar figure for kids, so...

That would be my dreamteam!

I will try to make a dreamhellfire picture too. I already have them on my wishlist(see the thread "x-men prequels")

After the lost of Prof. X, Cyclops will take the lead and form The New mutants....ok I hate Cyclops but, hey they need a leader!
Glad most people think Storm and Beast whould return as co-leaders... (they are the easiest to recast anyway) Everyone else should return... new mutants include Frost, Havoc, Cable, Bishop, Cannonball... u can't have everybody....
Xmen: the new Mutants ?? ....

naaaah, hate to say it but it sounds like a watered down version of
the original Xmen.

the problem i think the public will have with New Mutants are that
they have already build such a repoirt with the likes of characters
like Wolverine, Storm, and Jean Grey.

truth be told , even after 3 Xmen films , general public is still much
attuned and infatuated with the current Xmen
( and villains like Magneto and Mystique)

to me , it would make a lot more sense to go for another potential
blockbuster Xmen 4 film than to a new cast/characters
especially since the original Xmen is still generating
such huge attention and demand.

1) They will leave out many of the franchise actors. Berry and Jackman etc would be asking huge 8 digit figures of money, and I dont think they'd spend that much on this film

2) Cannonball. Leader of the New Mutants and only one to eventually make the X-Men, he's bound to be in it. They can just use Human Torch's special effects and modify em.

3) It will mostly be new characters, ones not touched on. A mix of New Mutants and Gen X. Knowing the writers, they'll probably mix up owers, names etc.

4) Hopefully Synch!
Cannonball would not be the leader

my guess is Havok would come in and replace his older brother

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