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Doc Ock vs. Green Goblin


Nov 30, 2004
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Take the villains from each film and face them off together. Who do you think wins?
Doc. Ock

He is so cool with those extra arms
Yep i think everyone got it right here.

Doc Ock has so many tentacles to duel and green goblin probably would get tripped up. Once that gliders grabbed by 2 tentacles and torn apart its over heh.
I would've said Dock Ock, if it wasn't for Goblin's pumpkin bombs.
Norman is super strong; Ock's body is only human.
Spider-X-Treme said:
Ock's body is only human.

Seems to me the arms messed with his mind a little to witstand a bit more beating from spiderman, but I see what youre saying.
Spider-X-Treme said:
Ock's body is only human.

Which is why Ock is an expert at using his tentacles to keep things away from his body like pumpkin bombs, bullets, Electro's power blasts, Spidey's webbing, and anything else people try to throw at him:

Green Goblin - Thanks to Raimi, Octopus' reach really isnt all that impressive. He could stay out of it all day and dodge whatever Octopus threw at him.

Octopus can deflect bombs all he wants - one of those neutron bombs is all GG needs to win.
This is one of those ultimate geek battles that has been discussed and argued over a million times here and elsewhere, just like "Superman vs Batman". On paper, Gobby should win because he is super-powered and all he has to do is stay out of range and bombard the hell out of Ock. One of them suckers is bound to land eventually. :up:

What makes it similar to the Batty/Soups battle IMO, are the intangibles. Superman's glaring "weakness" is his unfailing goodness. Bats can and will fight "dirty", giving him "an edge". The Goblin's weakness is the fact that he is totally and completely bat***** insane. His anger, paranoia, psychosis etc... will eventually be his undoing. Ock using his patience and intelligence should be able to capitalize and prevail.... with prep time. :o ;)

On paper, Soups beats Bats (easily) and Gobby incinerates Otto, but throw in the intanigbles and its a different story. 10 out of 10, and they split 5-5 IMO, though with a slight edge to Ockster due to the craziness factor.

Now excuse me while I go wash the nerdness off. :D
Doc Ock said:
Which is why Ock is an expert at using his tentacles to keep things away from his body like pumpkin bombs, bullets, Electro's power blasts, Spidey's webbing, and anything else people try to throw at him:


good find :up: proves doc ock is ths shiznit
Doc Ock said:
Which is why Ock is an expert at using his tentacles to keep things away from his body like pumpkin bombs, bullets, Electro's power blasts, Spidey's webbing, and anything else people try to throw at him:

You make a good point Dock Ock, as always.
But are we talking about the comic book or the movie villains?
As far as I know, Steven said to take them from the films and usually the thread starter dictates the rules. :p
So in movieverse Ock is very vulnerable to electricity and, if we consider GG to be just as strong, fast and agile as Spidey, it is clear that Ock can't deflect their attacks at all times.
As Vile said, all Norman needs is one of those 'neutron' bombs. :gg:
Spider-X-Treme said:
So in movieverse Ock is very vulnerable to electricity and, if we consider GG to be just as strong, fast and agile as Spidey, it is clear that Ock can't deflect their attacks at all times.

Ok, so we're talking movie verse. Did GG ever actually defeat Spider-Man once?? Even with the use of all his toys?? No. But Spidey defeated the Goblin using brute strength. Spidey never beat Ock once using strength. He had to appeal to Otto to win.

Ock has four tentacles, resistant to HEAT and magnetism I may add. Not to mention the arms have A.I. which spot any in coming attacks. Remember MJ tried to hit Ock from behind?? What can the Goblin do that Ock cannot counter act??

Throw bombs at him?? He could deflect those as shown above. Dive at him with the glider?? Ock would swat him off it like a fly.

As Vile said, all Norman needs is one of those 'neutron' bombs. :gg:

Ock could deflect one of those too. He could either shield himself with the 4 tentacles or swat it away if Gobby tossed one at him. If I remember, it takes several seconds for it to explode. I remember the board members sitting there looking at it for a few seconds before it exploded lol.

Ned Leeds said:
This is one of those ultimate geek battles that has been discussed and argued over a million times here and elsewhere, just like "Superman vs Batman". On paper, Gobby should win because he is super-powered and all he has to do is stay out of range and bombard the hell out of Ock. One of them suckers is bound to land eventually. :up:

And you think Ock would just let Norman stand there and toss these bombs?? He'd be dodging some angry tentacles ;)

I can't really comment on the Batman/Superman analogy. Batman fans reckon Batman is bloody invincible with that prep time and could take down Galactus with prep time lol.

But if comic Ock can fend off multiple attacks like what was shown above, there's no reason why movie Ock cannot. If anything movie Ock has an edge with those smart arms that are heat and magnetism resistant.

Nuff said.
Doc Ock said:
Ok, so we're talking movie verse. Did GG ever actually defeat Spider-Man once?? Even with the use of all his toys?? No. But Spidey defeated the Goblin using brute strength. Spidey never beat Ock once using strength. He had to appeal to Otto to win.

Ock has four tentacles, resistant to HEAT and magnetism I may add. Not to mention the arms have A.I. which spot any in coming attacks. Remember MJ tried to hit Ock from behind?? What can the Goblin do that Ock cannot counter act??

Throw bombs at him?? He could deflect those as shown above. Dive at him with the glider?? Ock would swat him off it like a fly.

Ock could deflect one of those too. He could either shield himself with the 4 tentacles or swat it away if Gobby tossed one at him. If I remember, it takes several seconds for it to explode. I remember the board members sitting there looking at it for a few seconds before it exploded lol.

And you think Ock would just let Norman stand there and toss these bombs?? He'd be dodging some angry tentacles ;)

I can't really comment on the Batman/Superman analogy. Batman fans reckon Batman is bloody invincible with that prep time and could take down Galactus with prep time lol.

But if comic Ock can fend off multiple attacks like what was shown above, there's no reason why movie Ock cannot. If anything movie Ock has an edge with those smart arms that are heat and magnetism resistant.

Nuff said.

If Spidey was able to easily land so many punches to movie Ock's face, (which is clearly different from the comics where he can't even get near him as I remember), I reckon Gobby could get at least *one* bomb in there (past the tentacles). And all he needs is one. ;) Osborn aint no Demogoblin VII or whatver that thing up there is either. ^ lol

Again, in a perfect scenerio for GG, all he has to do is "stay out of range" of the tenacles (they do have a limit of reach right?) , dodge objects Ock would throw, and go full artillery on Ock, who, after all is a normal-powered man that will eventually tire. Having "the high ground" is a proven combat advantage time and again. Ock is actually pretty vulnurable in this fight. Again, its Goblin's insanity that would be his downfall IMO. Ock would exploit this. But then again, MOVIE Ock has a good heart. :p

pretty even match. :cool:
Ned Leeds said:
If Spidey was able to easily land so many punches to movie Ock's face, (which is clearly different from the comics where he can't even get near him as I remember), I reckon Gobby could get at least *one* bomb in there (past the tentacles). And all he needs is one. ;) Osborn aint no Demogoblin VII or whatver that thing up there is either. ^ lol

There's a difference between landing a punch when you're right beside Ock, and taking the brunt of a bomb when tossing it from a distance. Ock knew Spider-Man was not going to kill him. And even if Ock was rendered unconscious, the tentacles are still alive and kicking ;)

That's Hobgoblin up there btw. Same weaponry ;)

Again, in a perfect scenerio for GG, all he has to do is "stay out of range" of the tenacles (they do have a limit of reach right?) , dodge objects Ock would throw, and go full artillery on Ock, who, after all is a normal-powered man that will eventually tire. Having "the high ground" is a proven combat advantage time and again. Ock is actually pretty vulnurable in this fight. Again, its Goblin's insanity that would be his downfall IMO. Ock would exploit this. But then again, MOVIE Ock has a good heart. :p

Yeah the tentacles have limited reach range. It's 24 feet in the comics. They never specified what it was in the movie.

And I say again, Gobby can fly around all he likes, if he wants to get a decent shot at Ock he has to fly in close, like he does every time he throws a bomb. And that's all Ock needs to pluck him off that glider. And I say again, if he can fend off multiple attacks as shown above, he can do so in the movie. Especially with the smart arms.

And good hearted or not, Ock handed out a big can of ass whoop to Spidey. And no doubt he'd extend the Power Ranger villain the same courtesy :p

pretty even match.

Which we were robbed of last year in Marvel Knights :down
It pains me to say it, but Gobby is going to have a tough time with Ock. The only way I can see him winning is if he stays out of the tentacles range and unleashes hell on Otto with the razor bats, pumpkin bombs, missiles and machine guns. Like has been said, Otto can and will deflect much of what Norman throws at him, but Ock cant dodge all of them. Thats the only way Goblin can win. If Ock gets his "hands" on him, its all over.
Doc Ock said:
That's Hobgoblin up there btw. Same weaponry

To be fair Doc, isn't that Macendale or some other knock-off? Hardly the real Hobgoblin or Green Goblin, for that matter. So ... not really "the same". ;) (put crapendale in the tentacles and maybe then its the same, plus we're talking MOVIES here.) But, I see what you're sayin'.

Yeah the tentacles have limited reach range. It's 24 feet in the comics. They never specified what it was in the movie.

And I say again, Gobby can fly around all he likes, if he wants to get a decent shot at Ock he has to fly in close, like he does every time he throws a bomb. And that's all Ock needs to pluck him off that glider. And I say again, if he can fend off multiple attacks as shown above, he can do so in the movie. Especially with the smart arms.

And I say, he doesn't have to fly, just hover at 25'. He could even make a sandwich. :p

Again, not really arguing with you, just playing goblin's advocate. ;)

GG doesn't have to get "close". Don't forget the missiles in the glider ("its bitsy spider"; they were quick, fast and deadly) A few of those and they are eventually going to do *some* damage, especially WITH combos of regular p-bombs, machine gun fire and incinerators. (Spidey hit him with a friggin bag of coins for God's sake! Ock can deflect bombs, but not a bag of coins? LOL! :D ) Also the razor bats are thin and erratic enough to squeeze through as well. All Gobby has to do is hold the high ground (out of range) and wait for Ock to tire.

The more I think about it, even with Goblin's insanity, I see this as a draw. :cool:

Oh, and as for Spidey not beating movie Ock physically, this is true, technically. He could and would have as he had Ockster back on his a$$ in a puddle of water, but he NEEDED him (and his big heart :p) to help stop the doomsday/sun thingie. If Otto had dissed snaggles, he would have got the same treatment. I'll go ahead and concede that I could never see Spidey being able to physically beat comic Ock, but in the movies, he's able to get through the tentacles for punches and head butts etc.. if thats possible, so it is as well, for Gobby weaponry to slip through.

Throw out the poetry, good hearts and power ranger suits and its a draw IMO.

Happy Birthday, by the way Doc! :D
Doc Ock said:

Is Doc Ock smoking in that picture? Well then, I think it's quite obvious that GG would win; cause halfway through the fight, Doc Ock would die from lung cancer. Case closed.
Ned Leeds said:
But, I see what you're sayin'.

That's all I need ;)

And I say, he doesn't have to fly, just hover at 25'. He could even make a sandwich.

He could hover all he likes. Ock ain't gonna stand there and take it. Assuming Ock's tentacles can extend as long as the comics ones, Ock could at the very least toss something large at Gobby with two tentacles, and use the other two to fend off anything Gobby may throw. I again refer to the example above. He's just using 2 arms there to deflect multiple attacks.

GG doesn't have to get "close". Don't forget the missiles in the glider ("its bitsy spider"; they were quick, fast and deadly) A few of those and they are eventually going to do *some* damage, especially WITH combos of regular p-bombs, machine gun fire and incinerators. (Spidey hit him with a friggin bag of coins for God's sake! Ock can deflect bombs, but not a bag of coins? LOL! ) Also the razor bats are thin and erratic enough to squeeze through as well. All Gobby has to do is hold the high ground (out of range) and wait for Ock to tire.

Missiles he can dodge. Plus, they're probably limited. He has not got an unlimited supply of these weapons. Ocky can dodgey, but Gobby has only got so much before he runs out. Ock doesn't run out of tentacles ;)

As for Ock tiring. You're under the assumption he's using his actual flesh and blood body to fight. He's using the arms. They do not tire.

The bag of coins thing, well if Spidey can beat down Gobby until he begs Spidey to stop after Spidey getting seven shades of s*** kicked out of him, I have no doubt Ock can take down the Green plastic menace. Whether Spidey managed to sneak in a bag of coins or not. Spidey managed to land the pain on them both :p

Oh, and as for Spidey not beating movie Ock physically, this is true, technically. He could and would have as he had Ockster back on his a$$ in a puddle of water, but he NEEDED him (and his big heart :p) to help stop the doomsday/sun thingie.

Not quite my friend.

Spidey stopped hitting Ock cos MJ was in peril. Nothing to do with needing Ock to shut down the reactor. It was only after he ripped the power chords did he realize this thing wasn't shutting down on it's own ;)

If Otto had dissed snaggles

Who is Snaggles?? :confused: You mean Vulture??

I'll go ahead and concede that I could never see Spidey being able to physically beat comic Ock, but in the movies, he's able to get through the tentacles for punches and head butts etc.. if thats possible, so it is as well, for Gobby weaponry to slip through.

Fair enough. Your opinion, which I respect. But I don't recall any head butts. That would of been cool though. I'd love to have seen Ock with an angry bloody face.

Throw out the poetry, good hearts and power ranger suits and its a draw IMO.

Raimi falls short on the villains. He had Goblin written pretty well, but he looked bloody awful on screen. Ock looked badass, but his character was changed in the movie.

Hopefully third time's a charm and he'll get one villain 100% right.

Happy Birthday, by the way Doc!

Oh thank you. Another year older, but not much wiser :p

Btw Ned, I see you've been here a while but rarely post. Do you have another screen name, or are you mainly a lurker??
Doc Ock said:
He could hover all he likes. Ock ain't gonna stand there and take it. Assuming Ock's tentacles can extend as long as the comics ones, Ock could at the very least toss something large at Gobby with two tentacles, and use the other two to fend off anything Gobby may throw. I again refer to the example above. He's just using 2 arms there to deflect multiple attacks.

Yep, in between bites of the sandwich, Gobby would still need to dodge/brace for the occasional object Otto would hurl.

Missiles he can dodge. Plus, they're probably limited. He has not got an unlimited supply of these weapons. Ocky can dodgey, but Gobby has only got so much before he runs out. Ock doesn't run out of tentacles

OK, just so's we clear, he can dodge multiple missiles, but not a bag of coins? :D

Good point about Gobby's weaponry supply, though. We have no idea the limit of that. Considering Octavius' mortal abilities (normal human endurance vs GG's arsenal supply,) beyond the tentacles, its a wash, IMO: resulting again in a DRAW.

As for Ock tiring. You're under the assumption he's using his actual flesh and blood body to fight. He's using the arms. They do not tire.

Time take its toll, and an exhausted, read: passed out Otto, even with writhing tentacles does not measure up against an airborne super-powered madman with weaponry.

Spidey stopped hitting Ock cos MJ was in peril. Nothing to do with needing Ock to shut down the reactor. It was only after he ripped the power chords did he realize this thing wasn't shutting down on it's own ;)

Been a while, but I'm pretty sure Spidey only let up on Ock because he knew he needed his help to stop the machine, in order to save the city and his girl.

Snaggles?? :confused: You mean Vulture??

sorry, meant Dunst/MJ.

I'd love to have seen Ock with an angry bloody face.

Unless Im wrong, Spidey administered at least one head butt ; think it was the post-bank battle down the side of the building. AWESOME!

Raimi falls short on the villains. He had Goblin written pretty well, but he looked bloody awful on screen. Ock looked badass, but his character was changed in the movie.

Hopefully third time's a charm and he'll get one villain 100% right.

Total agreement! Not holding my breath though.
If it were Comic Octopus, I would put all money on the good Doctor.

Sadly, movie Octopus is NO comic version. In making the tentacles huge industrial looking monstrosities, Raimi's shown us that Movie Ock's reach really isnt all that impressive - as, opposed to the Comic Octopus.

Look at the picture above, how far back Octopus is dodging Electro's blasts and Hobgoblin's bombs. Now, take a look at almost every scene that involved Movie Ock - he has to be practically on top of it, if not far too close for comfort.

Considering the Goblin's range of weapons, Octopus could deflect bombs all day but the explosion alone is going to do some majoy damage - not to mention, Movie Ock kidnapped an old woman and ran from a handful of cops with pistols - I don't think he's very confident in the 'blocking bullets' department...what he going to do with a maniacal Goblin ontop of a flying twin-barreled machine gun?

Comic Octopus, hands down. Movie Octopus? The Goblin all the way. Movie Octopus simply doesnt have the reach and all the Goblin needs is one opening.

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