Comics Eve of Destruction


Aug 4, 2003
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Okay, I'm just curious if i'm alone here or not.

Durring the Eve OF Destruction storyline there was a thrown together group of X-Men.


and three newbies:

Sunpyre (sunfire's sister)
Hector aka Wraith
and Paulie

Dazzler, Northstar, and the newbies left when all was said and done. Now Northstar later joined the team and Sunpyre joined X-corps and died. Dazzler's been gone but then she's always gone so no questions there.

I'm curious whatever ever became of Wraith and Paulie. I loved these two characters from their first appearance and hoped they would resurface very shortly afterwards. They obviously haven't but to this day i still look for them.

Did anyone else like them or was it just me?
I was expecting great things from Wraith the way his powers were hyped up, but all he did was make whoever he touched translucent? I can live without that. And Paulie got on my nerves. Every other word out of his mouth was about how gay Northstar was and how he had the hots for him. Peronally, I'm glad they're gone.
I felt that Wraith could have been played up in time and I just found Paulie fun. Yeah he was focused too much as a homophobe but if he wasnt put in that position I think he'd be cooler
Paulie was hilarious. Sure he was a homophobe... but most mafia guys are :) Ever watch the sopranoes
Then there was the mind-wiped Joanna Cargill... I thought that was the funniest part of the storyline, honestly.
Ahh, yes...the knitted sweaters, the distant look in her eyes, the lip biting smile...Cargill was a nice addition to the team.
When I saw that tranlucent mutant as the school... I thought it was Wraith from that story..... but it turned out not to be him:(
Glob herman was much "larger" than ol'wraith.

For some reason when it first came out i didn't pick up that jean mind controled Cargil and so I was furious at the destruction of her character. It wasn't until lately that I realised it and laughed.
Weapon X sux... They kill off characters just for shock value... those bastards
Where in Weapon X 5. I never saw him in it. The only ones I recognized was Maggott, Cecelia, Sonia Blaze, and Bulwark. All of them died except Cecelia.
Originally posted by JewishHobbit
Where in Weapon X 5. I never saw him in it. The only ones I recognized was Maggott, Cecelia, Sonia Blaze, and Bulwark. All of them died except Cecelia.

Random was meant to have been killed in a fight with the gaurds supposedly.. tho with his powers neutered he would technically just be a liquid. +Why was Maggott blue?? his powers turn him blue he isnt stuck like that as a physical mutation.. + his Maggotts could have eaten an escape route for everyone no problem cos hey were working fine.
None of them died with any dignity .. they all just walked merrily to their deaths.
Why did Siena Blaze go willingly with Sabretooth and Co?? wasnt she the teleporting one who took down a blackbird??
I thought Paulie and Northstar had a pretty funny moment in the very beginning when they first met. Northstar basically beat the crap out of him. :)
I never thought of all that stuff with Maggott, i wish he did escape. I've looked over the issue and I see where Stryker says Paulie is in it though it may not be him. It's the guy sitting next to Maggatt that asks him what he is doing just before they are killed. It could look like Paulie but with Paulie looking normal it could have been any dark haired man.
I don't read weapon x. What is this your talking about? What happened.
Dont bother...
its lame.
Frank Tieri.. to make his Director seem evil did the most blatant Hitler Nazi parralel he could imagine by making him build death camps. (Though how none of the X-Men + all their telepaths noticed we dont know) In here he killed loadsa X-Men characters that haven't been used much for a while in a really lame story.
infact Cable discovered + decided to stop them... with about 4 other people and without bothering telling the x-Men who he worked with for ages, knowing full well they could have all just walked in + saved everyone. Guess he must prefer looking like a lone hero than actually saving anyone at all.
Those killed were:

Maggott, Sonia Blaze, and Bulwark (one of those who followed Emplate in GenerationX)

Those possibly killed were Paulie and Random.

Leach and Cecelia Reyes are there as well but still alive last we saw.
When Magneto killed Dazzeler, did she really die?

i was sad to see Sunpyre die so soon after this.
I liked Paulie and hoped he had shown up later

When Magneto killed Dazzeler, did she really die?
Of course he didnt kill her. It was explained as a hologram
Those killed were:

Maggott, Sonia Blaze, and Bulwark (one of those who followed Emplate in GenerationX)

Those possibly killed were Paulie and Random.

Leach and Cecelia Reyes are there as well but still alive last we saw.

Sonia Blade was a Mortal Kombat character. You must be talking about SIENA Blaze :p

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