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Found this on the IMDB boards. Thought it was funny. Note that this list goes through the film chronologically, so its best used while watching the film, like the guy says.
"This isn't a thing about the art direction, or dialogue, or character desecration, or acting, all of which are also terrible and have had their threads many tims, this is just a very, very long list of everything that's simply "wrong" with this movie, such as scientific inaccuracies, or major continuity errors. And I mean a seriously long list.
(for best effect watch the movie while reading these)
(Also note they are in order of appearance from the beginning of the movie)
- Robin seems to tug on the lower area of his suit as though pulling up pants.
- Rather heavy helmet Batman has.
- Almost all of the tools they pick up appear quite useless.
- Point of rotating orange light in the front of the Batmobile?
- Considering Commissioner Gordon would have to lock on to Batmans signal, surely he would notice its coming from underneath Wayne Manor?
- If Mr. Freeze has frozen the security guards, how would Gordon know hes at the museum or that hes calling himself Mr. Freeze?
- The guards do not slip on the ice while running at Mr. Freeze.
- How did Mr. Freezes gun manage to create large icicles and freeze the perfectly dry floor without touching anything else?
- Mr. Freezes one absolute is incorrect, as everything also boils and melts as well as freezes.
- How did Batman know the statue of the dinosaur was there to break his fall.
- Robins bike miraculously manages to leave a hole in the shape of his symbol in the door.
- Despite apparently being an avid and skilled motorcyclist, Robin falls off his bike immediately after entering the museum.
- Jar flies directly up, then lands where Batman is standing.
- Mr. Freezes gun sticks to the top of the statue.
- Mr. Freezes goons come out of nowhere.
- If Mr. Freeze was just a scientist, where did he get goons in the first place?
- Goons are armed with hockey sticks.
- Ice skates come out of Batman & Robins boots, which are not platform boots.
- Mr. Freeze is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, whos a huge man, but even he is unlikely to have the strength to throw a heavy man roughly 50ft into the air, with no starting momentum.
- Ice skates visibly turn into roller blades for much of the scene.
- Goons seem to just skate around randomly, rather then attack the heroes.
- Dinosaurs died off many millions of years before the first Ice Age.
- Mr. Freezes rather complicated car appears without any explanation.
- Diamond flies rather unrealistically into Mr. Freezes hand.
- Point of rocket?
- Robin floats through the air to the rocket.
- Robin holds his grip on the rocket despite going through a window.
- Too many pointless buttons and switches in the rocket
- Before Batman freezes in space, he would be incinerated, along with the rocket, by the atmosphere, as the rocket is clearly travelling at no more then 200 km/h
- The rocket is roughly 25ft. long and 8ft. across, and contains no explosive material, other then some fuel, therefore is unlikely to destroy Gotham had it ever had a chance.
- Robin takes his laser from the front of his utility belt, where it has miraculously appeared.
- The Bat-bomb seems to mainly be a flashing light with wings, with very little room for a powerful explosive to fit in it.
- Doors turn into surfboards.
- Although they have no remote grip on the boards, they are both able to stay on while plummeting at least 70mph.
- The boards act like gliders, despite being made of steel.
- Mr. Freeze has not travelled far and doesnt notice the large explosion of the rocket.
- Diamond ridiculously flies up while falling at massive speeds.
- Robin flips over on his board without falling off.
- Baterangs go between the vent bars, and then turn sideways.
- Robin makes a noise without opening his mouth.
- Mr. Freezes goons somehow know hes down in the tunnel and bring the car there.
- Freeze has ample opportunity to kill Batman, yet he doesnt.
- When water is being heated, it doesnt look any different until it starts boiling, at which point it will begin bubbling and turning into steam, it sure doesnt turn bright red.
- Green lightning?
- Plants are not anywhere near extinction.
- Why is Dr. Woodrow laughing maniacally, it does not comply with what hes doing when Dr. Isley goes down to his lab?
- She has been in the same building for years, and has long wondered what he does down there. More so there is nothing to stop her going down there, as seen the in film, so why is she only going down now?
- Dr. Woodrows super soldier is hardly the ideal killing machine if it loses most of its intelligence.
- The poisons and toxins make the ground glow, then cause everything to sink.
- Mr. Freezes accident really was one waiting to happen. The tank he falls into is the same height and width as the platform he was on, and the railing stops on either side of the tank, leaving it very easy to fall into.
- Assuming he was talking about the Celsius scale of degrees, water doesnt get to 50 degrees, it freezes at 0 degrees, Victor would merely have had a sore back for a little while.
- Security cameras do not move and follow an event they might be recording.
- Where did Freeze get his suit?
- McGregor Syndrome?!
- Poison Ivy rises (unrealistically) vertically out of the ground, even though she was left sinking horizontally.
- Chlorophyll is a green pigment, and not the best substitute for skin.
- The venom has no actual way of getting out of her lips.
- Bane is still standing where he was at least 2 hours previous.
- What is Poison Ivys interest in Gotham; there are many better places where plants are in danger, such as the Amazon.
- Does Mr. Freezes hideout not look a bit suspicious?
- Freeze calls Frosty over just to say Ah, energy! and tell him things he already knows.
- If hes not interested in her, why does Mr. Freeze have the woman there?
- If Freezes wife is cryogenically frozen, why is she floating in a tank of water?
- Oxford University does not have a uniform, and even if it did, its unlikely that Barbara would wear it all the way from England to the USA, then to Wayne Manor.
- Barbara rather stupidly stands on the wall attempting to see in the window, despite it clearly being still a full 1 or 2ft above her.
- Robins motorcycle is out in the middle of the path for no reason.
- Barbara claims that the photograph of Alfreds wife is the same one she has beside her bed, but as its a traditional photograph, there would not be two.
- Where did Barbara get the keys to the ignition for Robins Motorcycle?
- Where did Poison Ivy get her elaborate outfits tailored?
- According to the map, Gotham City is right where New York City is on the East Coast of the USA.
- Why is Bruce Wayne carrying around the advertisement for the garden ball with him?
- Surely Mr. Freeze would merely tell Frosty to be quiet, rather then freeze him, as he clearly had something important to say.
- Where would Poison Ivy get her pheromone dust?
- The crowd seem less impressed with Batman and Robins bids then they are with the man who bids half as much.
- If the pheromone dust heats a mans blood, it still does not explain why the men fall in love with Poison Ivy if she uses it on them, let alone the women.
- Neither Batman nor Robin seem to notice the dust she is blatantly blowing on them.
- Freeze refreezes the same people over and over.
- Crowd shrinks from at least 50 people to about 15.
- Mr. Freeze is somehow able to swing to the stage on the vine from the much lower floor with no forward momentum.
- Batman is able to punch through a solid wooden tray, without any injury to his hand.
- The garden ball arena seems to be situated on the top of a tall building, so did Mr. Freeze perhaps use the elevator to bring his car up to the top?
- Freeze smashes the same window to get out.
- Robins bike is able to stop suddenly without any brakes.
- Robins bike begins to slow down well before the jump, yet he arrives at it before Batman.
- The much lighter vehicles dont make the jump, but Freezes car does.
- Batman glides without anything to glide with.
- Batman somehow flies through the windshield (and steel frame) and knocks out Mr. Freeze, also landing outside.
- How did Batman get the Batmobile back to the Batcave if it was frozen?
- Has Robin never heard of a bike lock?
- Green lightning again.
- Freezes cell seems to be situated in a convenient tower attached to Arkham Asylum.
- The entrance into the Turkish Bath is boarded up, not doubt by the punks, so how did they get into the place?
- Bane is able to send all of the punks into the air by stomping on one floorboard.
- Bane stomps a hole in the concrete, straight through to the earth below, with no debris under his foot.
- Where did Poison Ivy get the seeds she uses to make the plants grow?
- The thermal detector also detects Barbaras helmet.
- There are so many things wrong with the racing scene that its impossible to list all of them, from the green fire to Robins very strong muscles in his foot.
- Robin does not seem to mind that Barbara has caused his two favourite motorcycles to be destroyed.
- Mr. Freezes ice sculpture of his wife somehow plays music.
- The fact that you see Two-Faces suit in the storage room makes little sense, as in the previous movie, Two-Face was killed when he fell down a deep chasm onto rocks, and his body clearly sank into the water. Its unlikely that the police would have retrieved the suit and repaired it, just to hang it in a storage closet.
- Does Bane wheel the trolley with Mr. Freezes suit all the way from the first floor to the top of Arkham Asylum?
- Surely the lock for Freezes cell door would be located on the outside of the room?
- Arkham Asylum is at least 500ft tall, and water or not, jumping off the top is ill advised to all but the suicidal.
- How does Commissioner Gordon show Batman & Robin the CCTV footage of Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy and Bane using a TV in Freezes hideout?
- Apparently, Poison Ivy and Bane put ten security guards in the hospital and killed a businessman, but no one thought to arrest them.
- Somehow, Batman knows where the switch to open the door into Freezes secret room.
- Poison Ivy knows her way around Freezes lair, despite never having been there before.
- The gas that is choking the police is prevented from spewing out anymore by Gordon, and suddenly they are all fine.
- Bane somehow knows there is an exit at the back of the room.
- How does Freeze escape the hideout?
- How does Poison Ivy get the necklace out of the tank?
- Mr. Freezes room in Ivys hideout appears out of nowhere and then disappears later.
- Alfred has been sick for some time, and said hes already seen the best doctors around, but its only when hes dying that the doctor diagnoses Macgregor Syndrome.
- Robin could not be stupid and blind enough to reject Batmans perfectly reasonable and rational explanation about Poison Ivy.
- The telescope is unveiled, yet looks no different to when we saw it earlier. Also it isnt used until after the unveiling party is over, which seems pointless.
- The bombs Bane plants around the telescope are a large flashing light, with no more then 2 inches in which to place explosives.
- The password is shown as it is being typed, not concealed in stars as it should be.
- How do the vines, gate etc. open/close when Robin steps past them?
- The blue lasers in the Batcave do nothing.
- Barbara goes to the centre of the cave, yet doesnt set off the alarm, she just waits there for the lasers to hit her.
- How did Alfred find time in his very ill state to make a suit for Batgirl?
- The venom doesnt affect rubber lips, despite them just being on the top lip, and not the bottom lip.
- Poison Ivy commands vines to grab Batman.
- Batgirl somehow knows where Batman & Robin are.
- The knife Poison Ivy uses to attack Batgirl is no more then an inch long, hardly lethal.
- The shot of Robin coming above the water for air then getting dragged back under is very clearly the shot of him climbing out off the water being rewinded.
- The telescope is rather conveniently compatible with Mr. Freezes machine.
- Batman, Robin and Batgirl have different suits on than before, did they go home to change especially for this confrontation?
- Freeze does not think of using his giant freezing engine on Batman, Robin and Batgirl.
- Good thing Batman brought his car with the anti-freezing gun shield built into it.
- The infamous motorcycle shot. The single stupidest thing in the movie. It really must be seen to be believed.
- Flexible icicles on the cars.
- Robin & Batgirl throw very static grappling hooks.
- Batgirl seems to know every insignificant detail about the telescope despite having never seeing or hearing of it before.
- Mr. Freeze targets the freezing engine with a magnifying glass seemingly capable of seeing for hundreds of metres.
- Also when Batman looks through the magnifying glass and Freeze is standing in front of it, he is only slightly magnified.
- Robin & Batgirls grappling hooks get up to the top very fast.
- They also manage to land on the same enclave that Bane happens to be on.
- The two scientists go yes and no in accordance with the satellite targeting, despite not being able to see the screen.
- The two scientists have very strong arms to be able to hold on to the telescope for so long.
- The sun being shone on the freezing engine turns it into a heat beam.
- Robin & Batgirl somehow know to pull out the tube while fighting Bane.
- After Freeze activates the bombs he rolls off the platform onto the
floor beside the telescope, but is unharmed by the explosion and more importantly, the collapse of most of the floor.
- The telescope is very flat while falling.
- What happens to Bane after he is defeated?
- The Satellites get around the world very quickly.
- Batman happens to have a video recording of Poison Ivy that looks awfully like the actual film footage seen earlier.
- Mr. Freeze happens to carry around the cure to Macgregor Syndrome, built into his suit, which Alfred needs.
- Judging by the dishevelled state Poison Ivy is in, she has been in the cell for several hours, and when Freeze lights up his suit, he is standing by the wall, so he has been standing there silently without her noticing for some time.
- Alfred recovers very quickly from the disease.
- Overall crapness of the film.
Thats all for now, should I spot any more, they will be added immediately"
Aaaand scene.
"This isn't a thing about the art direction, or dialogue, or character desecration, or acting, all of which are also terrible and have had their threads many tims, this is just a very, very long list of everything that's simply "wrong" with this movie, such as scientific inaccuracies, or major continuity errors. And I mean a seriously long list.
(for best effect watch the movie while reading these)
(Also note they are in order of appearance from the beginning of the movie)
- Robin seems to tug on the lower area of his suit as though pulling up pants.
- Rather heavy helmet Batman has.
- Almost all of the tools they pick up appear quite useless.
- Point of rotating orange light in the front of the Batmobile?
- Considering Commissioner Gordon would have to lock on to Batmans signal, surely he would notice its coming from underneath Wayne Manor?
- If Mr. Freeze has frozen the security guards, how would Gordon know hes at the museum or that hes calling himself Mr. Freeze?
- The guards do not slip on the ice while running at Mr. Freeze.
- How did Mr. Freezes gun manage to create large icicles and freeze the perfectly dry floor without touching anything else?
- Mr. Freezes one absolute is incorrect, as everything also boils and melts as well as freezes.
- How did Batman know the statue of the dinosaur was there to break his fall.
- Robins bike miraculously manages to leave a hole in the shape of his symbol in the door.
- Despite apparently being an avid and skilled motorcyclist, Robin falls off his bike immediately after entering the museum.
- Jar flies directly up, then lands where Batman is standing.
- Mr. Freezes gun sticks to the top of the statue.
- Mr. Freezes goons come out of nowhere.
- If Mr. Freeze was just a scientist, where did he get goons in the first place?
- Goons are armed with hockey sticks.
- Ice skates come out of Batman & Robins boots, which are not platform boots.
- Mr. Freeze is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, whos a huge man, but even he is unlikely to have the strength to throw a heavy man roughly 50ft into the air, with no starting momentum.
- Ice skates visibly turn into roller blades for much of the scene.
- Goons seem to just skate around randomly, rather then attack the heroes.
- Dinosaurs died off many millions of years before the first Ice Age.
- Mr. Freezes rather complicated car appears without any explanation.
- Diamond flies rather unrealistically into Mr. Freezes hand.
- Point of rocket?
- Robin floats through the air to the rocket.
- Robin holds his grip on the rocket despite going through a window.
- Too many pointless buttons and switches in the rocket
- Before Batman freezes in space, he would be incinerated, along with the rocket, by the atmosphere, as the rocket is clearly travelling at no more then 200 km/h
- The rocket is roughly 25ft. long and 8ft. across, and contains no explosive material, other then some fuel, therefore is unlikely to destroy Gotham had it ever had a chance.
- Robin takes his laser from the front of his utility belt, where it has miraculously appeared.
- The Bat-bomb seems to mainly be a flashing light with wings, with very little room for a powerful explosive to fit in it.
- Doors turn into surfboards.
- Although they have no remote grip on the boards, they are both able to stay on while plummeting at least 70mph.
- The boards act like gliders, despite being made of steel.
- Mr. Freeze has not travelled far and doesnt notice the large explosion of the rocket.
- Diamond ridiculously flies up while falling at massive speeds.
- Robin flips over on his board without falling off.
- Baterangs go between the vent bars, and then turn sideways.
- Robin makes a noise without opening his mouth.
- Mr. Freezes goons somehow know hes down in the tunnel and bring the car there.
- Freeze has ample opportunity to kill Batman, yet he doesnt.
- When water is being heated, it doesnt look any different until it starts boiling, at which point it will begin bubbling and turning into steam, it sure doesnt turn bright red.
- Green lightning?
- Plants are not anywhere near extinction.
- Why is Dr. Woodrow laughing maniacally, it does not comply with what hes doing when Dr. Isley goes down to his lab?
- She has been in the same building for years, and has long wondered what he does down there. More so there is nothing to stop her going down there, as seen the in film, so why is she only going down now?
- Dr. Woodrows super soldier is hardly the ideal killing machine if it loses most of its intelligence.
- The poisons and toxins make the ground glow, then cause everything to sink.
- Mr. Freezes accident really was one waiting to happen. The tank he falls into is the same height and width as the platform he was on, and the railing stops on either side of the tank, leaving it very easy to fall into.
- Assuming he was talking about the Celsius scale of degrees, water doesnt get to 50 degrees, it freezes at 0 degrees, Victor would merely have had a sore back for a little while.
- Security cameras do not move and follow an event they might be recording.
- Where did Freeze get his suit?
- McGregor Syndrome?!
- Poison Ivy rises (unrealistically) vertically out of the ground, even though she was left sinking horizontally.
- Chlorophyll is a green pigment, and not the best substitute for skin.
- The venom has no actual way of getting out of her lips.
- Bane is still standing where he was at least 2 hours previous.
- What is Poison Ivys interest in Gotham; there are many better places where plants are in danger, such as the Amazon.
- Does Mr. Freezes hideout not look a bit suspicious?
- Freeze calls Frosty over just to say Ah, energy! and tell him things he already knows.
- If hes not interested in her, why does Mr. Freeze have the woman there?
- If Freezes wife is cryogenically frozen, why is she floating in a tank of water?
- Oxford University does not have a uniform, and even if it did, its unlikely that Barbara would wear it all the way from England to the USA, then to Wayne Manor.
- Barbara rather stupidly stands on the wall attempting to see in the window, despite it clearly being still a full 1 or 2ft above her.
- Robins motorcycle is out in the middle of the path for no reason.
- Barbara claims that the photograph of Alfreds wife is the same one she has beside her bed, but as its a traditional photograph, there would not be two.
- Where did Barbara get the keys to the ignition for Robins Motorcycle?
- Where did Poison Ivy get her elaborate outfits tailored?
- According to the map, Gotham City is right where New York City is on the East Coast of the USA.
- Why is Bruce Wayne carrying around the advertisement for the garden ball with him?
- Surely Mr. Freeze would merely tell Frosty to be quiet, rather then freeze him, as he clearly had something important to say.
- Where would Poison Ivy get her pheromone dust?
- The crowd seem less impressed with Batman and Robins bids then they are with the man who bids half as much.
- If the pheromone dust heats a mans blood, it still does not explain why the men fall in love with Poison Ivy if she uses it on them, let alone the women.
- Neither Batman nor Robin seem to notice the dust she is blatantly blowing on them.
- Freeze refreezes the same people over and over.
- Crowd shrinks from at least 50 people to about 15.
- Mr. Freeze is somehow able to swing to the stage on the vine from the much lower floor with no forward momentum.
- Batman is able to punch through a solid wooden tray, without any injury to his hand.
- The garden ball arena seems to be situated on the top of a tall building, so did Mr. Freeze perhaps use the elevator to bring his car up to the top?
- Freeze smashes the same window to get out.
- Robins bike is able to stop suddenly without any brakes.
- Robins bike begins to slow down well before the jump, yet he arrives at it before Batman.
- The much lighter vehicles dont make the jump, but Freezes car does.
- Batman glides without anything to glide with.
- Batman somehow flies through the windshield (and steel frame) and knocks out Mr. Freeze, also landing outside.
- How did Batman get the Batmobile back to the Batcave if it was frozen?
- Has Robin never heard of a bike lock?
- Green lightning again.
- Freezes cell seems to be situated in a convenient tower attached to Arkham Asylum.
- The entrance into the Turkish Bath is boarded up, not doubt by the punks, so how did they get into the place?
- Bane is able to send all of the punks into the air by stomping on one floorboard.
- Bane stomps a hole in the concrete, straight through to the earth below, with no debris under his foot.
- Where did Poison Ivy get the seeds she uses to make the plants grow?
- The thermal detector also detects Barbaras helmet.
- There are so many things wrong with the racing scene that its impossible to list all of them, from the green fire to Robins very strong muscles in his foot.
- Robin does not seem to mind that Barbara has caused his two favourite motorcycles to be destroyed.
- Mr. Freezes ice sculpture of his wife somehow plays music.
- The fact that you see Two-Faces suit in the storage room makes little sense, as in the previous movie, Two-Face was killed when he fell down a deep chasm onto rocks, and his body clearly sank into the water. Its unlikely that the police would have retrieved the suit and repaired it, just to hang it in a storage closet.
- Does Bane wheel the trolley with Mr. Freezes suit all the way from the first floor to the top of Arkham Asylum?
- Surely the lock for Freezes cell door would be located on the outside of the room?
- Arkham Asylum is at least 500ft tall, and water or not, jumping off the top is ill advised to all but the suicidal.
- How does Commissioner Gordon show Batman & Robin the CCTV footage of Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy and Bane using a TV in Freezes hideout?
- Apparently, Poison Ivy and Bane put ten security guards in the hospital and killed a businessman, but no one thought to arrest them.
- Somehow, Batman knows where the switch to open the door into Freezes secret room.
- Poison Ivy knows her way around Freezes lair, despite never having been there before.
- The gas that is choking the police is prevented from spewing out anymore by Gordon, and suddenly they are all fine.
- Bane somehow knows there is an exit at the back of the room.
- How does Freeze escape the hideout?
- How does Poison Ivy get the necklace out of the tank?
- Mr. Freezes room in Ivys hideout appears out of nowhere and then disappears later.
- Alfred has been sick for some time, and said hes already seen the best doctors around, but its only when hes dying that the doctor diagnoses Macgregor Syndrome.
- Robin could not be stupid and blind enough to reject Batmans perfectly reasonable and rational explanation about Poison Ivy.
- The telescope is unveiled, yet looks no different to when we saw it earlier. Also it isnt used until after the unveiling party is over, which seems pointless.
- The bombs Bane plants around the telescope are a large flashing light, with no more then 2 inches in which to place explosives.
- The password is shown as it is being typed, not concealed in stars as it should be.
- How do the vines, gate etc. open/close when Robin steps past them?
- The blue lasers in the Batcave do nothing.
- Barbara goes to the centre of the cave, yet doesnt set off the alarm, she just waits there for the lasers to hit her.
- How did Alfred find time in his very ill state to make a suit for Batgirl?
- The venom doesnt affect rubber lips, despite them just being on the top lip, and not the bottom lip.
- Poison Ivy commands vines to grab Batman.
- Batgirl somehow knows where Batman & Robin are.
- The knife Poison Ivy uses to attack Batgirl is no more then an inch long, hardly lethal.
- The shot of Robin coming above the water for air then getting dragged back under is very clearly the shot of him climbing out off the water being rewinded.
- The telescope is rather conveniently compatible with Mr. Freezes machine.
- Batman, Robin and Batgirl have different suits on than before, did they go home to change especially for this confrontation?
- Freeze does not think of using his giant freezing engine on Batman, Robin and Batgirl.
- Good thing Batman brought his car with the anti-freezing gun shield built into it.
- The infamous motorcycle shot. The single stupidest thing in the movie. It really must be seen to be believed.
- Flexible icicles on the cars.
- Robin & Batgirl throw very static grappling hooks.
- Batgirl seems to know every insignificant detail about the telescope despite having never seeing or hearing of it before.
- Mr. Freeze targets the freezing engine with a magnifying glass seemingly capable of seeing for hundreds of metres.
- Also when Batman looks through the magnifying glass and Freeze is standing in front of it, he is only slightly magnified.
- Robin & Batgirls grappling hooks get up to the top very fast.
- They also manage to land on the same enclave that Bane happens to be on.
- The two scientists go yes and no in accordance with the satellite targeting, despite not being able to see the screen.
- The two scientists have very strong arms to be able to hold on to the telescope for so long.
- The sun being shone on the freezing engine turns it into a heat beam.
- Robin & Batgirl somehow know to pull out the tube while fighting Bane.
- After Freeze activates the bombs he rolls off the platform onto the
floor beside the telescope, but is unharmed by the explosion and more importantly, the collapse of most of the floor.
- The telescope is very flat while falling.
- What happens to Bane after he is defeated?
- The Satellites get around the world very quickly.
- Batman happens to have a video recording of Poison Ivy that looks awfully like the actual film footage seen earlier.
- Mr. Freeze happens to carry around the cure to Macgregor Syndrome, built into his suit, which Alfred needs.
- Judging by the dishevelled state Poison Ivy is in, she has been in the cell for several hours, and when Freeze lights up his suit, he is standing by the wall, so he has been standing there silently without her noticing for some time.
- Alfred recovers very quickly from the disease.
- Overall crapness of the film.
Thats all for now, should I spot any more, they will be added immediately"
Aaaand scene.