FAN ART - Using Different Media



Hey guys & gals,

I thought it would be cool to see if anyone out there has some fan art that is not drawing or coloring. Check out my mosaics.

Can you tell what comic book issues or which artist inspired these.

the Kymedicineman

That is Steve Mcniven's cover to 4. Looks great. How did you do this?
That's so cool, how on earth did you do these ???
Computron2005 said:
That is Steve Mcniven's cover to 4. Looks great. How did you do this?
The HTorch layout was the easy part. I scanned the cover of 4 issue#1, then printed it out. I then traced the basic pattern of the Human Torch on Tracing paper. I then blew up the tracing until it measured 27in x 29in. I used Spectrum stained glass and cut up a bunch!!! of pieces. I chose the colors I thought would make the best Torch. This mosaic is glued onto double strength clear glass and set in a box frame. This mosaic is actually lighted. There are over 50 random twinkling lights in the frame. When the room is dark and the mosaic is turned on, the Torch actually looks like he is on fire!!!! It is so COOL!! I wish you all could see it.
I love the Invisible Woman glass one, that would be a kick ass window
wow. those are really good. i definitely think the Invisible Woman is the more interesting of the two. good job.

will we see the other two members done like this?
Very original!
Daring too, to put that in your home like that.
It's like glass in churches! Really: Original! Very nice! Want to see other work!

that's awesome stuff dude. I would love to fill my house with those types of windows
Really amazing, guy... I love your inventive and first class work... Excelsior!
Those are all amazing....The Torch really looks like he's on fire and you nailed the look of Thing on stained glass, something I would've never thought possible.

How long does it take to produce one of those?
kymedicineman said:
The HTorch layout was the easy part. I scanned the cover of 4 issue#1, then printed it out. I then traced the basic pattern of the Human Torch on Tracing paper. I then blew up the tracing until it measured 27in x 29in. I used Spectrum stained glass and cut up a bunch!!! of pieces. I chose the colors I thought would make the best Torch. This mosaic is glued onto double strength clear glass and set in a box frame. This mosaic is actually lighted. There are over 50 random twinkling lights in the frame. When the room is dark and the mosaic is turned on, the Torch actually looks like he is on fire!!!! It is so COOL!! I wish you all could see it.

Sounds like a lot of work but pays of in the end. I'll second the question, how long does it take you to do one of these?
The humantorch took a long time (probably between 100-150 hours). Each piece of glass had to be cut and pieced together like a puzzle. Plus it was the first mosaic I had ever done. -Alot of trial and error. The Thing was not as hard, however I could not get the color right on his rocky hide using tile or glass. Nor could I get the pieces cut the right way. I had to eventually use clay to roll out and cut the pieces using a template. I then baked them just like you would a ceramic plate. Then they had to be cured and painted. His shirt and background took about 5 hours. All in all I would say it took about 40-50 hrs. The InvisibleWoman was the easiest of them all. The reason being, I did not have to paint, miter or fix up a frame. I just put glass on it. She probably took about 25-35 hrs. It's alot of time for a guy who works 47hrs a week and has a wife & 3 kids.

By the way.... Mr Fantastic is being started this week. (hopefully done by mid-June)
Wow, time consuming hobby. What's funny is I would think that THe Thing would ome out the best since tha is how his body is drawn in broken chips and shapes.

Can you take pics of the Torch when he is lit up by all the lights? I would love to see it. You should also show these to McNiven at a con or something, I'm sure he would be proud.
I tried to take a picture of the Torch all lit up, but the lights through the glass made such a glare, that the picture looked even more like McNivens art work. I would love to show him the piece. I may take all my stuff to a comic-con when I get a bigger body of work. After the FF, I plan on doing a ghost rider, and Superman piece then a life size Spiderman.
Hey guys, this is new mosaic I just finished and it glows in the dark just like Mark Texeira's cover the awesome glow-in-the dark Ghost Rider #15. I used that cover as the template for this. This mosaic measures about 12 inches wide & 16 inches tall. It is made of Broken Records (Guy Lombardi & the Royal Canadians) and the glow in the dark stars that you hang on the ceiling. I grouted the piece using Iron filings and glue. This baby really does glow in the dark. The first pic is the mosaic in regular lighting and the second is a picture taken with the lights out!
Check out: or for a larger picture. What do you think?

The Ghostrider is ingenious.

And of the originals, I like the Human Torch alot. Whereas the other 2 (which I like) look like church-type stained glass, Torch looks a Classical tile mosaic floor or something. I think it's because you used smaller pieces.
Hey, thanks alot everybody. I love doing this stuff, but it takes forever to complete a piece. I still have Mr. Fanstastic 1/3rd of the way finished.
the human torch is my favorite, good job on the mosaics!

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