Fantastic Four General News & Discussion Thread (TAG SPOILERS)

I hope Malkovich is Puppet Master. That would be near perfect.

Maybe Nathaniel Richards if not Puppet Master? That could work too.

I think I may be starting to get excited about all this.
Legit great news about Ineson!! I hope he plays Galactus for a very long time way beyond just this film.
I'm trying not to let my hopes get too high for this one but Ineson is such perfect casting as Galactus it's hard not to be hyped. I am still wary about bringing him in on the first movie, though.

As for Malkovich, Red Ghost would be random but also make a lot of sense.
Red ghost is my second guess for him, but Marvel strayed away from the Mandarin so I'm entirely convinced red ghost is on the table. Although my third guess for him is Mad Thinker maybe you can do an amalgamation of the two.
Wow, that Galactus casting exceeded my expectation. I hope they are brave and make Galactus as terrifying as they can, because it would be a waste of this guy's talent to not go there.
That’s cool! I’m not familiar with that actor but Ralph is what galactus would do after a big planetary buffet so I’m taking that as a good sign
Well, now it's confirmed that Galactus will have an amazing voice. Great casting.
I've seen speculation that Malkovich could be playing Nathaniel Richards. Which I can kind of see.
I can't see him as Puppet Master solely cause if he was, he'd end up a throw away character. We are not going to have a Galactus A Plot and a Puppet Master B Plot, so he would end up being a dude for like one action sequence and then be done. Which Puppet Master is mostly interesting for his connections to Alicia and such. So it would just not do the character justice IMO. You could easily do a future Thing series or spinoff and use him as the main villain of that. Which is why I think a minor character like Red Ghost would work better. He is never gonna be a main villain of a movie or have that kind of potential. So no one cares if he is there for a sequence and gets immediately beat.
I can't see him as Puppet Master solely cause if he was, he'd end up a throw away character. We are not going to have a Galactus A Plot and a Puppet Master B Plot, so he would end up being a dude for like one action sequence and then be done. Which Puppet Master is mostly interesting for his connections to Alicia and such. So it would just not do the character justice IMO. You could easily do a future Thing series or spinoff and use him as the main villain of that. Which is why I think a minor character like Red Ghost would work better. He is never gonna be a main villain of a movie or have that kind of potential. So no one cares if he is there for a sequence and gets immediately beat.

But, there's always the chance that if he is Puppet Master, you just have him sent to jail or put away somewhere then dust him off again for sequels and spin-offs, doesn't necessarily have to be a one and done.
But, there's always the chance that if he is Puppet Master, you just have him sent to jail or put away somewhere then dust him off again for sequels and spin-offs, doesn't necessarily have to be a one and done.
It sort of makes him one if the endgame here is the FF are from an alternate world and Secret Wars combines everything. I cannot imagine that minor characters who are in jail will just suddenly come over or that the entire FF Rogue gallery comes over. That would be kind of silly and weird, lol. If he is a villain, unless he is voicing another Herald or something, probably is going to be 1 and done
I keep forgetting they're allegedly in a alternate universe.

We could even see him again as the main MCU variant, too... So he'd get to play too different versions of the same character (which the same can be said for any character he plays, tho)
We could even see him again as the main MCU variant, too... So he'd get to play too different versions of the same character (which the same can be said for any character he plays, tho)
I think that would also be sort of dumb. I think just saving him for later is a better option. You can just use another villain in that role instead. Especially if Puppet Master 2.0 is effectively a new character

I still want to meet Feige so I can pitch him my The Thing D+ series. Which would be essentially Meet The Parents where Ben and Alicia take a vacation to visit Alicia's parents, and obviously there is animosity and hilariousness ensues...with super powers!
You know the more I think about this movie, and the possibility of it being in an alternate universe and since Shakman is at the helm, the more it sounds like Franklin's WandaVision.

If that makes any sense.

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