Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes?

Dry brined turkey breast with a zesty gravy, crunchy veges, and garlicky mashed potatoes. Not a big fan of wheat, but a good stuffing tastes good. Skip the yucky sweet desserts unless it's chocolate and a nice port.

Or Mexican food.......always Mexican food.....
As far as favorite dishes are concerned, I like to take a bowl, put some Stove Top stuffing in it, then put mashed potatoes on top of that. Then put gravy on top of that. Beyond that, I really don't experiment that much. I'll have some vegetables, a little bit of turkey. Maybe one or two rolls. And that's usually it.
not a big thanksgiving person, but i love sweet potatoes. with marshmallows on top

and i'm also a sucker for a mashed potato with a killer gravy
As far as favorite dishes are concerned, I like to take a bowl, put some Stove Top stuffing in it, then put mashed potatoes on top of that. Then put gravy on top of that. Beyond that, I really don't experiment that much. I'll have some vegetables, a little bit of turkey. Maybe one or two rolls. And that's usually it.

Same here! Get a bowl, mix stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy together, and top it off with some white turkey meat. So good :ilv:

Canadian Thanksgiving was well over a month ago but I'm looking forward to basically repeating the experience again at Christmas :hehe:

I'm also a big fan of pumpkin pie and that classic American dish, green bean casserole!

I looooove thanksgiving. This year I will be cooking the Turkey in a smoker for about 6 hours with an apple and chili pepper rub and burning maple and cherry wood. I also like to have a ham as a second meat to include when we have a big crowd. I’ll probably do that for Christmas this year.

As for sides. I love mashed potatoes and gravy. I also love mashed sweet potatoes. Straight up corn (no pudding) and some creamed corn. Green beans. And a cranberry salad. And I need stuffing smothered in gravy.

My all-time favorite trinity of Thanksgiving deliciousness however was the combo of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and chicken and dumplins when they were cooked by my late grandmother. I have no idea how she did it, but they were absolutely amazing. Her mashed potatoes were amazing as well. She never had lumps in them and she would add a hint of cheddar to them, just enough that you would get a tad bit of the flavor.

So amazing!
The two things I eat most at Thanksgiving, are stuffing and yams. I've never been really big on turkey, though I'll eat it if its not dry. Ham is better though, in my opinion.

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