The Dark Knight Rory's Death Kiss-Thanksgiving Day Official Discussion


Knights of Ren
Dec 26, 2003
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I figure since this is no longer really part of WSS that we will have another official thread to discuss what we think we will get on Thanksgiving, what will be mailed to us from the Joker. As well as when Thanksgiving day comes to dicuss the prize we get.
i bet it is a mini poster. thats pretty cool- to have a mini poster before it is even up in the movie theaters
I dunno bout you but I'm getting a home cooked meal. Turkey, mashed potatoes, cornbread, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, pumpkin and apple pies.
Who knows I've thought of some possibilites. If any of them come to pass is another thing all together.

A. In the mail we recieve Joker cards as well as directions on what to do on Thanksgiving.
B. In the mail we do get a DVD of the Trailer...*Wishful thining* but you never know.
C. In the mail we get our password to unlock something.

Then what do we get?

I still think/hope we get a trailer. Since it's another holiday, giving ode to TLH once more we hopefully do get something. Since we are now his "Clowns" or those of us that sent pics are, he may let us see him "before December."
I dunno bout you but I'm getting a home cooked meal. Turkey, mashed potatoes, cornbread, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, pumpkin and apple pies.

LOL, of course we will be getting that as well.
Who knows I've thought of some possibilites. If any of them come to pass is another thing all together.

A. In the mail we recieve Joker cards as well as directions on what to do on Thanksgiving.
B. In the mail we do get a DVD of the Trailer...*Wishful thining* but you never know.
C. In the mail we get our password to unlock something.

Then what do we get?

I still think/hope we get a trailer. Since it's another holiday, giving ode to TLH once more we hopefully do get something. Since we are now his "Clowns" or those of us that sent pics are, he may let us see him "before December."
so they would spend money on dvd's and sending them to all of you so that in 1 minute it could be on the internet? isnt it cheaper to realese the trailer on the internet?
i hope that you all get some passwords to unlock something. that could be interesting.
In the other thread someone posted what they got for being a overachiever in the Joker dress-up.

Maybe we get something similar to that or the same thing. But we just get ours later on, and the overachievers get theres early.
so they would spend money on dvd's and sending them to all of you so that in 1 minute it could be on the internet? isnt it cheaper to realese the trailer on the internet?
i hope that you all get some passwords to unlock something. that could be interesting.

True, but you never know, it would be a *tad* harder to let everyone see it, if it is true that it will be a "prize" from the Joker. These are just guesses. Really for them doing that on DVD would not cost them more then shipping.

But yea I hope for the pass word thing as well.
Seriously people, please give up, I'm sick of reading threads about what we're gonna get, their gonna give the trailer when they feel like it, this guessing game stuff is getting old, it got old after two weeks. I say don't give a crap and stop making them enjoy this torture, cause that's what it is. Creating a new thread everytime a new letter pops up on a web page is getting old. Can we please get back to talking about spoilers rather than talking about what we think we're gonna get on a date when we're probably not gonna get anything, hence, wasting time.
I'm really tired of waiting. I'm losing interest in this whole viral thing.
Seriously people, please give up, I'm sick of reading threads about what we're gonna get, their gonna give the trailer when they feel like it, this guessing game stuff is getting old, it got old after two weeks. I say don't give a crap and stop making them enjoy this torture, cause that's what it is. Creating a new thread everytime a new letter pops up on a web page is getting old. Can we please get back to talking about spoilers rather than talking about what we think we're gonna get on a date when we're probably not gonna get anything, hence, wasting time.

Then just leave here and stop wasting forum space.
Seriously people, please give up, I'm sick of reading threads about what we're gonna get, their gonna give the trailer when they feel like it, this guessing game stuff is getting old, it got old after two weeks. I say don't give a crap and stop making them enjoy this torture, cause that's what it is. Creating a new thread everytime a new letter pops up on a web page is getting old. Can we please get back to talking about spoilers rather than talking about what we think we're gonna get on a date when we're probably not gonna get anything, hence, wasting time.

I can see why you would be getting bored -- guessing games for the whole five minutes you've been subscribed to this forum. :oldrazz:
I just tried, which took me to a WB site, it might be nothing, but it shows that Warner Brothers have registered the site, which means they might plan on doing something with it.
I just tried, which took me to a WB site, it might be nothing, but it shows that Warner Brothers have registered the site, which means they might plan on doing something with it.

It might be. There are probably lots of viral sites we will get. If it continues TLH style.

I wonder if we will be led to a new site on Thanksgiving.
I'm really tired of waiting. I'm losing interest in this whole viral thing.

Same here. I'm not even participating in all of this, so maybe that's why it's been a little boring for me, but even as a spectator--it's lost a lot of it's charm.
Same here. I'm not even participating in all of this, so maybe that's why it's been a little boring for me, but even as a spectator--it's lost a lot of it's charm.

Heh, maybe if you did it would not be so boring.

But think of this, with or with out a viral site you would be waiting for the trailer/pictures anyways. At least this gives us fun.

Thanksgiving is going to rock.
That sucks that nothing happened yesterday, but I knew nothing would happen. I wouldn´t be surprised if they just continue to drag on all this waiting, so on Thanksgiving it will just be a message saying ¨See You In December¨.
that would be cruel. ubt i am personally getting fed up with the viral site thing.
I 'm a little tired of all this too...I can't participate of course but this marketing systeme was fun and original at the beginning only: being so cheap on then things they feed us with it's getting less and less funny IMO !

But I'm sure that if they gave us a mini teaser or several images we'd be all right for a moment !
In the other thread someone posted what they got for being a overachiever in the Joker dress-up.

Maybe we get something similar to that or the same thing. But we just get ours later on, and the overachievers get theres early.

what did they say they got?
i am willing to bet that everyone will get a poster

How much?

Seriously, a poster is a bit far fetched. They would have to be 100% sure everyone got theirs after they revealed it on the site as to be sure that someone didn't scan it and post it, making their reveal worthless. Too much.
How much?

Seriously, a poster is a bit far fetched. They would have to be 100% sure everyone got theirs after they revealed it on the site as to be sure that someone didn't scan it and post it, making their reveal worthless. Too much.
that could be what they want !:cwink:
that could be what they want !:cwink:

Eh, I don't know. Seems like they would like to be first on this one, not a repeat of the leaked pictures at least in 'spirit.' Also, it would be a repeat of the teaser trailer, we all saw the bootleg so when it was officially released, everyone was a bit 'meh.'

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