hey guys my new movie is online that ive been working on for quite awhile.
Fearful Symmetry
SYNOPSIS..Who Killed Edward Blake? In a world where superheroes exsist...they are hated. The government has enforced the ANTI-VIGILANTEE ACT, which outlaws all masked heroes. Years have gone by after one great superhero team, The Crimebusters, has broken up due to the Anti-Vigilantee Act. Everyone on the team is either dead, or retired, except for one, Rorschach.
Rorshach, is a vigilantee with a strict moral code and has detective skills that rival the local PD. The government and the police want to take him down. He is public enenmy number one. When his friend Edward Blake, a former superhero, is found dead, he takes the case. He investigates, and questions his former allies and friends, even former villians. Inspiring his former team mate Nite-Owl to also search for the killer, they uncover secrets and deceit from friends they thought they could trust.
because the sound gets screwed up halfway through so you can also watch it parts here
please let me know what you think thanks!
Fearful Symmetry
SYNOPSIS..Who Killed Edward Blake? In a world where superheroes exsist...they are hated. The government has enforced the ANTI-VIGILANTEE ACT, which outlaws all masked heroes. Years have gone by after one great superhero team, The Crimebusters, has broken up due to the Anti-Vigilantee Act. Everyone on the team is either dead, or retired, except for one, Rorschach.
Rorshach, is a vigilantee with a strict moral code and has detective skills that rival the local PD. The government and the police want to take him down. He is public enenmy number one. When his friend Edward Blake, a former superhero, is found dead, he takes the case. He investigates, and questions his former allies and friends, even former villians. Inspiring his former team mate Nite-Owl to also search for the killer, they uncover secrets and deceit from friends they thought they could trust.
because the sound gets screwed up halfway through so you can also watch it parts here
please let me know what you think thanks!