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Feige: "more than half of [heroes] will be women."

That being said about the MCU and forever. I say Wakanda forever. Feige, RDJ or the Chris's won't last forever but then the decision becomes do we reboot because Iron Man was like James Bond or roll forward because it wasn't Iron Man that sold the MCU it was RDJ?
I doubt they'll reboot the MCU anytime soon; they've still got the F4 and X-Men to throw in at some point, and if they can get it to work, it'll be done within the current MCU.

Honestly, there's nothing wrong with the MCU that requires a reboot (unlike the questionable state of the DCEU). The MCU is doing just fine, and I'm sure there are countless more stories to tell, and a whole hype of characters to introduce.

I'm not expecting Stark or Rogers to be around much after the IF sequel events; one of them is bound to die at least, and the other, well, maybe he'll retire? Heck, maybe they'll both die. Who knows? The 5th Avengers film is going to be very different though, and honestly, I'd be happy enough if the X-Men were left out of the MCU. Would it be great to have them? Yeah, of course it would, but I think (due to rights) it's a bit late in the day now.

There is, however (I think) still potential for the F4, especially if they haven't yet got their abilities. I just wish at this point that we got to see Ghost Rider on the big screen kickin' ass. Same goes for Blade, but then they'd somehow have to explain Vampires in the MCU, and I think that time has passed also.
It was such a quick scene that I probably got it wrong. Still, either way his inclusion was minimal at best. I think the actual issue gets raised if you have multiple characters in a more prominent role.

The reason it wouldn't be is because Universal doesn't have the rights to make a Hulk film, they can only distribute a Hulk film (which they have the right of first refusal to do). Marvel can use any Hulk characters they want so long as it is in supporting roles. Having 2 side characters wouldn't make anything a Hulk film. Plus especially in phase 3, all the solos have featured many other characters. It's easy to put in a few Hulk characters and keep it focused on whoever the movie is actually about if they wanted to.
The reason it wouldn't be is because Universal doesn't have the rights to make a Hulk film, they can only distribute a Hulk film (which they have the right of first refusal to do). Marvel can use any Hulk characters they want so long as it is in supporting roles. Having 2 side characters wouldn't make anything a Hulk film. Plus especially in phase 3, all the solos have featured many other characters. It's easy to put in a few Hulk characters and keep it focused on whoever the movie is actually about if they wanted to.
I know that. However, if you start stacking one or more prominent Hulk related characters into a non-Hulk film, they'd probably make some noise about their contractual rights for distributions. Not saying they'd be right, just that they'd take the opportunity to be a nuisance.
Again, why? As a comic fan don't we love characters like She-Hulk, Storm, Invisible Woman, etc. as much as we do guys like Adam Warlock? Why is starting to use that section of your universe, when in the past is has been ignored, is an issue? Just on the law of averages, women and men are close to 50/50. The MCU doesn't represent that ratio at this point, so what's the problem with evening that out? The MCU has been attempting to grow its fan base over time since the beginning. I see no problem with making some movies geared for women and starring women. I mean, don't women watch these movies too?
Again, it's not about not including women. I wanna see MCU introduce F4 and X-men next. Not because some of those heroes are women but because I like those characters.

Kevin Feige should have more concern about the art of film than social justice. That does not mean women should be excluded.
I think it is just bad wording on his part. There are plenty of female heroes that core fans would love to see that haven't been used yet and that is what he is trying to promote. IMO.
Yeah you're probably right.
There is, however (I think) still potential for the F4, especially if they haven't yet got their abilities. I just wish at this point that we got to see Ghost Rider on the big screen kickin' ass. Same goes for Blade, but then they'd somehow have to explain Vampires in the MCU, and I think that time has passed also.

Even with the films running away from Inhumans we have basically immortal aliens like Thor and just weird as in the Scarlet Witch so explaining a vampire isn't that far a reach. With Sony's verse being MCU adjacent and said to be going forward with a vampire I think it could be up to how Venom is received on the decision of whether or not the MCU uses the Sony explanation for why there is a rebooted Blade.
Again, it's not about not including women. I wanna see MCU introduce F4 and X-men next. Not because some of those heroes are women but because I like those characters.

Kevin Feige should have more concern about the art of film than social justice. That does not mean women should be excluded.

Yeah you're probably right.

How do you know he isn't? Also, why are these ideas mutually exclusive to you? Why can't we get more female characters in artistically satisfying films?
Even with the films running away from Inhumans we have basically immortal aliens like Thor and just weird as in the Scarlet Witch so explaining a vampire isn't that far a reach. With Sony's verse being MCU adjacent and said to be going forward with a vampire I think it could be up to how Venom is received on the decision of whether or not the MCU uses the Sony explanation for why there is a rebooted Blade.
If Vampires existed within the MCU, there's surely have been a reference to them by now? If they suddenly appear with our other characters all puzzled, then we'd be dumbfounded to believe that they'd stayed in the shadows all this time and nobody had noticed - especially when you've got characters like Stark, Thor and Shield on the scene.

I believe a good number of characters in the MCU have sought immortality; Vampirism would be the obvious direction here, and not one of them has ever thought about it! I don't think we'll be seeing Blade (or Vampires) in the MCU.

Venom is an alien, so unless the implication is that Vampires are aliens that happen to have been (recently) stranded on Earth somehow, it ain't going to happen!
If Vampires existed within the MCU, there's surely have been a reference to them by now? If they suddenly appear with our other characters all puzzled, then we'd be dumbfounded to believe that they'd stayed in the shadows all this time and nobody had noticed - especially when you've got characters like Stark, Thor and Shield on the scene.

I believe a good number of characters in the MCU have sought immortality; Vampirism would be the obvious direction here, and not one of them has ever thought about it! I don't think we'll be seeing Blade (or Vampires) in the MCU.

Venom is an alien, so unless the implication is that Vampires are aliens that happen to have been (recently) stranded on Earth somehow, it ain't going to happen!

The characters at this point should be up to anything. But we wouldn't know about it until a movie introduces it for the sake of that movie. Like Falcon immediately accepting the shrinking technology during Ant-Man's raid. The Avengers just rolling with other enhanced on this battlefield when Quiksilver was defending the Sokovian/Hydra base or Groot and Rocket landing during the battle in Wakanda. TV has more time to drop an Easter egg for future use, maybe to fill the seconds before the next commercial break, where as a movie is accounting for every second

As to Venom, I am just speculating that the success of that movie, among the fandom as well as box office will go a long way towards informing the decision of if Feige will be willing to accept the Sony Spiderverse movies into MCU canon, Lets say in order to get his hands on say the Osborne's for a reason. If that decision is yes Spidyverse is part of the MCU and Morbius goes forward there is your first vampire pending a Blade reboot should they want to do one.
I am all for more minority and female heroes. God knows they've been lacking on the female side to this point. But they should be their own unique heroes. My fear is we end up with bunch of legacy characters, that will inevitably be seen as rip-offs and replacements of their original counter-parts. For every one that works (ex. Captain Marvel), there are a dozen that fail and they have to bring back the original. We need more Black Panthers and fewer Spider-Man rip-offs.
Don't forget Jolt and Songbird (formerly Screaming Mimi) from the Thunderbolts. You might want to technically throw in Karla Sofen (Moonstone/Meteorite) as well, though Moonstone tends to switch back and forth between hero and villain.

I mean you could do a Thunderbolts movie. But it's sort of tough because we've never met or had backstories with any of these characters before other than Zemo, who was Lame Zemo.

One thing you could do though if you did do a Thunderbolts movie, you could make Songbird at the center of it. And you could make it about how she's this ex-con who gets this opportunity to pretend to be a superhero and starts to like it, but ultimately has to turn on her leader (Zemo/Citizen V).

For me personally, when I hear Thunderbolts, Songbird is the very first character that comes to mind.
I am all for more minority and female heroes. God knows they've been lacking on the female side to this point. But they should be their own unique heroes. My fear is we end up with bunch of legacy characters, that will inevitably be seen as rip-offs and replacements of their original counter-parts. For every one that works (ex. Captain Marvel), there are a dozen that fail and they have to bring back the original. We need more Black Panthers and fewer Spider-Man rip-offs.

I agree on that front, which is why making Carol Captain Marvel in the movie right from the start was wise. But yeah, making Shuri Iron Man for example is not the best way to do it. The ladies need their own identity.
I know that. However, if you start stacking one or more prominent Hulk related characters into a non-Hulk film, they'd probably make some noise about their contractual rights for distributions. Not saying they'd be right, just that they'd take the opportunity to be a nuisance.

Not only is a lawsuit possible (I can't say how probable without access to the contract), but introducing She-Hulk in a non-Hulk film would turn it into a pile of hot garbage. Whose titular film is going to come to a screeching halt to have supporting character Bruce Banner catch up with his cousin Jen, only for someone to try and fail to kill her so he can offer to give a blood transfusion?
I would just introduce her without making it an origin. Just hint that the transfusion happened at some point Banner left Avengers.
If Vampires existed within the MCU, there's surely have been a reference to them by now? If they suddenly appear with our other characters all puzzled, then we'd be dumbfounded to believe that they'd stayed in the shadows all this time and nobody had noticed - especially when you've got characters like Stark, Thor and Shield on the scene.

I believe a good number of characters in the MCU have sought immortality; Vampirism would be the obvious direction here, and not one of them has ever thought about it! I don't think we'll be seeing Blade (or Vampires) in the MCU.

Venom is an alien, so unless the implication is that Vampires are aliens that happen to have been (recently) stranded on Earth somehow, it ain't going to happen!

It'll happen if they want it to happen. Dracula would make a superb villain for the MCU in general. The only question is whether the producers don't want any horror, even though a Tomb of Dracula film could be PG-13.
That does not mean women should be excluded.
That's funny because that is pretty much what they've been doing so far.

Whose titular film is going to come to a screeching halt to have supporting character Bruce Banner catch up with his cousin Jen, only for someone to try and fail to kill her so he can offer to give a blood transfusion?
A-Force. And honestly, when you really think about it, She-Hulk being Banner's cousin is not that important a part of her character. Her origin story is also kinda generic, would people really be mad if they changed it? I consider myself a fan of hers and I certainly wouldn't.
I would just introduce her without making it an origin. Just hint that the transfusion happened at some point Banner left Avengers.
TIH's opening I think provides the blueprint for that, irregardless of the rights situation. That way they can just jump right into story.

It'll happen if they want it to happen. Dracula would make a superb villain for the MCU in general. The only question is whether the producers don't want any horror, even though a Tomb of Dracula film could be PG-13.
So long as we can have the story where Howard the Duck showed up.
It'll happen if they want it to happen. Dracula would make a superb villain for the MCU in general. The only question is whether the producers don't want any horror, even though a Tomb of Dracula film could be PG-13.
All the Avengers would need is Garlic Bread and a Crucifix. Pretty sure Stark would be able to produce some EV lights.
Nobody has a problem with diversity. Nobody is against including female heroes. Saying more than half of the heroes should be female sounds like he's more interested in appealing to the feminists than the core audience.

What is wrong with appealing to feminists?
What is wrong with appealing to feminists?

Opportunity cost. If you make a film that appeals to feminists without regard for men and non-feminist women, those demographics will stay away.
See: Rey is the most powerful Force user before ever meeting a Jedi and Luke is a loser.
Compare that to something like Thor where you have a romance novel cover hero, a smart love interest and a comic relief woman. Not particularly feminist, but appealed to women without alienating adult male Marvel nerds or little boys who would beg their parents for Thor action figures afterward.
I'm impressed the poster ended the word with "nists". It couldn't have been easy.
What is wrong with appealing to feminists?
Because when you try to appeal to them you end up making bad movies such as *checks notes* The Force Awakens, Wonder Woman, Mad Max: Fury Road, Black Panther or Thor: Ragnarok.
Because when you try to appeal to them you end up making bad movies such as *checks notes* The Force Awakens, Wonder Woman, Mad Max: Fury Road, Black Panther or Thor: Ragnarok.


This thread makes me sad.
Nobody has a problem with diversity. Nobody is against including female heroes. Saying more than half of the heroes should be female sounds like he's more interested in appealing to the feminists than the core audience.

It would help if you first read what he actually said before posting such nonsense.
Not only is a lawsuit possible (I can't say how probable without access to the contract), but introducing She-Hulk in a non-Hulk film would turn it into a pile of hot garbage. Whose titular film is going to come to a screeching halt to have supporting character Bruce Banner catch up with his cousin Jen, only for someone to try and fail to kill her so he can offer to give a blood transfusion?

I know that. However, if you start stacking one or more prominent Hulk related characters into a non-Hulk film, they'd probably make some noise about their contractual rights for distributions. Not saying they'd be right, just that they'd take the opportunity to be a nuisance.

Nah.. there is no lawsuit possible. All they have is the right of first refusal of distribution of films titled "Hulk". Supporting characters have nothing to do with it and it is only a question of how Marvel can fit in a She Hulk story into another ongoing story.
Because when you try to appeal to them you end up making bad movies such as *checks notes* The Force Awakens, Wonder Woman, Mad Max: Fury Road, Black Panther or Thor: Ragnarok.

I hope you were being sarcastic, but if those are what you'd call "bad movies", then please keep making them! They're some of the best movies released in recent years.

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