Format War over before it begins: Blu-ray & HD-DVD Hybrid

Wait...techincally there is a war. Would you buy Blu-ray or HD-DVD disc's for the hybird player?
It's too damn soon for a new format and both blu-ray and HD-DVD aren't large enough of technological leaps for the new movie format to gain much ground like VHS and DVD were.
maybe its all based on early sales figures: people not buying either , or saying they wont buy either until the format war is sorted and finished?
logansoldcigar said:
maybe its all based on early sales figures: people not buying either , or saying they wont buy either until the format war is sorted and finished?

There wasn't any way I was going to go buy one knowing that it might be the loser. I still won't buy it until it's re-recordable, but at least I don't have to choose between the two.
Well they already announced a HD DVD burner. Still on the fence about it though. Probably just get a ps3 and get bluray discs. Cheaper than buying the stand alone player. Still a pretty penny either way. I saw a video that used sand paper on a bluray disc and it still played. Does anyone know how durable the HD DVDS are?
Rambo said:
Boycott both. Wait for HVD. Only a coupla years away folks.
The market is filled with examples of superior technology which failed miserably. Studio support, marketing, price and fiability are important factors.

Also I'm not sure how a dual format player will end the war since you'll still have to buy movies in HD-DVD or BD.
There's no WAR. The whole "format/console war" term is just a ****ty idea of some fatcat moron's way of a marketing campaign. That's like saying there's a comic war over Marvel and DC. Like people aren't just gonna get whatever appeals to them. ****ing ****ty marketing ploys. :rolleyes:
Phildizzle said:
Well they already announced a HD DVD burner. Still on the fence about it though. Probably just get a ps3 and get bluray discs. Cheaper than buying the stand alone player. Still a pretty penny either way. I saw a video that used sand paper on a bluray disc and it still played. Does anyone know how durable the HD DVDS are?

How the hell is that? Blu-ray has more support than HD-DVD.

Anyways, both will fail!
Drakon said:
There's no WAR. The whole "format/console war" term is just a ****ty idea of some fatcat moron's way of a marketing campaign. That's like saying there's a comic war over Marvel and DC. Like people aren't just gonna get whatever appeals to them. ****ing ****ty marketing ploys. :rolleyes:
No exactly. Both sides clearly want suppermacy over the market so clearly there will be a winner and a loser in the end. Or two losers. :o
I will buy whichever product that is endorced by Scientology.
Strange said:
I will buy whichever product that is endorced by Scientology.

Buying me a Premium XBOX 360, as well as some games is officially endorsed by the official Church of Scientology....officially.
Drakon said:
Buying me a Premium XBOX 360, as well as some games is officially endorsed by the official Church of Scientology....officially.

I will have to hear that directly from Xenu himself.
hippie_hunter said:
How the hell is that? Blu-ray has more support than HD-DVD.

Anyways, both will fail!

How the hell is what? Blu-ray does have more support. Please elaborate for my feeble mind.
Phildizzle said:
How the hell is what? Blu-ray does have more support. Please elaborate for my feeble mind.

Except for Universal Studios, blu-ray has the support of all the movie studios.

HD-DVD lacks the support of Lion's Gate Studios, Columbia Studios, MGM (these two are owned by Sony), and Walt Disney's various studios. Microsoft is only supporting HD-DVD on account that it's rivals Sony and Apple support blu-ray.
enterthemadness said:
Wait...techincally there is a war. Would you buy Blu-ray or HD-DVD disc's for the hybird player?
Yeah, you still need to choose which discs you will buy, even if you own a machine that can play both.

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