It has been revealed that Sony is offering to discuss the terms of the next-generation format wars with Toshiba between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. Sony has always been confident in the Blu-Ray, saying that it will be the standard for movies and games worldwide. Although Sony’s self-esteem has been quite low lately.
“From the point of view to provide the best service to the consumer, one format is better than two. We’re open to discussions,” commented Sony’s Yukinori Kawauchi.
There had already been talk of hybrid players, so it was only natural for a move like this to happen before the full blown fight took effect. Blu-Ray will, of course, still be used in the PS3 for games. Microsoft had also released an HD-DVD add-on, which has boosted sales of the Xbox 360, and further rivaled the competition. HD-DVD also has cheaper manufacturing costs, while the Blu-Ray is technically more advanced. After all this drama, Nintendo still doesn’t have basic DVD support.