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Funny to others, but not to you

Tokage said:
1. "Sex and the City" - a somewhat well-written show, but the main characters were incredibly annoying people I could never feel sorry for when bad things happened to them.

2. "Penny Arcade" - I've made no secret of my distaste for this webcomic. I can understand why gamers might like some of the industry references, but the humor is strictly wannabe Kevin Smith-type stuff that usually relies on the word "f**k" as a substitute for an actual punchline. And speaking of Kevin Smith...

3. Any Kevin Smith movies after "Chasing Amy" - Maybe it's because all the geek-chic ironic humor of the mid 1990s has been done to death by this point, or maybe it's because I'm not 20 years old anymore, but Kevin Smith just bores me. I liked the unpredictible low-budget weirdness of "Clerks" and the unexpected comic book shout-outs in "Mallrats", but about halfway through "Chasing Amy", I realized I wasn't having as much fun anymore because Smith was taking his "message" way too seriously for such a film. The pretentious college-freshman-philosophy-major soapboxing got worse with "Dogma", and then I just stopped caring all together.

4. Will Ferell's unscripted improv humor. I loved "Elf", I hated "Anchorman" - that pretty much sums it up.

5. About 50% of "Robot Chicken" could be a lot funnier that it is. The ideas are usually good, but somewhere along the line, Seth Green just decides to fall back on no-brainer jokes like bestiality or a character yelling "*****ebag!" It's too bad, because other skits on the show are hilarious.

6. "Family Guy" -- Summed up best on "South Park" -- just one random, interchangable joke after another.

yep. This should be my post. I feel the exact same way about Kevin Smith and have ranted multiple times about Post-Chasing Amy Smith.

And Family Guy? I just don't get it.For me it's one WTF moment after another.

And Wil Ferell? He's amusing in small doses, but he cannot carry an entire movie, much like Adam Sandler.
When I fall on my face in front of a large crowd seems to be funny to everyone else :confused: :( :down
See, I find Family Guy funny, but I don't like it. It just seems kind of disposable and lame to me, and it seems to go for the cheapest laugh in every possible situation.

AD and the Office, on the other hand, I like, but don't find laugh out loud funny. They're both incredibly clever and create a very rich world and an interesting surreal tone, and I watch for that. They're also very entertaining and consistently produce at least a mild chuckle.
PyroChamber said:
What are some things that a lot of people might find funny, but for one reason or another you don't?

For me, I don't know about anyone else but I don't find the things on G4 funny, particularly Attack of the Show and X-Play. I like to watch for info on games, comics, etc. but I'm just not laughing when they're trying to be funny.

Or maybe I'm just not getting it.
My penis.:(
Wilhelm-Scream said:
gna-hAw. Buh-D00p-TSSssss. You went there.:(

I go where no man has gone befoOoOore...
Killgore said:
My penis.:(

Admit it. You've looked down and chuckled a few times. It looks like a bird claw.
I have never found The 3 Stooges funny. To me it's just painful to watch. Likewise "There's Something About Mary". I don't think a guy's "unit" getting stuck in his zipper is funny. Frankly if it involves pain to people or animals, I don't find it funny.

However, some of the things shown on Funniest Home Videos do make me laugh (mostly because the folks are being so OBVIOUSLY stupid and they don't get hurt too badly). I do know that I will probably never purchase a Pinata for a party.
redmarvel said:
I have never found The 3 Stooges funny. To me it's just painful to watch.
Yes, I will never understand those who worship them. Pain is the reason I can't watch them.
The pain they inflict on eachother, the pain of watching stupid people bumbling, and the pain of seeing these three old, very, very ugly guys who hate eachother so much and yet are inseperable.

Hey, whatever it takes. I would act like an idiot redneck if I could get his bank.
Alpha and Omega said:
Carlos Mencia
:up: Guy gets up and yells about the same crap every show...yawn.

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