Sequels Future of religous themes in Spiderman

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The Hype's Black Purist
May 11, 2005
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Since SM3 had heavy religous parallels and settings, if religion were to play a larger part in a sequel, which would you choose to be Peter Parker's? Religion plays a large part in many peoples lives and so I dare to ask you which of the major religions do you think Peter Parker would find best suits him, basing your conclusion on his state of mind, up-bringing and style. This is a poll so you have to vote.
Shouldn't touch upon his religion at all.
True, if they want to get into the spiritual aspect they should either use Madam Webb or adapt a variation of the totem/the other plot. Close this thread. What have I done?
Spider-man is (supposed to be) the "everyman", thus delving into his religion would only serve to make him less relatable to a section of the population.
know what the next theme should be?
Um, like when people are practicing jews or practicing being jews? I dont know. Thats what I always heard it called.
Maybe thats what you call it down in Texas, but us normal people call it Judaism. :cwink:


Sorry couldn't resist, Im just messing with you. I love to mess with my Texas friends. :hyper:
Since SM3 had heavy religous parallels and settings, if religion were to play a larger part in a sequel, which would you choose to be Peter Parker's? Religion plays a large part in many peoples lives and so I dare to ask you which of the major religions do you think Peter Parker would find best suits him, basing your conclusion on his state of mind, up-bringing and style. This is a poll so you have to vote.

Are you insane?
Well he is Texan.....


lol jk jk :oldrazz: :hyper:
im guessing you left Christianity out on purpose? anyway going by the comics and the age he grew up in he'd most likely be of Christian background
Spidey becomes a Scientologist! AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

Come on...This is the worst thread on here so far...FAIL :down
....Your cool....
I'll answer this with a rap lyric:

"but now I flip the script, I'm rappin on the mic
but dont get it twisted, I'm always down to fight
cause its in the BLOOD, I'm the best, I'm the legacy
Macho Man from the school of hard knox, remember me?!?"

So next time you want to use sarcasm against me and attack me in my failed thread, look out because you never know what kind of raps I have up my sleeve.
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