Yeah, saw it last night. Really liked it. I've always like Holt MaCallany and it's good to see him get a legitimate lead role. If Hollywood could ever figure out how to make a half decent Punisher film, Holt would make an awesome Frank Castle.
Yeah, saw it last night. Really liked it. I've always like Holt MaCallany and it's good to see him get a legitimate lead role. If Hollywood could ever figure out how to make a half decent Punisher film, Holt would make an awesome Frank Castle.
I was thinking the same thing, actually.
It's good to see Holt getting a lead role, I've always found him very underrated and overlooked as an actor.
He shows up in everything, lol. He was in the helicopter at the end of Perfect Getaway, too. I was trying to figure out why he was so familiar and then yeah, I recalled him saying that line from Fight Club.Yeah, I agree. It makes you wonder how some actors get constantly overlooked. But hey, even if this show doesn't end up being a success for him, at least he'll always be the "His Name is Robert Paulson" Guy. lol
In all seriousness though, I think that this show has a lot of potential. I just worry that people who aren't into boxing aren't going to watch it, even though boxing is only part of the story.
Really? I had no idea he went as far back as Aliens 3.I knew I had seen this guy Holt somewhere, as one of the prisoners in Alien 3 and in Creepshow 2.
Really? I had no idea he went as far back as Aliens 3.I loved that movie.