Gangnam Style and Call Me Maybe: Signs of the Apocalypse

See, that lost me after 56 seconds... I was expecting something more like this...

I just enjoy the old man's delusions.
I still don't know what Gangnam Style is.
I still don't know what Gangnam Style is.

Consider yourself fortunate. I know people seem to love it, but its just idiotic to me.

I do like the Mitt Romney parody, though.
I also have never heard this "Call Me Maybe" song and only in the last couple of days found out it was some kind of pop phenomenon. When I originally posted in this thread, it was so off my radar it didn't even register.
I like pop and catchy songs but I never downloaded these 2 songs!

I hate this year's music. Hopefully it will improve next year!
The funny thing about Gangnam Style is that most people don't know that the song is suppose to be a parody of rich people that live in Gangnam, which apparently is the "beverly hills of South Korea".

But to be honest, if I had to, I'd pick Gangnam Style over Call Me Maybe.
Yeah, Gangnam Style is a parody of the Gangnam lifestyle and also K-pop videos as a whole.

Gangnam Style was funny for the few days when it first appeared, but now that even middle schoolers have started talking about it I find it quite tiresome. Or especially now that middle schoolers have started talking about it, as they and the elderly are officially the last to know about anything.
Without "Call Me Maybe" we wouldn't have...

Batman Maybe

I like Gangnam Style mostly because of its satirical attitude towards the upper class and night lifestyle in Gangnam, Korea. The song and video are collectively ridiculous, but that's the point.
I like Gangnam Style mostly because of its satirical attitude towards the upper class and night lifestyle in Gangnam, Korea. The song and video are collectively ridiculous, but that's the point.
Too bad most people here in the States don't get that.
Most people in the states probably just accept it at face value of "wacky Asian music video" level.
It's the asian Macarena of the decade and it's annoying.
I just now got around to actually watching the video up there and I can't stop thinking about how this guy decided to make his video appear to be about sports fishing or something.

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