anyone else as hyped to see the return of the original Gen 13 team as I am??? I use to love reading those comics and I'm really happy to see that there bringing back the original team in the new series
Probably, but they'll be doing it under Talent Caldwell's pencil. It's like Turner-Vision... but worse!
fifthfiend said:They were stepsisters I think.
fifthfiend said:Anyway it's a reboot. So nothing's really a given.
The Question said:If there's a chance for kinky lesbanism, Gail Simone will take it.
You're right, I've been underestimating Turner again. They're both at about the same level of crappiness.fifthfiend said:Dunno about worse. You still get the blowup-doll vacancy, but at least they're not all anorexic.
... You know who they oughtta get, is Nick Bradshaw. He did Danger Girl Back in Black, and that Army of Darkness comic? Those looked hella good.
Ultiameagent said:and this here is a fantastic example of Bradshaws art this is his cover art for Army of Darkness #1
Not that I've noticed. Personally, Simone's dialogue has started to annoy me across the board, plus I don't really give a crap about the Gen13 characters anyway, plus Talent Caldwell is a massive fiesta of suck.Fenryr said:But, is anyone genuinely interested in this reboot at all?
I know, my cleverness surprises even me sometimes.fifthfiend said:Oh man, appending a no to the name Talent, to indicate his lack of talent as an artist?
Magnifique, mon frere!
GL1 said:the direction of the book seems to be different... this doesn't look like much of a TnA book...