Guardians of the Galaxy Getting ready for GotG - What to read?

Crimson King

Superhero Novelista
Dec 15, 2006
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I posted a similar thread on the Thor forum. What are some good GotG comics to read to get myself prepared for the movie?

I picked up Annihilation a while back, which was great, but it sort of assumed some knowledge of the characters.
I would say just to read through the 25 issue Guardians of the Galaxy series as a starting point. You'll feel a bit thrust into it in issue 1 but if you stick with it the characters really get to breathe and you'll have a blast

Then if you still want more there are all sorts of minis and events that tied into it featuring the characters
I would just start reading Annihilation. It's a great series and thats how I got into it (and I'm not even usually into cosmic stories!)
I would say just to read through the 25 issue Guardians of the Galaxy series as a starting point. You'll feel a bit thrust into it in issue 1 but if you stick with it the characters really get to breathe and you'll have a blast

Then if you still want more there are all sorts of minis and events that tied into it featuring the characters

Thanks! I didn't realize they'd only had one run. Any other good minis besides Annihilation?
There's a flowchart I posted in another thread of all the modern cosmic stuff, let me dig it up

Here you go, pick and choose what interests you

I've only read the Guardians book and the 5 main event minis

Annihilation was a bunch of cosmic characters but Annihilation: Conquest really focuses on the characters who become the Guardians (that's where the book spun out of)

It appears that I missed some of the Annihilation lead-ins.
I've started reading GOTG 0.1 and up

Then I realized they are part of Volume 3.

Should I read Vol 1 and 2, or is Vol 3 a reboot ?
No real need to read vol 1 if you're only interested in the movie roster (not counting Yondu) but yes you should read vol 2.
I recently started with this:


And had no problem getting into it. I just finished Vol. 2. Good stuff. :up:

Also, for those like myself who read digital, Comixology now has a bundle of what appears to be Abnett's whole run:

Seems to me like a pretty good place to start.
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No real need to read vol 1 if you're only interested in the movie roster (not counting Yondu) but yes you should read vol 2.

I recently started with this:

And had no problem getting into it. I just finished Vol. 2. Good stuff. :up:

Also, for those like myself who read digital, Comixology now has a bundle of what appears to be Abnett's whole run:

Seems to me like a pretty good place to start.


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