Hal06 said:
Hi you probably get this all the time but ive liked spiderman in the past and recently read a comic and really liked it. Basically im a newbie when it comes to comics, like i dont know why there is 3 core types of spiderman comics and then ultimate spiderman.
Can you explain the different comics of spiderman? The differences between them? and what you think is the best one!?
Also i want to purchase 5 spiderman comics very soon to get me back in! Which 5 would you recommend has a fountain of spidey knowledge, great artwork and is a great read!?
Thanks alot guys and its nice to join the forum.
Welcome to the 'Hype! dude
There was a similar post earlier, so I'm gonna steal my earlier reply and tweak it slightly to match your questions
ASM, is pretty easy to jump on right now, Its currently connected with a large company crossover called Civil War, however if you don't feel like reading the main storyline, just pick up 529 onwards and it should be
pretty easy to understand.
ASM is the main Spidey book set in the original Marvel timeline with more than 40 years of history behind it. It has interaction with the other mainstream Marvel books, and as well is partially connected (events wise) to its sister titles, Sensational Spider-Man, and Freindly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Sensational Spider-Man was formally titled Marvel Knights Spider-Man, however has changed its name since issue 23 to Sensational, to reflect the large changes in the book storywise and art wise. This book is more action centered with lots of fighting and much more about Spider-Man, than Peter Parker. The books first arc, "Feral" was excellent, bringing back many classic Spider rogues with a good mystery, and lots of violence, and it seems the next arc starring the Cameleon is going to continue the books tradition. If you like reading about Spider-Man and his enemies alot more than reading about Peter Parker, this is the book for you. Personally I believe this is the best written mainstream Spidey book out there right now.
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man I can't really comment on, as I have as don't currently read it. The book has a larger focus on Peter and his family, and his civillian identity, and his job as a teacher. Appeals to a much younger audience however, it just wasn't my cup of tea.
Ultimate Spider-Man is excellent right now, there are currently 15 volumes of Ultimate, and to answer your question the difference between ASM and Ultimate is that the latter is set in an alternate universe. Essentially the premise is Peter Parker got his powers in this century, and generally follows the Spider-Man timeline, there are some minor, and drastic differences to the way things happen in Ultimate than they do it Amazing. The Ultimate Universe has become almost as important as the mainstream Marvel Universe, thanks to its quality storylines, writers and characters. Like the mainstream Marvel Universe, Ultimate Spider-Man has interaction with other Ultimate books and characters. As well in the Ultimate Universe, Peter ages about one year for every hundred issues, and while many familiar faces are seen in Ultimate, there are some changes that may suprise you if you choose to read it
As for 5 issues? I could give you what you need in five trade paperbacks but issues arent really going to cut it
However some important moments/storylines to the Spider-mytho's, you should check out online or in various reprintings
- The Birth of Spider-Man (Amazing Fantasy 15)
- The Green Goblin Unmasked (Amazing Spider-Man 39-40)
- The Death of Gwen Stacy (Amazing Spider-Man 121-122)
- Clone Genesis/Clone Saga (Find out about the conterversy, and why this board is split regarding it)
- The Spider-Marriage (Amazing Spider-man 290-292, Annual 21)
- Kraven's Last Hunt
- The Ending of Civil War 2 (If you haven't been spoiled by the press or these boards already, see for yourself arguably the most conterversial moment in Spider-Man history)
If I'm missing anything important feel free to add guy's
Check out
www.spiderfan.org if you want some more info dude