Ghost Rider Prank?

well, you're outvoted 3 to 1 so far :p
that...was...awesome!!! lol!
thanks for finding that Elijya.....the people's reactions were even better...heh
Is it possible to send hellfire in PM's. :) Sort of funny. Not as funny as the thread I was gonna start: Ghost rider bumped to Summer 08. LOL
That was quite entertaining. Needed a good laugh today, too.
Too freakin funny. That was great!

Though, I do have to call you a bastard Elijya. Bastard.
every time I see your sig, Flamehead, I say "Did he start a ****ing fan club for me? :confused:"
LoL. As much as I want to start a fan club for you, that's not what it is. My middle name is Eli (Also, my screen name is S. Eli Harris) and that's my blog.
Well, I'll have to do this later because I gotta work tonight, but, knowing Elijya, it's good.
LOL funny ***** Elijya! now if they can only figure out how to make fire come off it. :D
Sony should do that here, that would be a great advertising vehicle.
This video is from a tv show here in Brasil, called "Silvio Santos Show".
That piece was a series of practical jokes, most of the time fakes, with "victims" under contracts.
And it is very old, like 80´s.
At the time, very funny.
This video is from a tv show here in Brasil, called "Silvio Santos Show".
That piece was a series of practical jokes, most of the time fakes, with "victims" under contracts.
And it is very old, like 80´s.
At the time, very funny.

Awww. Now it's not so funny.
may be faked but it's still a great joke :D
Indeed. It's hilarious.

Makes me REALLY happy that Ghost Rider wasn't made 10 years ago.
Actually, looking at this, I would have loved to have seen what they would have done with Ghost Rider with 1989 technology.

And the fact that everyone ran away in the same direction gave away that is was fake, unfortunately. Still funny as hell (I sent this to everyone I know, they seem to enjoy it too).
I don't know. I'm all for cheezy horror flicks but... not when it comes to a flaming skeleton. Especially One whom I am infatuated with.

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