GreenCapts Batman & Robin: De-Assified Reviews!


Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
This thread is to be used to put any reviews concerning GreenCapt's fan edit Batman & Robin: De-Assified. To all of those that recieved copies in the mail or have viewed it on the internet, write a review! This guy deserves credit! He made a crappy film good!

(This review has been edited noticabally. It is now posted AGAIN for those that don't re-read edited posts.)

Today I recieved a package in the mail with no return address. It simply said 'greencapt' and my home address. I immediately knew that my copy of Batman & Robin: De-Assified has arrived!

First of all, the cover. The DVD came in a nice keepcase case with a printed up color front, side and back page. The cover looks the same but has DE-ASSIFIED printed in red right beneath the title. At the very bottom it says A GREENCAPT SPECIAL EDITION, also in red. The back is the same as it was on the regular DVD, featuring an extra picture that now covers up the barcode. The picture is of Robin's "ass" with a stamped on BANNED.
The back also features a quote that used to say "Consistantly dazzling. Ingenious. Breathtaking."--Michael Medved, New York Post. It now says, "Greencapt's work is consistantly dazzling. Ingenious. Breathtaking."--NOT Michael Medved, New York Post.
Following that is a complete write up on the film stating for you to "...sit back, relax and watch it with an open mind..." Congrats on the cover GreenCapt!!!

I did just as the back cover stated, I "...sat back, relaxed and watched it with an open mind..."

Just to clear one thing up, this film is NOT rated PG-13 anymore... no, no, no... it is now rated LA. Yep, that's right you heard me, LA: LESS ASINE!
Anyway, the WB logo comes up with the 'chilling' music. The music soon changes to a 'heroic' Batman & Robin type theme. The WB logo freezes and forms into the Bat Emblem as it shatters into a million peices. This reveals-- the camera panning up to the museum window! We don't get the dialogue, "Please, show some mercy!" "MEEEERRRRCCCCYYYYY?" Oh no, Mr. Freeze simply freezes everybody without showing "mercy"! After this whole scene, that features not one batbomb, it cuts to Robin saying, "Did we get him?" Batman shakes his head and it cuts to the opening credits. VERY James Bond-ish!

The movie runs a lot faster in pace and sticks to the main plot. You won't get fidgety anymore! There are NO subplots. No Batman and Robin bickering, and no Alfred is dying. Without these, the movie picks up speed and you WILL NOT loose interest! I myself have seen the original Batman & Robin about 20 times or more (I know... I know... that is way to many times) since it's release. While watching THIS version I picked up ALL of the cuts. There are so many cuts and changes that I can not come close to talking about all.

Another thing GreenCapt does very well is the jumping from scene to scene. Instead of just 'showing' the next scene, he shows how the characters 'got' there. For example Dick Grayson runs in saying, "Freeze has escaped!" We get Batman and Robin racing to the scene in the Batmobile and Redbird! Another example is when Dr. Woodrew is talking to the 'mystery bidder' on the phone(That whole bit is cut by the way. Bane just becomes Bane, none of that bidder or Antonio Diego crap
). Before that scene opens up, we get a shot zooming in on the lab that he is in, this shot was used previously in the film, and now used to show where we now are.

Let's put it this way, most one-liners are gone along with an hour of the original film!! There are still some one-liners intact, but only 2 or 3! "Cool Party!" "It's time to feast!" We don't get any Coolio(Ahhhh, mmmaaannn!) Coolio always gets cut from the films.... DD and this.... No derrogitory race and gang scenes and Batman pretty much "approves" Barbara becoming Batgirl. They don't bicker later on about it, "I guess we'll just have to kill her!" Mr. Freeze comes off as more of a man with a cold heart, meaner and less silly. NO McGreggor's Syndrome-- His wife does NOT have it and Alfred does NOT have it, thus the villian doesn't help the hero at the end! The stupid scientists don't come off as well..... stupid and the film ends with Mr. Freeze getting his cell with Poison Ivy and the last line is "....winter has come at last!" *BLACK*. After the credits is a nice little continuation for Bane-- kind of like how a horror film ends with a hand popping out of a grave.

The film itself is cut nicely and I only noticed a couple of miniscule things. (1)During the scene where Barbara comes and the doorbell rings and Bruce begins to walk off, it cuts to black for about a second. (2)I could have sworn when Barbara was trying to figure out the password I heard Ivy saying, "Quickly Bane!" (3)When Robin throws the tray at the charity gala, the spinning sound is heard twice. At least it is better than hearing that 'cartoon' type 'fall'. (4)Also, Batman doesn't use a batbomb to blow up Freeze's rocket. It doesn't even blow up at all! Wouldn't it turn Gotham into a "crater" as Freeze suggested??? And, you can still see debris falling to the ground! (5)How did Barbara get a hold of the Batman CD that Alfred made??? (6)Freeze's gun doesn't 'stick' to the top of the dinosaur at the beginning. Those scenes are taken out. But now, we see a pointless scene of a man 'falling' behind Freeze, the man is the fat one that got thrown at the dinosaur to get the gun down. So now Freeze walks over to the dinosaur with no gun, stops at it base, turns around with his gun, and walks back to his van. HUH??? (7)And, there was no point at all to show the Robin signal, however, it DID work on a certain level. These ONLY minor gripes. This would be nice if these were fixed in Version 2.0!

I liked MANY things very much. (1)I really enjoyed the music more this time around. It is edited nicely and never gets choppy. Some think that it would have been better if you used the Elfman theme, I however don't think that is the case. The Goldenthal theme works very well for this piece and gets extremely 'dark' at times. I like it! (2)I liked the fact that there was no stupid bat snow vehichles. Those sucked!!! (3)I loved how Batman & Robin didn't fight. Now when Batman says to Robin, "Pull back, you can't make the jump," on the large arm Robin simply skids out 'knowing' it would be too dangerous. Nicley done!!! I was wondering how you were going to pull that scene off. (4)Less crap, crap as in Bane. (5)To me this film after the "De-Assification" came off as three 'continuing' episodes of The Batman & Robin Adventures/TAS Batman cartoon show! I don't know if it was just me, but it simply would have worked as a cartoon and seems to flow with the show!

People are saying that what you made is still not a good film. "B&R can NEVER be good!" I, however, think this film is great! It replaces my B&R DVD on my DVD shelf and is a perfect substitute for the original B&R film! Don't get Batman & Robin, get Batman & Robin: De-Assified!!!

This film gets a B- from SeriousDuke!!! Batman & Robin is WATCHABLE at last! A dream come true!

Batman & Robin is finally a watchable film! Wickedly fun, and wildly entertaining!

Thank you so much for the copy GreenCapt! I utterly CANNOT wait to see BATMAN FOREVER: DIRECTOR'S CUT- A GREENCAPT SPECIAL EDITION!!!
hmm..i take it that you are greencapt...ha, well where is my DVD! haha
It's floatin on the net somewhere. I'm sure if you talked to the man in charge(not God)... he could hook you up...
Thanks, Bingy. Could you possibly be so kind as to send me a PM pointing me to the "man in charge"? I'm always hopeless and finding things.
Today I recieved a package in the mail with no return address. It simply said 'greencapt' and my home address. I immediately knew that my copy of Batman & Robin: De-Assified has arrived!

First of all, the cover. The DVD came in a nice keepcase case with a printed up color front, side and back page. The cover looks the same but has DE-ASSIFIED printed in red right beneath the title. At the very bottom it says A GREENCAPT SPECIAL EDITION, also in red. The back is the same as it was on the regular DVD, featuring an extra picture that now covers up the barcode. The picture is of Robin's "ass" with a stamped on BANNED.
The back also features a quote that used to say "Consistantly dazzling. Ingenious. Breathtaking."--Michael Medved, New York Post. It now says, "Greencapt's work is consistantly dazzling. Ingenious. Breathtaking."--NOT Michael Medved, New York Post.
Following that is a complete write up on the film stating for you to "...sit back, relax and watch it with an open mind..." Congrats on the cover GreenCapt!!!

I did just as the back cover stated, I "...sat back, relaxed and watched it with an open mind..."

Just to clear one thing up, this film is NOT rated PG-13 anymore... no, no, no... it is now rated LA. Yep, that's right you heard me, LA: LESS ASINE!
Anyway, the WB logo comes up with the 'chilling' music. The music soon changes to a 'heroic' Batman & Robin type theme. The WB logo freezes and forms into the Bat Emblem as it shatters into a million peices. This reveals-- the camera panning up to the museum window! We don't get the dialogue, "Please, show some mercy!" "MEEEERRRRCCCCYYYYY?" Oh no, Mr. Freeze simply freezes everybody without showing "mercy"! After this whole scene, that features not one batbomb, it cuts to Robin saying, "Did we get him?" Batman shakes his head and it cuts to the opening credits. VERY James Bond-ish!

The movie runs a lot faster in pace and sticks to the main plot. You won't get fidgety anymore! There are NO subplots. No Batman and Robin bickering, and no Alfred is dying. Without these, the movie picks up speed and you WILL NOT loose interest! I myself have seen the original Batman & Robin about 20 times or more (I know... I know... that is way to many times) since it's release. While watching THIS version I picked up ALL of the cuts. There are so many cuts and changes that I can not come close to talking about all.

Another thing GreenCapt does very well is the jumping from scene to scene. Instead of just 'showing' the next scene, he shows how the characters 'got' there. For example Dick Grayson runs in saying, "Freeze has escaped!" We get Batman and Robin racing to the scene in the Batmobile and Redbird! Another example is when Dr. Woodrew is talking to the 'mystery bidder' on the phone(That whole bit is cut by the way. Bane just becomes Bane, none of that bidder or Antonio Diego crap
). Before that scene opens up, we get a shot zooming in on the lab that he is in, this shot was used previously in the film, and now used to show where we now are.

Let's put it this way, most one-liners are gone along with an hour of the original film!! There are still some one-liners intact, but only 2 or 3! "Cool Party!" "It's time to feast!" We don't get any Coolio(Ahhhh, mmmaaannn!) Coolio always gets cut from the films.... DD and this.... No derrogitory race and gang scenes and Batman pretty much "approves" Barbara becoming Batgirl. They don't bicker later on about it, "I guess we'll just have to kill her!" Mr. Freeze comes off as more of a man with a cold heart, meaner and less silly. NO McGreggor's Syndrome-- His wife does NOT have it and Alfred does NOT have it, thus the villian doesn't help the hero at the end! The stupid scientists don't come off as well..... stupid and the film ends with Mr. Freeze getting his cell with Poison Ivy and the last line is "....winter has come at last!" *BLACK*. After the credits is a nice little continuation for Bane-- kind of like how a horror film ends with a hand popping out of a grave.:rolleyes:

The film itself is cut nicely and I only noticed a couple of miniscule things. (1)During the scene where Barbara comes and the doorbell rings and Bruce begins to walk off, it cuts to black for about a second. (2)I could have sworn when Barbara was trying to figure out the password I heard Ivy saying, "Quickly Bane!" (3)When Robin throws the tray at the charity gala, the spinning sound is heard twice. At least it is better than hearing that 'cartoon' type 'fall'. (4)Also, Batman doesn't use a batbomb to blow up Freeze's rocket. It doesn't even blow up at all! Wouldn't it turn Gotham into a "crater" as Freeze suggested??? And, you can still see debris falling to the ground! (5)How did Barbara get a hold of the Batman CD that Alfred made??? (6)Freeze's gun doesn't 'stick' to the top of the dinosaur at the beginning. Those scenes are taken out. But now, we see a pointless scene of a man 'falling' behind Freeze, the man is the fat one that got thrown at the dinosaur to get the gun down. So now Freeze walks over to the dinosaur with no gun, stops at it base, turns around with his gun, and walks back to his van. HUH??? (7)And, there was no point at all to show the Robin signal, however, it DID work on a certain level. These ONLY minor gripes. This would be nice if these were fixed in Version 2.0!

I liked MANY things very much. (1)I really enjoyed the music more this time around. It is edited nicely and never gets choppy. Some think that it would have been better if you used the Elfman theme, I however don't think that is the case. The Goldenthal theme works very well for this piece and gets extremely 'dark' at times. I like it! (2)I liked the fact that there was no stupid bat snow vehichles. Those sucked!!! (3)I loved how Batman & Robin didn't fight. Now when Batman says to Robin, "Pull back, you can't make the jump," on the large arm Robin simply skids out 'knowing' it would be too dangerous. Nicley done!!! I was wondering how you were going to pull that scene off. (4)Less crap, crap as in Bane. (5)To me this film after the "De-Assification" came off as three 'continuing' episodes of The Batman & Robin Adventures/TAS Batman cartoon show! I don't know if it was just me, but it simply would have worked as a cartoon and seems to flow with the show!

People are saying that what you made is still not a good film. "B&R can NEVER be good!" I, however, think this film is great! It replaces my B&R DVD on my DVD shelf and is a perfect substitute for the original B&R film! Don't get Batman & Robin, get Batman & Robin: De-Assified!!!

This film gets a B- from SeriousDuke!!! Batman & Robin is WATCHABLE at last! A dream come true!

Batman & Robin is finally a watchable film! Wickedly fun, and wildly entertaining!

Thank you so much for the copy GreenCapt! I utterly CANNOT wait to see BATMAN FOREVER: DIRECTOR'S CUT- A GREENCAPT SPECIAL EDITION!!!
Ruined Angel said:
Thanks, Bingy. Could you possibly be so kind as to send me a PM pointing me to the "man in charge"? I'm always hopeless and finding things.

Just talk to greencapt...he's pretty darned easy to talk to.
My review for Batman & Robin: DeASSIFIED!

So, basically all I've been doing this week is waiting for this DVD. I get home from out to the mailbox and....(drumroll)... IT'S EMPTY! In my head I'm cursing the postal office for taking it from me, then I go inside and on the kitchen table...(louder drumroll) LAYS THE GEM! I rip open the package...or at least try! Damn greencapt, you seal those m'fers good! So I use scissors and get the thing out, run downstairs and pop it in de DVD playa. It starts up, and my eyes are locked to the screen.

The movie shoots right into action, and pretty much stays that way throughout. It rarely slows down except for when Freeze shares sad moments with his wife (which I love) and when Poison Ivy does some stupid crap (which regardless how good the edit is I hate...

The opening is great and I love that it's faster than the least it seemed faster anyways.

This movie seemed so much darker than the original, or maybe it's just my copy of the original. A copied VHS version that was copied off of another VHS... SO I never really even had a good copy of this before. Well that VHS is getting thrown out the window and in it's place will sit this nice edit.

In this film, Freeze is a badass, Batman isn't a dumbass, and Robin is just a he's supposed to be.

Although I enjoyed this alot I must say I still have those uncontrollable gripes that just come with this film.
-I still hate the score, except for the Freeze/Wife theme. Greencapt has no control over this though.
-Uma Thurman's piss poor acting. Once again out of of Greencapt's control.
-I still hate the Wayne Diamond Auction. The scene sucks...period. I don't see why they didn't just have Bruce and Dick monitoring for freezes attack from atop the building or just waiting then gearing up. It would've reduced the cheese, but I guess Shumacher wanted cheese.


My Grade for the Film Now: C... had it had more unASSish material to put in it would've seemed more complete to me...but I knew that it was going to be short and sweet.

Grade of Greencapt's skills: A+ you go DAWG!
^^Great.... where's Detective Flass.... he needs to give us his review!
^^No, no, no. This is a fan edit of what Batman & Robin 'could have' been. Read MY review to find out more:)
Freeze's gun doesn't 'stick' to the top of the dinosaur at the beginning. Those scenes are taken out. But now, we see a pointless scene of a man 'falling' behind Freeze, the man is the fat one that got thrown at the dinosaur to get the gun down. So now Freeze walks over to the dinosaur with no gun, stops at it base, turns around with his gun, and walks back to his van. HUH???

AhhahahahahahahAHAHAHahahaha...LOL :D

Actually THAT is my favorite joke in the whole film! At first I was like 'Aw crap what do I do ablout that?!?!?' but then I realized- there's all this other stuff flying around and getting destroyed- WHY NOT! In my mind one of Freeze's goons just busted the guy and sent him flying- and Freeze is too much of a Bad MF to even bat an eyelash!!! I laugh my ass off evertime I watch that cut- that 'fat falling guy' deserves and academy award! :D
I'll post my review tomorrow. :D

GreenCapt, is there any chance of a Batman Forever: De-Campified in the near future? :D
^^Maybe a little De-Campified with a Director's Cut type of edit! If you do, I want the film to open the same way as B&R: D-A did. With the Warner's logo, and then after it forms into the bat, cut to Two-Face escaping, Bruce talking to Edward, and just before Bruce starts "suiting up" have the credits come in. What do you think GreenCapt? That would be hella cool!!! I think both Schumacher's films should have the same style of opening!:up:
I just finished watching De-Assified for a second time. Extremely good film. Here are some more things that I forgot to put in my review:

1. Gossip Gerty now only has one line! God, I hate her voice!
2. You should have cut out that 'dancing black guy' at the beginning of the charity ball scene. That scene sucks so bad!
3. Another thing that I would have done was change the sound of Batman's 'cutter'. You know the thing that he uses to cut Ivy's plants at the end. That sound is extremely annoying.

Well, :)<--This is to Version 2.0 and the Batman Forever Directors Cut: De-Campified! :)
Hey gang-

Just a quick note for those that have been asking- 'Batman & Robin: De-Assified' is now up as a torrent at MySpleen.Net!

Let the viewing begin and please post your thoughts once you've watched it!


PS: those who I've promised DVDs to expect them soon- I've had a cold and mailing kinda got pushed aside.
Thanks man! I'll make sure to give you my feedback once I've watched it.
Its probably just the waiting period. There's a waiting period of 24-48 hours for new members of the site. Ooops, should have mentioned it.. :O
If there is a waiting period, probably it will work tomorrow

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