Happy Wars


Go away.
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone play this? I didn't expect much since it was free...but holy crud is the MP addicting. Now, they're attempting to fix some of the match making issues (it takes a while to get into a match) but when you're in they're fun. Reminds me of a less irritating Fat Princess.
Anyone play this? I didn't expect much since it was free...but holy crud is the MP addicting. Now, they're attempting to fix some of the match making issues (it takes a while to get into a match) but when you're in they're fun. Reminds me of a less irritating Fat Princess.

Yeah I downloaded this earlier today, just a bit of harmless fun really, the upgrade system is pretty cool too!
Yeah, not bad for a free game. I'll play it more when all my friends want to play at the same time. Quite fun in a big group as you can have everyone on the same team.

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