Help for my PC: Disk Boot Error?


May 12, 2007
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Alright so whats this error mean? Im pretty sure it says: DIsk Boot Error: Insert System disk. Now I dont know much about comps so you gotta tell wtf that is in lamo terms. I have to restart my comp like millions of times to get it working again, or sometimes it will just freeze randomly.

Thanks. :yay:
ok this happened to me. First of all you're C-Drive is corrupted.

Second of all, go to the boot setup and got to boot sequence. set the hard drive as the primary start up option. Then shut off your PC and unplug the computer.

Third, open the computer and take out the hardrive. leave it out for about 2 minutes (this will be a good time to dust it off too) then put it back in the case, plug the wires back in and make sure they are secure.

Start your computer. You will be asked how to boot up, select normal boot with the arrows and press enter.

Once the PC is up and running, right click my computer and click properties.

Click on the advanced tab then click settings under Startup and recovery

Under system failure, de-select the third option (Automatically Restart)

You should be all set. Nevertheless I suggest backing up your files, doing a complete reformat. If it still doesn't work, get a new hard-drive.
Alright so whats this error mean? Im pretty sure it says: DIsk Boot Error: Insert System disk. Now I dont know much about comps so you gotta tell wtf that is in lamo terms. I have to restart my comp like millions of times to get it working again, or sometimes it will just freeze randomly.

Thanks. :yay:

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