Help! - Name for comic superhero


Jan 20, 2013
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So I have made up this long story and world for my own superhero, but I will go right to the point... I need a superhero name for him that relate to his powers which is kind off like the avatar, he can control all four elements (Water(ice), Fire, Earth and Air):

Names I have been over:


I would really appreciate some help here.
It's REALLY hard to come up with one that hasn't been used, I can tell you that. I too have had problems with this.
I'll tell you the truth... if I had a cool name for a superhero in mind, I'd keep it to myself and not just pass it on to a random internet stranger.
Well "ThePhantasm" it's called being friendly and helpful, and it is for my hero.. not yours, so it doesnt really matter, but what a great comment.. really useful.
Well "ThePhantasm" it's called being friendly and helpful, and it is for my hero.. not yours, so it doesnt really matter, but what a great comment.. really useful.

You're welcome, random internet stranger! :awesome:

All kidding aside, as someone who enjoys writing as a side-hobby and wouldn't mind being published one day, if I ever have a cool idea I jot it down in a notebook... I don't share it with people, because its my idea for my potential story one day. I imagine a lot of people, if they are smart, would feel the same. It isn't about being helpful. Its about loving your own created character / ideas and not wanting to just pass it off to some guy. (If you were a close friend who was a good writer... that would be something else.)

That said, any of those names is a fine placeholder name until you come up with a name on your own. Names come to me at random times, not when I WANT them to. Use a placeholder, then do find / replace later in Word or something.

How's that for a helpful comment?
You're welcome, random internet stranger! :awesome:

All kidding aside, as someone who enjoys writing as a side-hobby and wouldn't mind being published one day, if I ever have a cool idea I jot it down in a notebook... I don't share it with people, because its my idea for my potential story one day. I imagine a lot of people, if they are smart, would feel the same. It isn't about being helpful. Its about loving your own created character / ideas and not wanting to just pass it off to some guy. (If you were a close friend who was a good writer... that would be something else.)

That said, any of those names is a fine placeholder name until you come up with a name on your own. Names come to me at random times, not when I WANT them to. Use a placeholder, then do find / replace later in Word or something.

How's that for a helpful comment?

Not really helpful, only thing that came to my mind reading that was "freak" xD
"Freak" as a name for your character or a name for me?
Well ThePhantasm, at least I like your place holder idea, yes i think you need to learn how to fish SomR9922:

-create words from assembly (you have water-air-fire-earth) WAAIFIEA or maybe initials WAFE, FAEW...

-read about the 4 elements and go get a divinity name from taoism or something,

There is always the 5th element mythos since alchemy...
Already done all of that, also came up with the name "wafe and faew and afwe" .. but they just have no chance what so ever.

And you are the freak ThePhantasm :)
how about something he's got different from all the other 4 element archetypes?

aether and akasha were looking nice...
Already done all of that, also came up with the name "wafe and faew and afwe" .. but they just have no chance what so ever.

And you are the freak ThePhantasm :)

See, a great way to get people to help you out and give advice is to not to be a child about it.
You say you'd appreciate help, but all I've seen is someone not deserving of help. ThePhantasm made great points, you're a stranger, we have no idea of what your writing ability is, or what your idea is beyond the generic, 'he can control the elements'.
If you ask for suggestions, and you're given suggestions that you don't like or don't help you the way you want them to, then you still take the suggestion courteously, OR you make the choice not to reply. You don't say, "Well that was useless!"
I have no bases to WANT to help you. All I've learned is that you are not deserving of my help, or the help of anyone else on these boards. Especially since this really doesn't belong in Misc comics, it belongs in fan fiction (if anywhere).
Come up with your own idea's.
You are a fat loser and I do not really care.

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