

Banned Usèr
Jul 1, 2001
Reaction score
I need to pull an audio file from a web site. It's embedded in flash. I just cannot get the URL or the file. Please help.

It's the songs playing in the background.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could post the link of the file, or could tell me how to get the audio clips.

Thank you.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
I pictured you stuck in a toilet for some reason.
And he's using a lap-top?:confused:

Wilhelm-Scream said:
I pictured you stuck in a toilet for some reason.

Nah. I'm in my room. No toilet in sight, and no need for one either. So, you got any ideas on how to get that file?
Mee said:
And he's using a lap-top?:confused:


:D Nope. Don't own a laptop at the moment.

Btw, do you have any ideas on how to solve my little problem?
<script>var imgPre="";var meetsReqs=false;var indefli=false;var serviceid=0;var rpsub=false;var pcontr=false;
<title>Rock Star: Supernova</title><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script>function SF(func) { try { if(eval('window.' + func) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch(e) { alert('Failed exec:'+code+'\r\n'+e.description); } return false; }function GE(v) { if(document.all) { return document.all[v]; } return document.getElementById(v); }'MSNMusic';</script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<meta name="Name" content="RockStar Final Beacon">
<meta name="PackageEnabled" content="True">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="author" content="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" rev="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<base href="" />
<title>ROCKSTAR : SUPERNOVA</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(window.CS){CS.Atlas.AddNameValuePair('source', function(){return CS.Utility.Href.QueryStringValue('source')});CS.Atlas.AddNameValuePair('url', function(){return escape(document.referrer).replace(/\/|\?|&|#/g,'_')});CS.Utility.Events.AddLoad(function(){CS.Atlas.Initialize('msn_rockstar_view',(window.Msn?(Msn.Flash.Version()<7?'nonflash':'home'):'home'),false);CS.Atlas.Action('view')})}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//=========================/[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]\======================
// Set the title of the project here
var myTitle = "Rock Star Supernova";

// Set the name of the HTML page that contains the SWF
var thisPageName = "index.html";

// Set anchor seperator. posible settings: ? or #
// If you use "?" Browser will constantly refresh. "?" Will work properly when posted on web server.
var anchorSeparator = "#";

var swfName = "";

// NOTE: If editing this value be sure to also change the value in the default error message (see <div class="error">)
var minFlashVersion = "7";

var swfQuality = "high";

// NOTE: If editing these values by hand be sure to modify the CSS values as well to match.
// Also note that you will need to enter a value equal to the inverse of 50% of the width and height
// for margin-left: and top: respectively, in order to center the Flash container within the browser.
var swfWidth = "100%";
var swfHeight = 850;

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
var swfHalfWidth = parseInt(swfWidth / 2);
var swfHalfHeight = parseInt(swfHeight / 2);

var lsoProjectID = "myLSORockstar";

// Setting this to true will display the value of flashSrc (if exists) at the top of the page.
var displaySrc = false;
//=========================\[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]/======================
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckMac(guid,mms,video)
else {msnvSdw('rockst',guid,'us',video);}

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
document.write("<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">");
document.write("#flashcontent {width: "+ swfWidth +"; height: "+ swfHeight +"px; margin: auto;}");


function fav(){

function changeAd (adSrcUrl) {
var adIFrame = document.getElementById('adIframe');
var adSrcString = adSrcUrl;
adIFrame.src ="" + encodeURI(adSrcString);

//start of ad expand and contract functionality
var adExpanded;
var adHeight = 1;
var adInc = 0;
var timer;
var ad;

function expandAd () {
if(adExpanded != true){
ad = document.getElementById("adArea"); = "block"; = "1px";
timer = setInterval(Expand,12);
adExpanded = true;

function contractAd () {
ad = document.getElementById("adArea");
timer = setInterval(Contract,10);
adExpanded = false;

function Expand() {
if((adHeight + adInc) < 90) {
adHeight += adInc;
adInc++; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "90px";

function Contract() {
if((adHeight - adInc) >= 1){
adHeight -= adInc;
adInc--; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "none";
//end ad expand contract code


<style type="text/css">@import url("rockstar.css");</style>


<div id="openHTML 1"><IMG id=ctag style="DISPLAY: none" height=1 alt=""
src="" width=1>
<DIV id=adsContainer>
<DIV id=adArea
style="DISPLAY: none; OVERFLOW: hidden; HEIGHT: 90px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><IFRAME
id=adIframe name=adIframe marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="" frameBorder=0
width=728 scrolling=no height=90></IFRAME></DIV></DIV>
<DIV id=flashcontent align=center>
<DIV id=error style="MARGIN: 0px; WIDTH: 550px" align=center>
style="BACKGROUND: url(noFlash_BackgroundImg.jpg) no-repeat center top; MARGIN: auto; WIDTH: 550px; HEIGHT: 426px">
style="MARGIN: 295px 165px 0px 195px; FONT: 11px Tahoma; COLOR: white; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
<P>To experience this site you must be using the latest Flash Plug-in. Please
click on the button below to upgrade to the latest Flash Player
<DIV><a href= target="new" class="altlink"><IMG src="getFlashBtn.jpg" border=0> </a></DIV>
<P>Once you have upgraded your Flash Player, please <a href=javascript:void(location.href=location.href) class="altlink">click here to refresh the page</a>. </P>
<P style="COLOR: white">© 2006 Microsoft | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Privacy</a> | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Legal</a> </P>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
var so = new SWFObject(swfName, "main", swfWidth, swfHeight, minFlashVersion);
var doInstall = getQueryParamValue("install");

//Get custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
var voting = getQueryParamValue("voting");
var episode = getQueryParamValue("episode");

// If user is installing Flash show the install iFrame, otherwise show Flash
if (doInstall == "true") {
} else {
// Update error message to display the correct values/links based on PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS

so.setAttribute("quality", swfQuality);
so.addParam("scale", "noscale");
so.addVariable("projectID", lsoProjectID);
so.addVariable("minFlashVersion", minFlashVersion);
so.addVariable("debug", "false");
so.addVariable("xmlPath", "/i/rs2/content/xml/week03/Wednesday03/");
so.addVariable("currWeek", "2");
so.addVariable("isIE", isIE);
if (sAnchor) {so.addVariable("link", sAnchor);} // Pass "link" variable into the FlashObject for deeplinking and paramaters

//Add Custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
if (showVoting) {so.addVariable("voting", showVoting);}
if (episode) {so.addVariable("episode", episode);}


var myVars = so.getVariablePairs(); // a list of all Variable Pairs
var myAtts = so.getAttributePairs(); // a list of all Attribute Pairs


<SCRIPT src=""

<script>if(window.sdd){sHS();}</script><script>window.onunload = Rsn; function Rsn() { = 'notmine';} if(SF('SetupRatings')) SOL(SetupRatings); if(SF('cklnch')) SOL(cklnch); if(SF('chkbb')) SOL(chkbb);</script><span id=clipSpan></span>

^it's in there. :o
Dr. Victor Lehnsherr said:
<script>var imgPre="";var meetsReqs=false;var indefli=false;var serviceid=0;var rpsub=false;var pcontr=false;
<title>Rock Star: Supernova</title><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script>function SF(func) { try { if(eval('window.' + func) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch(e) { alert('Failed exec:'+code+'\r\n'+e.description); } return false; }function GE(v) { if(document.all) { return document.all[v]; } return document.getElementById(v); }'MSNMusic';</script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<meta name="Name" content="RockStar Final Beacon">
<meta name="PackageEnabled" content="True">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="author" content="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" rev="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<base href="" />
<title>ROCKSTAR : SUPERNOVA</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(window.CS){CS.Atlas.AddNameValuePair('source', function(){return CS.Utility.Href.QueryStringValue('source')});CS.Atlas.AddNameValuePair('url', function(){return escape(document.referrer).replace(/\/|\?|&|#/g,'_')});CS.Utility.Events.AddLoad(function(){CS.Atlas.Initialize('msn_rockstar_view',(window.Msn?(Msn.Flash.Version()<7?'nonflash':'home'):'home'),false);CS.Atlas.Action('view')})}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//=========================/[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]\======================
// Set the title of the project here
var myTitle = "Rock Star Supernova";

// Set the name of the HTML page that contains the SWF
var thisPageName = "index.html";

// Set anchor seperator. posible settings: ? or #
// If you use "?" Browser will constantly refresh. "?" Will work properly when posted on web server.
var anchorSeparator = "#";

var swfName = "";

// NOTE: If editing this value be sure to also change the value in the default error message (see <div class="error">)
var minFlashVersion = "7";

var swfQuality = "high";

// NOTE: If editing these values by hand be sure to modify the CSS values as well to match.
// Also note that you will need to enter a value equal to the inverse of 50% of the width and height
// for margin-left: and top: respectively, in order to center the Flash container within the browser.
var swfWidth = "100%";
var swfHeight = 850;

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
var swfHalfWidth = parseInt(swfWidth / 2);
var swfHalfHeight = parseInt(swfHeight / 2);

var lsoProjectID = "myLSORockstar";

// Setting this to true will display the value of flashSrc (if exists) at the top of the page.
var displaySrc = false;
//=========================\[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]/======================
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckMac(guid,mms,video)
else {msnvSdw('rockst',guid,'us',video);}

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
document.write("<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">");
document.write("#flashcontent {width: "+ swfWidth +"; height: "+ swfHeight +"px; margin: auto;}");


function fav(){

function changeAd (adSrcUrl) {
var adIFrame = document.getElementById('adIframe');
var adSrcString = adSrcUrl;
adIFrame.src ="" + encodeURI(adSrcString);

//start of ad expand and contract functionality
var adExpanded;
var adHeight = 1;
var adInc = 0;
var timer;
var ad;

function expandAd () {
if(adExpanded != true){
ad = document.getElementById("adArea"); = "block"; = "1px";
timer = setInterval(Expand,12);
adExpanded = true;

function contractAd () {
ad = document.getElementById("adArea");
timer = setInterval(Contract,10);
adExpanded = false;

function Expand() {
if((adHeight + adInc) < 90) {
adHeight += adInc;
adInc++; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "90px";

function Contract() {
if((adHeight - adInc) >= 1){
adHeight -= adInc;
adInc--; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "none";
//end ad expand contract code


<style type="text/css">@import url("rockstar.css");</style>


<div id="openHTML 1"><IMG id=ctag style="DISPLAY: none" height=1 alt=""
src="" width=1>
<DIV id=adsContainer>
<DIV id=adArea
style="DISPLAY: none; OVERFLOW: hidden; HEIGHT: 90px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><IFRAME
id=adIframe name=adIframe marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="" frameBorder=0
width=728 scrolling=no height=90></IFRAME></DIV></DIV>
<DIV id=flashcontent align=center>
<DIV id=error style="MARGIN: 0px; WIDTH: 550px" align=center>
style="BACKGROUND: url(noFlash_BackgroundImg.jpg) no-repeat center top; MARGIN: auto; WIDTH: 550px; HEIGHT: 426px">
style="MARGIN: 295px 165px 0px 195px; FONT: 11px Tahoma; COLOR: white; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
<P>To experience this site you must be using the latest Flash Plug-in. Please
click on the button below to upgrade to the latest Flash Player
<DIV><a href= target="new" class="altlink"><IMG src="getFlashBtn.jpg" border=0> </a></DIV>
<P>Once you have upgraded your Flash Player, please <a href=javascript:void(location.href=location.href) class="altlink">click here to refresh the page</a>. </P>
<P style="COLOR: white">© 2006 Microsoft | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Privacy</a> | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Legal</a> </P>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
var so = new SWFObject(swfName, "main", swfWidth, swfHeight, minFlashVersion);
var doInstall = getQueryParamValue("install");

//Get custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
var voting = getQueryParamValue("voting");
var episode = getQueryParamValue("episode");

// If user is installing Flash show the install iFrame, otherwise show Flash
if (doInstall == "true") {
} else {
// Update error message to display the correct values/links based on PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS

so.setAttribute("quality", swfQuality);
so.addParam("scale", "noscale");
so.addVariable("projectID", lsoProjectID);
so.addVariable("minFlashVersion", minFlashVersion);
so.addVariable("debug", "false");
so.addVariable("xmlPath", "/i/rs2/content/xml/week03/Wednesday03/");
so.addVariable("currWeek", "2");
so.addVariable("isIE", isIE);
if (sAnchor) {so.addVariable("link", sAnchor);} // Pass "link" variable into the FlashObject for deeplinking and paramaters

//Add Custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
if (showVoting) {so.addVariable("voting", showVoting);}
if (episode) {so.addVariable("episode", episode);}


var myVars = so.getVariablePairs(); // a list of all Variable Pairs
var myAtts = so.getAttributePairs(); // a list of all Attribute Pairs


<SCRIPT src=""

<script>if(window.sdd){sHS();}</script><script>window.onunload = Rsn; function Rsn() { = 'notmine';} if(SF('SetupRatings')) SOL(SetupRatings); if(SF('cklnch')) SOL(cklnch); if(SF('chkbb')) SOL(chkbb);</script><span id=clipSpan></span>

^it's in there. :o
Dr. Victor Lehnsherr said:
<script>var imgPre="";var meetsReqs=false;var indefli=false;var serviceid=0;var rpsub=false;var pcontr=false;
<title>Rock Star: Supernova</title><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script>function SF(func) { try { if(eval('window.' + func) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch(e) { alert('Failed exec:'+code+'\r\n'+e.description); } return false; }function GE(v) { if(document.all) { return document.all[v]; } return document.getElementById(v); }'MSNMusic';</script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<meta name="Name" content="RockStar Final Beacon">
<meta name="PackageEnabled" content="True">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="author" content="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" rev="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<base href="" />
<title>ROCKSTAR : SUPERNOVA</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(window.CS){CS.Atlas.AddNameValuePair('source', function(){return CS.Utility.Href.QueryStringValue('source')});CS.Atlas.AddNameValuePair('url', function(){return escape(document.referrer).replace(/\/|\?|&|#/g,'_')});CS.Utility.Events.AddLoad(function(){CS.Atlas.Initialize('msn_rockstar_view',(window.Msn?(Msn.Flash.Version()<7?'nonflash':'home'):'home'),false);CS.Atlas.Action('view')})}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//=========================/[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]\======================
// Set the title of the project here
var myTitle = "Rock Star Supernova";

// Set the name of the HTML page that contains the SWF
var thisPageName = "index.html";

// Set anchor seperator. posible settings: ? or #
// If you use "?" Browser will constantly refresh. "?" Will work properly when posted on web server.
var anchorSeparator = "#";

var swfName = "";

// NOTE: If editing this value be sure to also change the value in the default error message (see <div class="error">)
var minFlashVersion = "7";

var swfQuality = "high";

// NOTE: If editing these values by hand be sure to modify the CSS values as well to match.
// Also note that you will need to enter a value equal to the inverse of 50% of the width and height
// for margin-left: and top: respectively, in order to center the Flash container within the browser.
var swfWidth = "100%";
var swfHeight = 850;

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
var swfHalfWidth = parseInt(swfWidth / 2);
var swfHalfHeight = parseInt(swfHeight / 2);

var lsoProjectID = "myLSORockstar";

// Setting this to true will display the value of flashSrc (if exists) at the top of the page.
var displaySrc = false;
//=========================\[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]/======================
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckMac(guid,mms,video)
else {msnvSdw('rockst',guid,'us',video);}

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
document.write("<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">");
document.write("#flashcontent {width: "+ swfWidth +"; height: "+ swfHeight +"px; margin: auto;}");


function fav(){

function changeAd (adSrcUrl) {
var adIFrame = document.getElementById('adIframe');
var adSrcString = adSrcUrl;
adIFrame.src ="" + encodeURI(adSrcString);

//start of ad expand and contract functionality
var adExpanded;
var adHeight = 1;
var adInc = 0;
var timer;
var ad;

function expandAd () {
if(adExpanded != true){
ad = document.getElementById("adArea"); = "block"; = "1px";
timer = setInterval(Expand,12);
adExpanded = true;

function contractAd () {
ad = document.getElementById("adArea");
timer = setInterval(Contract,10);
adExpanded = false;

function Expand() {
if((adHeight + adInc) < 90) {
adHeight += adInc;
adInc++; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "90px";

function Contract() {
if((adHeight - adInc) >= 1){
adHeight -= adInc;
adInc--; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "none";
//end ad expand contract code


<style type="text/css">@import url("rockstar.css");</style>


<div id="openHTML 1"><IMG id=ctag style="DISPLAY: none" height=1 alt=""
src="" width=1>
<DIV id=adsContainer>
<DIV id=adArea
style="DISPLAY: none; OVERFLOW: hidden; HEIGHT: 90px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><IFRAME
id=adIframe name=adIframe marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="" frameBorder=0
width=728 scrolling=no height=90></IFRAME></DIV></DIV>
<DIV id=flashcontent align=center>
<DIV id=error style="MARGIN: 0px; WIDTH: 550px" align=center>
style="BACKGROUND: url(noFlash_BackgroundImg.jpg) no-repeat center top; MARGIN: auto; WIDTH: 550px; HEIGHT: 426px">
style="MARGIN: 295px 165px 0px 195px; FONT: 11px Tahoma; COLOR: white; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
<P>To experience this site you must be using the latest Flash Plug-in. Please
click on the button below to upgrade to the latest Flash Player
<DIV><a href= target="new" class="altlink"><IMG src="getFlashBtn.jpg" border=0> </a></DIV>
<P>Once you have upgraded your Flash Player, please <a href=javascript:void(location.href=location.href) class="altlink">click here to refresh the page</a>. </P>
<P style="COLOR: white">© 2006 Microsoft | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Privacy</a> | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Legal</a> </P>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
var so = new SWFObject(swfName, "main", swfWidth, swfHeight, minFlashVersion);
var doInstall = getQueryParamValue("install");

//Get custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
var voting = getQueryParamValue("voting");
var episode = getQueryParamValue("episode");

// If user is installing Flash show the install iFrame, otherwise show Flash
if (doInstall == "true") {
} else {
// Update error message to display the correct values/links based on PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS

so.setAttribute("quality", swfQuality);
so.addParam("scale", "noscale");
so.addVariable("projectID", lsoProjectID);
so.addVariable("minFlashVersion", minFlashVersion);
so.addVariable("debug", "false");
so.addVariable("xmlPath", "/i/rs2/content/xml/week03/Wednesday03/");
so.addVariable("currWeek", "2");
so.addVariable("isIE", isIE);
if (sAnchor) {so.addVariable("link", sAnchor);} // Pass "link" variable into the FlashObject for deeplinking and paramaters

//Add Custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
if (showVoting) {so.addVariable("voting", showVoting);}
if (episode) {so.addVariable("episode", episode);}


var myVars = so.getVariablePairs(); // a list of all Variable Pairs
var myAtts = so.getAttributePairs(); // a list of all Attribute Pairs


<SCRIPT src=""

<script>if(window.sdd){sHS();}</script><script>window.onunload = Rsn; function Rsn() { = 'notmine';} if(SF('SetupRatings')) SOL(SetupRatings); if(SF('cklnch')) SOL(cklnch); if(SF('chkbb')) SOL(chkbb);</script><span id=clipSpan></span>

^it's in there. :o

Thanks. But could you be a little more specific?
M.E.H.Z.E.B said:
Thanks. But could you be a little more specific?
More specific, okay. It is either here:

<script>var imgPre="";var meetsReqs=false;var indefli=false;var serviceid=0;var rpsub=false;var pcontr=false;
<title>Rock Star: Supernova</title><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script>function SF(func) { try { if(eval('window.' + func) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch(e) { alert('Failed exec:'+code+'\r\n'+e.description); } return false; }function GE(v) { if(document.all) { return document.all[v]; } return document.getElementById(v); }'MSNMusic';</script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<meta name="Name" content="RockStar Final Beacon">
<meta name="PackageEnabled" content="True">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="author" content="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" rev="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<base href="" />
<title>ROCKSTAR : SUPERNOVA</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(window.CS){CS.Atlas.AddNameValuePair('source', function(){return CS.Utility.Href.QueryStringValue('source')});CS.At las.AddNameValuePair('url', function(){return escape(document.referrer).replace(/\/|\?|&|#/g,'_')});CS.Utility.Events.AddLoad(function(){CS.A tlas.Initialize('msn_rockstar_view',(window.Msn?(M sn.Flash.Version()<7?'nonflash':'home'):'home'),fa lse);CS.Atlas.Action('view')})}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//=========================/[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]\======================
// Set the title of the project here
var myTitle = "Rock Star Supernova";

// Set the name of the HTML page that contains the SWF
var thisPageName = "index.html";

// Set anchor seperator. posible settings: ? or #
// If you use "?" Browser will constantly refresh. "?" Will work properly when posted on web server.
var anchorSeparator = "#";

var swfName = "";

// NOTE: If editing this value be sure to also change the value in the default error message (see <div class="error">)
var minFlashVersion = "7";

var swfQuality = "high";

// NOTE: If editing these values by hand be sure to modify the CSS values as well to match.
// Also note that you will need to enter a value equal to the inverse of 50% of the width and height
// for margin-left: and top: respectively, in order to center the Flash container within the browser.
var swfWidth = "100%";
var swfHeight = 850;

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
var swfHalfWidth = parseInt(swfWidth / 2);
var swfHalfHeight = parseInt(swfHeight / 2);

or here:

var lsoProjectID = "myLSORockstar";

// Setting this to true will display the value of flashSrc (if exists) at the top of the page.
var displaySrc = false;
//=========================\[ PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS ]/======================
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckMac(guid,mms,video)
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac" )>-1){;}
else {msnvSdw('rockst',guid,'us',video);}

/* added: 1.30.2006 - JohnG */
document.write("<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">");
document.write("#flashcontent {width: "+ swfWidth +"; height: "+ swfHeight +"px; margin: auto;}");


function fav(){
if(window.external&&document.all)window.external.A ddFavorite($a,$b);
if(window.sidebar)window.sidebar.addPanel($a,$b,"" );

function changeAd (adSrcUrl) {
var adIFrame = document.getElementById('adIframe');
var adSrcString = adSrcUrl;
adIFrame.src ="" + encodeURI(adSrcString);

//start of ad expand and contract functionality
var adExpanded;
var adHeight = 1;
var adInc = 0;
var timer;
var ad;

function expandAd () {
if(adExpanded != true){
ad = document.getElementById("adArea"); = "block"; = "1px";
timer = setInterval(Expand,12);
adExpanded = true;

function contractAd () {
ad = document.getElementById("adArea");
timer = setInterval(Contract,10);
adExpanded = false;

function Expand() {
if((adHeight + adInc) < 90) {
adHeight += adInc;
adInc++; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "90px";

function Contract() {
if((adHeight - adInc) >= 1){
adHeight -= adInc;
adInc--; = adHeight + "px";
else {
clearInterval(timer); = "none";
//end ad expand contract code


<style type="text/css">@import url("rockstar.css");</style>


<div id="openHTML 1"><IMG id=ctag style="DISPLAY: none" height=1 alt=""
src="" width=1>
<DIV id=adsContainer>
<DIV id=adArea
style="DISPLAY: none; OVERFLOW: hidden; HEIGHT: 90px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><IFRAME
id=adIframe name=adIframe marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="" frameBorder=0
width=728 scrolling=no height=90></IFRAME></DIV></DIV>
<DIV id=flashcontent align=center>
<DIV id=error style="MARGIN: 0px; WIDTH: 550px" align=center>
style="BACKGROUND: url(noFlash_BackgroundImg.jpg) no-repeat center top; MARGIN: auto; WIDTH: 550px; HEIGHT: 426px">
style="MARGIN: 295px 165px 0px 195px; FONT: 11px Tahoma; COLOR: white; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
<P>To experience this site you must be using the latest Flash Plug-in. Please
click on the button below to upgrade to the latest Flash Player
<DIV><a href= target="new" class="altlink"><IMG src="getFlashBtn.jpg" border=0> </a></DIV>
<P>Once you have upgraded your Flash Player, please <a href=javascript:void(location.href=location.href) class="altlink">click here to refresh the page</a>. </P>
<P style="COLOR: white">© 2006 Microsoft | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Privacy</a> | <a href= target="new" class="altlink">Legal</a> </P>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
var so = new SWFObject(swfName, "main", swfWidth, swfHeight, minFlashVersion);
var doInstall = getQueryParamValue("install");

//Get custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
var voting = getQueryParamValue("voting");
var episode = getQueryParamValue("episode");

// If user is installing Flash show the install iFrame, otherwise show Flash
if (doInstall == "true") {
} else {
// Update error message to display the correct values/links based on PAGE & FLASH SETTINGS

so.setAttribute("quality", swfQuality);
so.addParam("scale", "noscale");
so.addVariable("projectID", lsoProjectID);
so.addVariable("minFlashVersion", minFlashVersion);
so.addVariable("debug", "false");
so.addVariable("xmlPath", "/i/rs2/content/xml/week03/Wednesday03/");
so.addVariable("currWeek", "2");
so.addVariable("isIE", isIE);
if (sAnchor) {so.addVariable("link", sAnchor);} // Pass "link" variable into the FlashObject for deeplinking and paramaters

//Add Custom URL Paramaters for Rockstar
if (showVoting) {so.addVariable("voting", showVoting);}
if (episode) {so.addVariable("episode", episode);}


var myVars = so.getVariablePairs(); // a list of all Variable Pairs
var myAtts = so.getAttributePairs(); // a list of all Attribute Pairs


<SCRIPT src=""

<script>if(window.sdd){sHS();}</script><script>window.onunload = Rsn; function Rsn() { = 'notmine';} if(SF('SetupRatings')) SOL(SetupRatings); if(SF('cklnch')) SOL(cklnch); if(SF('chkbb')) SOL(chkbb);</script><span id=clipSpan></span>
Dr. Victor Lehnsherr said:
More specific, okay. It is either here:

Thanks again. But well. Seriously, come on. Please help me. If you can locate the file, or know of a way, please help.
I would PM jaguarr. Of the people I know are around right now, he's the most likely to be able to help you.
Daisy said:
I would PM jaguarr. Of the people I know are around right now, he's the most likely to be able to help you.

Thank you Daisy. :up:

I'll do that rightaway.
The best way to do it would be, go there, download it, play the clip hit record and there you have it one mp3. I would do it but the clips hella long :p no way you can pull the mp3 from the flash file
Yeah, I don't know of any way to rip music from a Flash file unless you have Macromedia Flash installed.
It's all embedded in the flash files, which can be very difficult to get ahold of and even more of a pain in the ass to deconstruct. black_dust's suggestion is your best bet.

black_dust said:
The best way to do it would be, go there, download it, play the clip hit record and there you have it one mp3. I would do it but the clips hella long :p no way you can pull the mp3 from the flash file

IT WORKED. IT WORKED! Thank you very very very much. :D

Thanks to Jag, Drak, and Daisy for their support as well. :)
M.E.H.Z.E.B said:
IT WORKED. IT WORKED! Thank you very very very much. :D
I will Pm the billing information to you for this transaction :p

Drakon you cant even get music from flash files even if you did have Macromedia flash (which i do) the music is stuck in the time line with the rest of the animation the only real way you could get the mp3 is if you have the project work for it...
black_dust said:
Drakon you cant even get music from flash files even if you did have Macromedia flash (which i do) the music is stuck in the time line with the rest of the animation the only real way you could get the mp3 is if you have the project work for it...

Yep. :up: There are a few tricks to rip audio from a flash file but they're iffy in that they don't always work and often damage the audio in the process. black_dust's approach is more friendly to the integrity of the audio you're trying to capture.


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