Heroes TV Guide covers

Aug 28, 2005
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Firstly i haven't seen epi 7 yet so could people please be careful with spoilers in any answers to this-

Is the placement of characters in these covers intentional or just coincidence?

Peter is tied to the HRG/Claire and Elle storyline, and is HRG with Elle?

Where is the male 'wonder' twin in the Sylar pic and why are Monica and Micha there?
Epic covers, yes why are Monica and Micha in the Sylar/Maya cover???
Tim Sale's cover rocks. He should have done them all. I really don't care for the others at all.

Michael Turner just blows. HRG looks like he is 8 feet tall.
The Jim Lee one surprised me, almost didn't recongnize his work without their being a over detailed ripped super hero with chiseled features...
Who did the Nikki one? I know I should know, but I can't figure it out.

And again Michael Turner shows that he's a no-talent hack. :csad:
What the hell is with the last one? That guy is a professional artist?!
Its his style and its great. I also liked Turners cover. I want them ALL.
What the hell is with the last one? That guy is a professional artist?!

That's Tim Sale. Same guy that does the paintings for the show.

His style is very controversial, and I'm honestly not a fan. Some people quite like him though.
Do i take the bloodied hands of nikki/Jessica as a sign that we are really seeing Jessica in S2 rather than Nikki?

Have to say it's kinda hit and miss for me with Tim Sale paintings. Some have been very good, others i've found rather poor.

Matter of taste i guess.
That's Tim Sale. Same guy that does the paintings for the show.

His style is very controversial, and I'm honestly not a fan. Some people quite like him though.

i've liked a lot of the paintings in the show (even if the people hardly look like who they are meant to be). That cover though! look at the facial distortions especially compared to the ones above it looks like its really unskilled
Great covers, love the Hiro and Kensei one.
I wonder why Nikki has blood on her hands?
It took me about 3 glances to figure out that was Peter.
It took me until someone mentioned Peter! Then I had to go back and look through each one, and that...person is the only one who could possibly in any way pass for Peter.
LOL, I can say the same about the last cover.
peter doesnt have the power of pyrokenisis. unless thats the radiation power hes using..
Yeah thats the radiation power he is using.

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