Holy **** I forgot!


<insert witty title>
May 10, 2002
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W00t, yesterday it was my hypebirthday

My account is four years old:O
Gamma Ray said:
You can't even prevent a spelling error for that? :o
I'm Corinthian&#8482;, I'll sing around my web around the world to reverse time like I did with Louis:spidey::confused:
Be nice Gamma, he's getting senile ;)
so . . . that's 365 more days that are just wasted . . . . schweet
Corinthian™ said:
shut your hole, n00b:maD;

see? early signs already showing ;)
Morg said:
see? early signs already showing ;)
I expect to be banned before my 2 year anniversary:(
Well? Ban me Corinthian :p
I am shocked that you didn't get more respect.:confused:
Maybe it was because people like to celebrate ann.s in 5's.*shrug*

Or maybe you should take a look at how anniversaries should really be handled.:o

Nobody cares about "you",...they want to hear about themselves. :o

Whatever, happy 4.
Hope it was as good for you as it was for me.:confused:
Well thats what I had to do in my hypeiversery thread. I thanked many people. And you know how my thread turned out? Oh, you don't want to know (it sucked big time if you were wondering).

Happy Hypeiversery, btw. :)
Batattack said:
Well thats what I had to do in my hypeiversery thread. I thanked many people.

Happy Hypeiversery, btw. :)
uhm... who are you?:confused:
I'm the guy who sits in your living room when your not home.
Batattack said:
I'm the guy who sits in your living room when your not home.
you are not funny, sorry:(

better luck next time...

wow.. four years, eh?

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