The Dark Knight Rises How many times have you seen it?


Lord of the Movie Masters
Jun 24, 2011
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Seen it five times myself. How about you guys?
Saw the movie twice opening weekend. Been debating seeing it a third time but 2 hours and 40 mins is kinda long you know? I really liked the movie and will buy the blu ray day one, but I think I am done with theater viewings.
3 times. I saw it opening day with a few buddies of mine and then the other 2 for the next few weeks with my family
Twice. First time in IMAX, then in a regular theater. I really want to see it again though, but I will wait until the box set.
Five all IMAX. Gunna see it a sixth after watching Battle of Algiers/Metropolis/Doctor Zhivago since I think that would make an interesting viewing experience.

I set a new record for myself and have seen it 6 times! Possibly seeing it again on Monday lol
3 times - enough for me until it comes out on dvd/bluray. by then I'll watch the crap out of it. :D
3 times.

First time in IMAX, second time at a crappy theater near my home, third time at nicer theater but regular sized screen.

I will watch it more if my theaters start putting it on their bigger screens again. They stopped since the Bourne movie came out. I was a day late :(.

Five all IMAX. Gunna see it a sixth after watching Battle of Algiers/Metropolis/Doctor Zhivago since I think that would make an interesting viewing experience.

2 (IMAX and regular) :)
3 times, a new record for me, beating the previous best of 2 set by TDK!
2 Times, I never see a movie in Theaters more than two times.
Once :csad:

My dad still needs to see it, but he wants to save it for next weekend so we can see The Bourne Legacy tomorrow. Or today, I guess, considering it's 1:21 AM here.
I plan on watching it more, I have become nostalgia since this will be the last of Nolan's Batman. I only saw Batman Begins and the Dark Knight once in theaters.
Five, six soon. Once in IMAX.
Twice (1 IMAX and 1 regular).

Wanted to see it as many times as I saw TDK in theaters (4) but I don't think that's going to happen.
Once. I'm still too depressed now to see it twice. I saw BB 7 times and TDK 3 times in theater.
10 times. Which matches my viewing record with TDK. Today I pass that record with 11th time. 8 times in real IMAX. 1 time in LieMAX. Once in regular theater. Today makes 9 in IMAX.

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