The Amazing Spider-Man How Many Times You've Seen ASM?


May 18, 2011
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Hey guys,

So I feel this is kind of an interesting topic to discuss. It's not necessarily focusing on the "I've seen Spider-Man X amount of times" but more so the impression it leaves on you with each viewing.

I'll elucidate...

When I saw The Amazing Spider-Man opening night, I left the theater pretty underwhelmed. It was by no means a bad film. I think there were a lot of variables that came into play with the feelings I had.

Many of us knew nearly 60% of the movie before going in. We scowered the internet for the various clips, trailers, behind the scenes videos, etc. I think this kind of had a negative impact on my enjoyment of the film. Not because I knew what was going to happen, I think I just envisioned it playing out differently is all.

I also think the surreality of Amazing Spider-Man finally being here was another huge factor. It was kind of overwhelming to an extent. We waited nearly five years for another Spider-Man movie. I think it was just a lot to take in.

Also, I was a little cursed going into this film. The Lizard is my number one favorite villain of all time. I've grown up with the character. I know his mythos in and out. When you're a diehard fan, you rarely get to see your character done justice. I think the only exception really is Doctor Octopus in Raimi's Spider-Man 2. The Joker is up there as well but I know a lot of people complain about the various elements Nolan decided to introduce with the character.

Leaving the theater, I felt the Lizard wasn't handled properly. I felt a lot that made the character so enticing was left on the cutting-room floor. It was disheartening. They also had plenty of factors that confused the audience. I.E. his ability to control Lizards, his motivation to change people into Lizards. All ripped straight from the comic pages.

It didn't really seem to fit the grounded tone the movie had in the first forty minutes. That being said, I was really disheartened that I was leaving the theater with mixed emotions. Especially when everyone else leaving the five/six sold out theater screenings couldn't stop raving about how much they loved the film.

I came home after the midnight premier and went to bed with my mixed emotions. I then woke up, decided to get some lunch and go see the movie again that Tuesday. To refrain from dragging this post on I'll just summarize with, I left the theater the second time with how I should have felt after the midnight showing.

I left with a big stupid grin on my face. With the mentality of "THAT is Spider-Man". All the quarrels I had a few hours before vanished. I think having a preconceived notion of what you're about to watch means a world of difference.

You knew what to expect. How the film was going to play out. You had the ability to take it all in and pick up on things that maybe you weren't focusing on a second time. I know a lot of folks who have gone to see The Amazing Spider-Man more than once and have deduced the same conclusion.

That's where this thread comes in. I'm wondering, could it be that maybe one viewing of the film isn't enough? That maybe a lot of people fall into the same fate of expecting something completely different. Thus it ruins the experience because it's not what they envisioned. But going in and seeing it again, with a preconceived notion, they will walk out impressed?

So how have your views on the film changed with each viewing?
I've seen it twice. I loved it even more on my second viewing. I got to absorb the movie a lot more, and appreciate all the little touches along with the bigger ones better.
The midnight show and on Wednesday.

Maybe I'll watch it at least one more time this coming week before TDKR hits, but that's about it until maybe in August or so.
I've seen it twice. I liked it more the first time, but I think it's because I saw it the first time in IMAX 3D, had comfortable seats, and easy access to popcorn and soda because I bought some. 2nd time I saw it in 2d, the seats made my back hurt, no food or drink, and I was kind of tired.

I'll see what I think about it when I get it on Blu-ray.
I had the same good but not good enough feeling when I left the theater. I thought I had seen an above average film that had parts that were excellent and others that I didn't like.

I also thought following this film so closely contributed to my mixed feelings. I was more hyped for this than TDKR so maybe my expectations were a little too high.

Right now I'm trying to decide to watch this again or Ted lol.
Hadn't seen a movie in the cinema in four years.

Seen this twice in five days
3 so far, got better each time and I think I'm done though lol. I won't see it again unless someone pays for me or until the blu ray hits
Twice so far. I haven't seen it in 3D, so I should give that a shot. Probably won't see it more than that.
5 times? How do yall do it? Lol I've never seen a movie more than twice in a theater.

But I think I'm gonna give ASM another go this week and watch Ted next week before TDKR.
Discretionary income and free time Blanco
Seen it twice in cinema. First film i've done that with since The Dark Knight.

Enjoyed it equally as much on first and second veiwing. Maybe a bit more on second viewing because I knew which bits I was looking forward too.

Definitely want to see it more as well. If I had the money and access to a decent cinema all the time, i'd probably have seen it every day since its been out lol.
i have seen it twice, and i was able to enjoy it more the 2nd time because i got to appreciate alot more about it and really look at the visual details
Once. Y'all making me feel bad. I won't see it again til its Blu-Ray release.
Well obviously I saw the trailers, but apart from that I stayed well clear of any footage, so I went in surprised. As of 9th July 2012 lol, I've seen it twice.

The first time I saw it in IMAX 3D, was on the backrow, excellent seats, plus with my girlfriend to boot lol. I was blown away, absolutely loved it.

I watched it on Saturday with my best mate and another friend. The enjoyment was high still, but was slightly reduced only because it was in a standard cinema, so all the scope (e.g. screen size, volume) was smaller. It was like when I watched The Avengers in IMAX and standard, there is a HUGE difference in sound (e.g. the battle scenes).

It didn't help that he was asking me lots of questions at the end either, and comparing it to The Avengers lol. He said "that film was a B, but the credit scene made it a B-. Also it wasn't as good as The Avengers" and I told him that you should compare it with the other Spider-Man films instead, as (in my opinion) obviously Avengers was better.

THEN he said "I don't get it, what was so different about this film and the first lot of films?":doh: THEN I had to explain to him about what was different. Little things like that just annoy me, I was like "really? Did you see the Lizard in the first series? Did you see Peter's parents?" My girlfriend just came out of it, didn't ask any questions like that, apart from "What did you think" lol
Hey guys,

So I feel this is kind of an interesting topic to discuss. It's not necessarily focusing on the "I've seen Spider-Man X amount of times" but more so the impression it leaves on you with each viewing.

I'll elucidate...

When I saw The Amazing Spider-Man opening night, I left the theater pretty underwhelmed. It was by no means a bad film. I think there were a lot of variables that came into play with the feelings I had.

Many of us knew nearly 60% of the movie before going in. We scowered the internet for the various clips, trailers, behind the scenes videos, etc. I think this kind of had a negative impact on my enjoyment of the film. Not because I knew what was going to happen, I think I just envisioned it playing out differently is all.

I also think the surreality of Amazing Spider-Man finally being here was another huge factor. It was kind of overwhelming to an extent. We waited nearly five years for another Spider-Man movie. I think it was just a lot to take in.

Also, I was a little cursed going into this film. The Lizard is my number one favorite villain of all time. I've grown up with the character. I know his mythos in and out. When you're a diehard fan, you rarely get to see your character done justice. I think the only exception really is Doctor Octopus in Raimi's Spider-Man 2. The Joker is up there as well but I know a lot of people complain about the various elements Nolan decided to introduce with the character.

Leaving the theater, I felt the Lizard wasn't handled properly. I felt a lot that made the character so enticing was left on the cutting-room floor. It was disheartening. They also had plenty of factors that confused the audience. I.E. his ability to control Lizards, his motivation to change people into Lizards. All ripped straight from the comic pages.

It didn't really seem to fit the grounded tone the movie had in the first forty minutes. That being said, I was really disheartened that I was leaving the theater with mixed emotions. Especially when everyone else leaving the five/six sold out theater screenings couldn't stop raving about how much they loved the film.

I came home after the midnight premier and went to bed with my mixed emotions. I then woke up, decided to get some lunch and go see the movie again that Tuesday. To refrain from dragging this post on I'll just summarize with, I left the theater the second time with how I should have felt after the midnight showing.

I left with a big stupid grin on my face. With the mentality of "THAT is Spider-Man". All the quarrels I had a few hours before vanished. I think having a preconceived notion of what you're about to watch means a world of difference.

You knew what to expect. How the film was going to play out. You had the ability to take it all in and pick up on things that maybe you weren't focusing on a second time. I know a lot of folks who have gone to see The Amazing Spider-Man more than once and have deduced the same conclusion.

That's where this thread comes in. I'm wondering, could it be that maybe one viewing of the film isn't enough? That maybe a lot of people fall into the same fate of expecting something completely different. Thus it ruins the experience because it's not what they envisioned. But going in and seeing it again, with a preconceived notion, they will walk out impressed?

So how have your views on the film changed with each viewing?

Dude, literally word for word the EXACT same experience I had. It was like night and day between the first and 2nd viewings. Was very meh at the midnight premiere, and was absolutely immersed and blown away throughout and after the second viewing. I just got back from my 3rd and plan on seeing it 1 or maybe 2 more times. My jaw was dropped reading your entire post cause everything you said and the stages you went through were identical to me

Idk if this is uncommon or even possible, but I honestly believe many critics will change their opinions after seeing it another time if they've only seen it once. I think this movie, especially being a reboot, DEMANDS a second viewing. The first just to see the bare bones events and structure of the movie, and just how everything will actually play out, and a second to actually take it in, appreciate and understand the importance and relativity of everything that happens

There are very few movies I've ever seen that have gotten me as invested in the charaters as this movie did. Brilliant stuff
Once. Y'all making me feel bad. I won't see it again til its Blu-Ray release.

That's usually what I do but this is the exception, I've seen it twice now. First time I've seen a movie twice in theaters in years.
I've seen ASM twice so far (will probably end up seeing it again soon).

The first time I saw it, I went in prepared to be disappointed. I ended up really enjoying and went to see it again a few days later and enjoyed it even more.

I think it's definitely a movie that you need to see more than once to really appreciate- there were loads of things I didn't really notice the first time, like character nuances and the great visual effects.
I'm hoping to make it a hat-trick within the next 2 weeks, then maybe a quad.
Never seen a film at the cinema 4 times before, would be a personal best lol
I've seen ASM twice so far (will probably end up seeing it again soon).

The first time I saw it, I went in prepared to be disappointed. I ended up really enjoying and went to see it again a few days later and enjoyed it even more.

I think it's definitely a movie that you need to see more than once to really appreciate- there were loads of things I didn't really notice the first time, like character nuances and the great visual effects.

Welcome to the hype, it's nice to get more fans posting :yay:
Saw last Tuesday with my family, saw it again Friday with my grandmother. The crowd seemed more into it that time. Both in RealD 3D. Seeing it for a 3rd time with my friends on Tuesday in IMAX 3D. Then I have the 2 free tickets from the game and a 3D ticket upgrade.
Ive seen it twice and I already have plans to see it a Third and Fourth time :D

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